Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 267 The grand occasion

Chapter 267 The grand occasion
Zhao Wou-ki is not a troublesome person, after saying a few words, this time the martial arts contest officially started.

"Okay! Next is your stage, I won't talk nonsense here, this time the martial arts competition has officially started!"

Such straightforwardness made everyone in the audience stunned for a short while, but then roaring cheers erupted.

Obviously, they couldn't wait any longer. Although it came abruptly, it didn't affect their enthusiasm.

Amidst the cheering crowd, Zao Wou-ki sat on the stand again, at this moment Tang San came out. "Everyone, anyone who wants to compete for this spot today can stand on this stage, no matter what your background is, no matter what background you have, today we will do it for you."

"Stand up! Stand up under the eyes of everyone, successfully stand in this arena, and stand at the end, you are the winner."

"What are you waiting for……"

These few words of Tang San are extremely provocative, what do these people who have cultivated all their lives want most?
There may be, but not all of them. There are a large number of people who are more interested in their own fame. This is a stage for fame, and such people should not be missed.

Maybe what I said is a little utilitarian, but it cannot be denied that this is the truth.Not everyone can face these things indifferently, they have pursuits in their whole life.These people are not noble, they only live for their own vanity, and they are obsessed with this road.

In other words, all people in this world have their own obsessions, but this obsession accounts for the majority. Some people practice for powerful power, while others practice to gain wealth, dominate others, and control their own destiny. More or less and good and evil.


They always have a pursuit, always have a purpose, this is obsession.

If the lively crowd just now was just a pot of hot oil, then Tang San's words were like dropping a drop of water into the pot, and it boiled instantly.

" could such a good opportunity be missing me?" A man smiled boldly, jumped up from the crowd, and flew onto the ring.

"I'm Chen Hao, who would like to give me advice?"

The young man was high-spirited, accepting everyone's gaze calmly, his face flushed with excitement, and even his chest stood up unconsciously.

This confident look made people secretly scream out loud after seeing it.

"He's really a good boy!"

As the saying goes, when someone starts, countless people will follow.

Is this not?

Except for a very small number of people in the crowd who could hold their breath, some others were already ready to move, with eager expressions on their faces.

Without waiting too long, another person also stood up, tapped the shoulders of a few people, and flew briskly onto the ring. "Wang Yangte came to understand Your Excellency's brilliant move!"

Since it is a martial arts competition to recruit apprentices, there must be rules, and it cannot be a life-and-death fight. In that case, it is better to recruit a group of vicious villains.

Above the arena, there is a god king deacon of the Thousand Emperors Palace, but his main job now is to referee.

Generally speaking, there are always different levels for recruiting disciples, but this time Qiandi Palace came to a maverick, because they only recruited disciples of god kings.

It is precisely because of this reason that it caused a great sensation in a short period of time. Such a harsh requirement became known to everyone, and this was the effect Zhang Dabiao and the others wanted.

The Thousand Emperors Hall is not on a firm footing right now, and the only way to gain a reputation as soon as possible is to let these ordinary people know of their existence. Only by doing this can the Thousand Emperors Hall gain a firm foothold in the God Realm.

Chen Hao and Wang Yang hugged each other, the referee stepped back and stood on the edge of the ring, and the contest officially started.

This battle was not just a fight, the two circled around for a while, carefully observing their opponents.

The people on stage couldn't take their eyes off it. Most of them came to watch the fun. They haven't reached the God King, haven't eaten pork, haven't they seen pigs running?
They were not in a hurry either, they stared intently at the arena, to be precise, at the two people on the arena.

This effort was actually not long, it was only a dozen or so breaths, and Chen Hao took the lead in attacking.

He suddenly stretched out one hand, and went straight to Wang Yang's face. The distance between the two was only a few meters, but he quickly approached with his swift steps.

Wang Yang was clearly prepared and didn't panic at all. He dodged the blow sideways and made Chen Hao's attack miss.

Seeing that he hadn't built an inch of power with one blow, Chen Hao was not in a hurry. After stopping his heels, he changed his next move and rushed forward.

Speaking of which, the relationship between the two is only a temporary trial, and they will not rush to use their full strength before they have figured out the depth of the opponent. Shipwrecked in the big gutter.

In fact, any battle is like this. Everyone first makes a wave of temptations, you come and go, and then after finding out the opponent, the battle ends with lightning speed.

In some battles, it is said that hundreds of moves are fought, but in fact it is only a few key moves that really make merit. As for the others, they are all fake, which is common sense.

Even so, most people still watched it with great interest. The attacks launched by the two god kings to test each other were already very powerful, and they were naturally not to be missed.

And some people who want to go on stage are careful observation, these two people may be met by myself, first find out their bottom, and save a little effort later.

Chen Hao's forceful and heavy legs failed again, and he hit the ground fiercely, causing the whole ground to tremble slightly, but the arena was very strong, and there was no damage at all.

Seeing that he lost again, Chen Hao was a little impatient. This battle has entered a fierce stage, and every move and style cannot be ignored. He is at a disadvantage at this time. If he doesn't quickly get back a round, it is obviously lost. deal.

With a sudden breath, Chen Hao ejected from the ground and jumped into the air. This is a dangerous action. It is well known that people cannot use strength when they are in the air, so it happens to be the time when he is most vulnerable.

Chen Hao wasn't aimless, this Wang Yang's movements were too quick, but he seemed a bit clumsy in comparison, and he had already used up a lot of energy after launching a few swift attacks, if he didn't use his brain, he would definitely lose of.

As the so-called wealth and wealth are sought in danger, Chen Hao made this decision with a ruthless heart, taking a huge risk to seduce Wang Yang into the bait.

Now it depends on whether he will give up such a great opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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