Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 272 Under Yu Xiaogang's Wrist

Chapter 272 Under Yu Xiaogang's Wrist

What is persuasion with what reason?
This makes it clear that it depends on whether you are sincere, and what price do you plan to pay?
As long as the sincerity is enough, then this matter will happen naturally, if the sincerity is not enough, hehe...

These people make it clear that they want to reach out to take advantage of it, just like paying a share of money to satisfy everyone.

Yu Xiaogang sneered in his heart, secretly thinking that these people had a good plan, although he disdainful in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, he just said it to himself. "Hey! My Thousand Emperor Palace didn't intend to persuade everyone. I didn't make it clear before and let everyone misunderstand!"

"I repeat again, this time I'm not discussing with you, but just informing you."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of these people changed and the atmosphere of the scene changed drastically. If it was a warm spring breeze before, then this moment is a harsh winter.

The faces of the representatives of various forces turned down sharply, and even Piao Miao Pavilion, who wanted to be a good old man, couldn't help but turn dark. The man forced a smile just now. "Ahem... are you really planning this?"

This sounds like asking a question, but in fact it is already questioning and condemning. The secret meaning is to ask Yu Xiaogang to pay attention to his words and deeds, and not to go too far, otherwise they will not be able to come to the stage, so don't think about it.

Everyone stared at Yu Xiaogang with gloomy faces, trying to force him to bow his head with the threat of everyone, but their calculations were going to fail after all, how could Yu Xiaogang be afraid of threats from others?

He took a sip of tea for himself unhurriedly, without showing any face to everyone. If such a person could still endure, then his next sentence would irritate everyone.

"With all due respect, our Qiandi Palace may not be too strong, but we still have the guts to fight against the entire Southern Territory!"

The scene can be heard immediately, but the words are really shocking and endless!

All of a sudden, like a stone stirring up a thousand waves, someone immediately shouted. "But it's really brave. I'd like to see how many days your Qiandi Palace can dance with him."

Someone started, and the rest followed suit, and began to verbally criticize.

"It's really beyond your control. More than ten years ago, you were beaten up and ran away, and you were let off on a whim. I didn't expect that instead of repenting, you would get worse. It's really not a pity to die."

"Well said! Don't even look at how many catties you have, but dare to talk nonsense here. Do you really think that no one can cure you?"

"It's so arrogant, it's really a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, do you think the strength of the Southern Territory can be shaken by your own strength?"

"Hmph! I don't know what to say..."

At this moment, the Palace of Thousand Emperors seemed to have become a rat crossing the street that everyone shouted and beaten, and Yu Xiaogang seemed to have become a vicious bandit, who was spurned by everyone.

I scolded and scolded these people, but no one did anything?

It's a joke, this is their home base, and the rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry. If you push them into a hurry, it's hard to guarantee that these people will do some crazy things regardless, and the situation of yourself and others will be in danger.

Among the crowd, Feng Wuxiu of Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace was overjoyed, and couldn't help but give Yu Xiaogang a thumbs up, gloating about his misfortune. "Haha... This is the first time this old man has seen someone who is looking for death, you Qiandidian really have courage!"

Facing the abuse from so many people, Yu Xiaogang remained calm, as if the person who was speaking was not him, and endured the abuse from these people like this, and it took a full half an hour before the shouting stopped.

It's not that they lost their temper, the resentment in their hearts is stronger now than before, but no matter how ugly they say, they just don't care about them.

It felt like a punch had been punched in the cotton. It really made people feel aggrieved. They didn't accept the trick at all, and no matter what they did, it would be a waste of effort. After figuring this out, they stopped.

"Hehe..." These people stopped, so naturally it was time for Yu Xiaogang to play. "The Palace of Thousand Emperors naturally doesn't have the strength to fight against the entire Southern Territory."

Just when everyone thought he was going to give in, that Yu Xiaogang's voice changed again. "However, if we only target one or two of them, the effect will be different."

As soon as these words came out, those small sects and sects felt a chill down their spines. No one doubted what he said. If the Thousand Emperors Hall wanted to find trouble with another force, with the strength of a quarter of the forces in the Southern Territory, it is estimated that there would be no one. People can bear it.

The faces of these small sects changed when they saw Yu Xiaogang, especially Feng Wuxiu from the Jade Cauldron Immortal Palace. Yes, even just now, I was confronting this group of people tit for tat.


These people all cursed inwardly, for they were able to come up with such a poisonous plan, plus they were reckless in order to achieve their goals, even if they themselves were smashed to pieces, the person who could come up with such a plan, Deng Zhenzhen, is an out-and-out lunatic!
Not everyone is the same as them. People like Kongming Mountain, Bulaoya, Wanxianzhuang, War God Temple, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana Sect, and Piaomiao Pavilion are different.

A person from the Temple of War God stood up and said with disdain. "Just relying on your mere Qiandi Palace, you want to control us. I don't know where your confidence comes from, just relying on that Yao Jingxiao in the late stage of God Emperor?"

The man had a disdainful smile on his face. "Hehe... I admit that he has some abilities. It's really great to be able to fight three against one, but it doesn't mean that we don't have such a person. It's really ignorant to fight with a group of trash, huh! I really annoyed us , our Temple of War God alone can crush you to death with one hand."

Like a life-saving straw, some people who were flustered just now quieted down.


The sky fell and there was a tall man standing on top of it. It wasn't just them who offended Qiandidian. Several overlord-level forces stronger than themselves were offended. Now should be the time to see the jokes of Qiandidian.

The atmosphere at the scene was particularly tense, and it felt like a harbinger of a storm coming. It only needed a thunderstorm to blow everything up. Everyone held their breath and looked at Yu Xiaogang, or everyone in Qiandi Palace.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Yu Xiaogang laughed out loud. "You don't think that for more than ten years, my Thousand Emperor Palace has been huddled here, doing nothing."

Everyone was shocked, could it be that he still has some hole cards?
Yes, it must be so.Otherwise, how dare he utter such wild words.

Yu Xiaogang: "My disciples from the Qiandi Palace have already spread all over the southern region. Let alone other things, you young children who go out don't want to be safe. You should be extra worried when you are walking outside!"


They couldn't find any other words to describe it other than this word. How could they have the nerve to expose this lowly trick?
Before these people could attack, Yu Xiaogang dropped another bomb.

I saw him pointing at the person who spoke just now, his eyes were as colorless as looking at ants, full of indifference. "A God of War Temple can't satisfy the appetite of my Thousand Emperor Hall, and you don't have such good teeth yet."

"Although I don't know what kind of strength your God of War Temple has, it's not much stronger, and the others are similar. Otherwise, why is the Southern Territory the weakest region in the God's Territory?"

Yu Xiaogang stretched out his palm, and his five fingers spread out. "Our Palace of Thousand Emperors is not as weak as you think. We have five god emperors in the Southern Region..."

Everyone was suffocated, and the amount of information in this sentence was obviously a bit large.

There are five god emperors in the Southern Region, which means there are more in other places.How sacred is this Thousand Emperors Palace?How can it be hidden so deep?
Before they could sort out their thoughts, Yu Xiaogang spoke again. "Even if you go together, if you want to win this match first, it will hurt your muscles and bones. I will see if people from other regions will come to intervene..."

(End of this chapter)

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