Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 269 An Unfriendly Start

Chapter 269 An Unfriendly Start
The arena competition is going on in full swing here, and the other side is also very lively.

In a large hall of the Imperial Palace of Canghao City, at this moment, two groups of people were facing each other, the atmosphere was tense, and the air seemed to be filled with fire and sparks were splashing.

On the one hand, led by the Palace of Thousand Emperors, and on the other hand, led by the forces of the Southern Region, they faced each other in awe, and there was a stance that they would fight if they disagreed.

Since entering this hall, the two sides have fallen into this stormy atmosphere. Speaking of which, they haven't said a word yet, and it's inexplicable that they are now like this.

The highest level of cultivation in this hall is that of the God Empress, and they are representatives of various forces who came to discuss matters. Of course, it is not that there are no God Emperors, but obviously they are not here, but Yao Jingxiao received them in another place.

There is nothing wrong with this actually. If these god emperors were to lower their identities and get together with these god emperors, it would be a matter of offending them. In order to avoid such misunderstandings, they split up.

However, in fact, there is still a god emperor here, that is Huang Dinglong of the Great Sun Holy Land, and his position is extremely far behind.

Huang Dinglong was very flustered at this time, not because he was underestimated, sitting in such a position, he was actually a little frightened. Speaking of coming here today, they are the weakest in the Great Sun Holy Land, which made him a little restless .

"Kongming Mountain, Bulaoya, Wanxianzhuang, War God Temple, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana School, Piaomiao Pavilion..."

Huang Dinglong's eyes almost widened. These are all well-known and powerful forces. Although he has the highest cultivation level among these people, Huang Dinglong still dare not make a sound at this moment.

"My darling, the top forces in the entire southern region are here, how can this Thousand Emperor Palace have such a big face?"

Looking around the audience, the Great Sun Holy Land, which belongs to him, is the weakest. The forces mentioned above are all giants. To deal with him first is as simple as drinking water and eating. Huang Dinglong really panicked this time.

At the beginning, he was still hesitating whether to come to Qiandi Hall in person, but he was also a god emperor, so it seemed a bit embarrassing.

Who would have thought that the relationship was protracted by himself, and even these forces were mobilized. If he did not come in person, it would be the greatest sin.

Huang Dinglong muttered to himself. "It seems that the Palace of Thousand Emperors is really not easy. Even these people have to come to the door. You must not offend them in the future."

The Palace of Thousand Emperors sent greetings to the entire southern region. Huang Dinglong knew about it, but even though he couldn't think about it, he didn't expect so many people to come to the appointment, and they were not ordinary people. Now that all of them are here, the Thousand Emperors Palace will lose face?
Huang Dinglong could imagine those second-rate forces who were absent. If they knew the situation today, they would all regret it to death.

Even such a big boss has come forward, these people are still reserved, they really don't know how to write dead words, they think they are stronger than these few people.

Thinking of this, Huang Dinglong couldn't help but rejoice in his luck. "It's okay, it's okay... I got up on a whim, otherwise something big will happen."

Ignoring him, Zhang Dabiao, who was sitting on the chief seat, was also in a turbulent mood. Looking at the representatives of so many forces, he felt a sense of pride rising in his chest. It was indeed beyond his expectation that so many people came. Emperor Palace offended so many people, not many people will be present.

But he didn't expect that the people who came far exceeded his expectations. Although some of them were unhappy, Zhang Dabiao didn't care at all.Now Qiandidian is different from the past. The arrival of Yu Xiaogang and the others has instantly increased the strength of Qiandidian.Leaving aside other things for the time being, Zhang Dabiao is confident that with the strength of the Thousand Emperors Hall, everyone in this hall will be dealt with without fail.

Can they make waves on their own territory?
As a master, Zhang Dabiao naturally has to look like a master, I saw him smiling politely, like a spring breeze.

"Everyone has come from afar, and our Thousand Emperor Palace welcomes you very much. This time, there is nothing important to ask you to come here. I just want to inform you that my Thousand Emperor Palace will take root in the Southern Region!"

What is domineering?

This is domineering!
What Zhang Dabiao said is to say: I am not looking for you to discuss, I just inform you, and let you come to witness by the way.

The arrogance of these words filled the faces of all the people present at the Qiandi Palace, feeling that there was something missing from the domineering side.

"Our Qiandi Palace is like this, even if all of you are up there." This is the voice of most people.

The Thousand Emperors Palace is naturally happy, but the other guests who are guests don't like hearing it, so they don't take them seriously when it's clear.

When he first came to the God Realm, there were quite a few forces that had feuds with the Palace of Thousand Emperors, but the purpose of coming this time was obviously to find trouble.

Isn't it?As soon as Zhang Dabiao's words fell, there were immediately objections.

"Zhang Dabiao, what do you mean by this? Be more polite. Could it be that you want to be an enemy of my entire southern region?"

Zhang Dabiao was very concerned, with a faint smile on his face. "Old tortoise, it looks like your injury is healed, otherwise you wouldn't be jumping like this. What? Do you still want to have some ribs broken by me?"

Huang Dinglong, who was sitting at the end, was surprised because he knew the person who stood up.

This person is Feng Wuxie, the current palace lord of Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace, whose strength is unfathomable, and he is an existence who is famous on the list of gods and emperors. Back then, Huang Dinglong had heard that Xiaoqian Emperor Palace had fought with Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace. At that time, he thought that the rumors were not credible, but the posture in front of him seemed to be true!

Huang Dinglong was secretly shocked. Although the Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace is not the top group of forces and cannot be compared with the overlord level forces like Kong Mingshan, it is definitely at the forefront, but Zhang Dabiao dared to be so friendly with Feng Wuxie Speaking, and listening to his tone, Feng Wuxie seemed to have been injured by Zhang Dabiao.

Huang Dinglong felt his heart pounding, almost jumping out of his throat. "This guy named Zhang Dabiao is too fierce!"

Shocked by both Zhang Dabiao's boldness and his strength, Huang Dinglong didn't even know how to describe how profound and unpredictable the Thousand Emperors Palace was.

How embarrassing it is to be scolded as an old turtle, and in public like this!

Feng Wuxie, who was the master of the sect, blew up on the spot, and stretched out a hand to point at Zhang Dabiao angrily. "Don't be complacent, you fellow, all the hard-to-find people gathered here today, and you can't allow yourself to be so presumptuous."

(End of this chapter)

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