Chapter 259
Mr. Li's kind face made Bai Qi happy, and he immediately said with admiration. "Li Huan, Mr. Li, the king of the gods, everyone knows who doesn't know, but he has long been yearning for it."

Bai Qi was a little proud, but he had spent a lot of money to inquire about it, and now it was finally not in vain.

According to Oscar, more than 970 people came this time, which undoubtedly reduced his target. Bai Qi paid a lot of money to inquire about this area.

Within half a day, he knew the information of these people like the palm of his hand. Just now Liu Yan called him Mr. Li, and Bai Qi was very excited. Now he finally confirmed Li Huan's true identity.

"God really treats me kindly!" This was his deepest thought.

But on the other hand, Li Huan was very upset. Before coming here, he deliberately confessed that he wanted to hide his identity. He didn't expect that he would be told so openly in such a public right after he showed up.

Li Huan was very upset. He came here with a mission this time, and being invited was just a cover-up of his identity. He wanted to keep a low profile, but he didn't expect the plan to be shattered now.

As soon as he thought of this, he looked at Liu Yan with an unfriendly expression, and asked him to give an explanation. Not many people knew his identity, and he even explained it on purpose, but in the end, things went wrong. Naturally, he wanted to find out the source of everything of.

Liu Yan panicked, not daring to hesitate at all. "Mr. Li, I can assure you that your identity has not been revealed. This Bai Qi must be secretly investigating you."


In just an instant, Bai Qi's face changed, the joy on his face disappeared, and he felt that he was not well.

Seeing this posture, he seemed to be in trouble. Li Huan planned to hide his real identity, but he happened to break through. Not only did he not flatter him, but he offended him first.Immediately, he was very anxious and panicked for a while, not knowing what to do.

As for the others, their faces were also very exciting. They were shocked when they learned that Li Huan was on the list of god kings, then they were a little depressed by Bai Qi's brilliant performance, and now they gloated at Bai Qi's bad luck.

All of them suppressed smiles on their faces, looking at the cocooned Bai Qi, waiting to see his jokes.

Sure enough, as they expected, Liu Yan directly attacked and shouted. "Bai Qi, what is your intention to secretly inquire about Mr. Li's identity, what kind of conspiracy are you playing?"


Bai Qi's heart was pounding uncontrollably, even a dull person could understand the situation at this moment. "City Lord, I... I didn't mean it, and I didn't know it would be like this."

Bai Qi wanted to cry, but he didn't think that he would do bad things with good intentions. Not only did he fail to make friends with Li Huan, but he offended him. Looking at the situation, he had caused a catastrophe.

Liu Yan stared fiercely at Bai Qi, but he had other thoughts in his heart.Looking at the current situation, Li Huan really intends to conceal his identity, so he must not let Li Huan know about what he told Tang San earlier.

Liu Yan took another step forward, and he must not let Bai Qi continue talking, otherwise he would inevitably reveal himself, and the situation would be bad for him.

Gathering strength in the palm of Liu Yan, he attacked Bai Qi Tianling directly, and was already planning to kill him. This might seem a bit abrupt to make others suspect, but compared to Li Huan knowing that his news had been revealed long ago, Liu Yan couldn't care less about it.

The strong wind howled, seeing that Nuo Da's palm was about to fall on Bai Qi's head, under such surging force, if the palm hit, Bai Qi would surely die.

Feeling the crisis of many souls in front of him, Bai Qi's pupils shrank suddenly. When life and death came, he thought a lot at this moment. He never thought that he would lose his life because of one of his mistakes. With a hint of remorse.


Liu Yan's palm, which was close at hand, stopped abruptly, and landed less than an inch from Bai Qi's forehead. The wind from his palm whistled, making his long hair flutter.

Tick ​​~

Cold sweat dripped from Bai Qi's forehead and fell to the ground, his eyes were full of fear, and it was only a tiny bit short of his own life.He turned his head to look at Li Huan, his eyes were full of gratitude.

That's right!

It was Li Huan who said that just now, but when he saw clearly the indifference in Li Huan's eyes and the vague killing intent in Beijing, Bai Qigang raised his let-down heart again.

Liu Yan: "Mr. Li, I don't know what you are?"

Bai Qi said without any fireworks. "City Master Liu kindly accepts it, but let me handle this matter, so I won't bother you to do it yourself."

Liu Yan stopped and stood aside instead. Although he wished to kill Bai Qi immediately to keep his secret, but now that Li Huan had spoken, Liu Yan would not be able to embarrass him.

He dare not gamble!

"Bai Qi, right? I don't know what your purpose is, so it's impossible to just forget about your revealing your identity today, but I'm not the kind of arrogant and unreasonable person. How about it, I'll give you three days The preparation time, I will make a move in three days, and we will calculate the account again."

Li Huan looked business-like, and his eyes were full of seriousness, not half-joking.

But everyone knows that this is a kind of contempt, unscrupulous contempt.

The meaning of this sentence is: I will give you three days, whether you run away or find a helper, the final outcome will not change anyway, and you will still die by my hands in the end.

"Young Master Li?"

Bai Qi was flustered, and as soon as he opened his mouth to say something, Liu Yan arranged for someone to throw him out, even the people who brought them with him from the Bai family.

Turning around, Liu Yan said to everyone with a somewhat apologetic face. "Liu's reception was not good today, please don't mind, I hope you all have a good time..."

Bai Qi staggered away from the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, his face was completely pale, this time he really caused a catastrophe.

"Master Bai Qi, what should we do?"

Facing the questioning, Bai Qi forcibly stabilized his mind. "Go back immediately!"

He didn't talk nonsense, the matter was so important that he couldn't afford to delay in the slightest, although Li Huan said that it was given three days, but who knew if it was used by him to confuse himself.

But there is one thing he can be sure of. People like Li Huan care about face the most, and since they said it, they will definitely do it. Thinking of this, Bai Qi's face turns ashamed.

If God gave him another chance, Bai Qi believed that he would not be so reckless, but there is no medicine for regret in the world, since the mistake has already been made, he can only find a way to make up for it.

"But, is it really useful?" Bai Qi asked in despair.

This is the biggest crisis he has ever faced, even more serious than before, so serious that he no longer has any hope in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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