Chapter 277

With a knife in hand, I have the world.

After sacrificing his Martial Soul, Lin Zixiu's situation has been greatly improved. The main reason is that he will cut anyone who can get close to him with his sword.

He used a fist just now, this punch will at most hit some flesh, plus it failed to hit the vital point, it will only make these soul beasts hurt a bit, but it will not have much impact in reality, after a while , These soul beasts can participate in the battle again.

And what about him?
The power of punching again and again made it weaker and weaker, but it failed to cause any substantial damage to the spirit beasts. Under this kind of ebb and flow, Lin Zixiu's advantage quickly disappeared, making these spirit beasts I couldn't breathe.

But now it's different, Lin Zixiu took out his Martial Soul Chiyun Saber, it really saw blood, as if a bloody massacre had started, the valued soul beast had to howl and dodge, and there was no such thing as before They were fierce, and their attacks became less frequent and powerful, and some simply ran away.

However, there are pros and cons to everything, but a few soul beasts were slashed by Lin Zixiu's Chiyun Saber, and the blood was continuously flowing from the wounds. This not only did not make them back down, but aroused the hearts of these beasts. ferocity.

These soul beasts went berserk and launched an offensive recklessly. Lin Zixiu was a little bit overwhelmed by this kind of all-out effort, and could only swing his knife to protect himself.

At this time, he can only defend passively, and can't do other actions at all, because as long as he wants to attack back, it will definitely give other spirit beasts a chance.

swipe swipe~
A series of attacks hit the back of the Chiyun knife, shaking Lin Zixiu back again and again, the hand holding the knife was a little numb, and his body was trembling, obviously he had reached his limit.

Lin Zixiu gritted his teeth. He knew he couldn't let go of this breath. If he had any intention of retreating in this situation, the situation would turn around a few times. Now he can hold on, but as long as he has the will to give up Thoughts, you will give in again and again, and the final result is a crushing defeat.

Although he knew in his heart that it was impossible for Chen Feng to just sit idly by, and he would definitely help him when it really came to a critical moment.


Lin Zixiu also had a ruthless heart in his heart, he didn't want to be so useless, he wanted to prove himself.

With a tiger in his heart, Lin Zixiu relied on his tenacious will to hold on. Although his footsteps had begun to falter, he still focused his attention on observing these spirit beasts, hoping to find a chance or a flaw to turn defeat into victory, because He knew in his heart that if he continued like this, he might not last long.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a way to break the game as soon as possible, and he will undoubtedly lose if he drags on like this.

Looking at Lin Zixiu, who was calm but not calm, Chen Feng on the branch couldn't help but nodded. He was able to deal with it calmly under such circumstances. Lin Zixiu was a pretty good boy.

"This kid is a talent to make, as long as he cultivates a little bit, he can still achieve a lot."

Chen Feng was satisfied with his performance, but he couldn't let go of his mouth. He was still watching from the tree. He wanted to see where Lin Zixiu's limit was, and how far this kid could go.

"Hey... little apprentice, let me see if you can bring me some surprises..."

On the field, there were only three or five soul beasts that were still attacking Lin Zixiu violently, the others either died on the spot or were beaten away.

These soul beasts attacked fiercely, coupled with the continuous bleeding from the wounds on their bodies, the offensive became weaker and weaker, and their physical strength had already appeared, and the attacks were not so fast and intensive.


Lin Zixiu lit up excitedly, he had been passively beaten just now, didn't he just have this kind of thought in mind, now these spirit beasts are almost exhausted, this can be judged from the strength of their attacks, and he has been waiting for work at leisure , still has a great advantage in comparison.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, and when the enemy is tired, we disturb.

At this time, isn't it the opportunity to launch a counterattack?

Thinking of this, Lin Zixiu slammed to the right side, avoiding a pounced spirit beast, and then raised the Chiyun Saber with his right hand, and the light of the saber flashed across.

The soul beast snapped into two knots at the sound, and blood sprayed on Lin Zixiu's face, looking extremely disgusting.

The remaining three soul beasts were already red-eyed. At this time, they didn't care about fear at all. Stimulated by the smell of blood, they all rushed forward. Lin Zixiu was not afraid, and rushed forward with his knife.

However, he is not the kind of reckless person. He is clear about how much he weighs. If he really wants to choose the hard steel on the front, he may be able to kill the two ends, but the speed is not so fast. If he really wants to do that, then the first The three soul beasts will definitely teach him a painful lesson.So in this battle, Lin Zixiu had to use his brain.

His forward body suddenly bent downwards, his knees pressed against the ground and he slid forward, his wrists vigorously raised the Chiyun Saber vertically above his head, and he swiped straight out.

On top of his head, a spirit beast brushed past him, but it was a pity that when the spirit beast landed on the ground, a gash had already been cut in its lower body, its internal organs scattered all over the floor, and blood flowed down desperately. Before he had time to struggle, his body collapsed to the ground.

Lin Zixiu took advantage of the victory to pursue, flicked the Chiyun Saber with his wrist and flew towards another soul beast. The poor soul beast just stopped when he was stabbed viciously from his waist by a knife. His body was sent flying by the force, and it landed directly on a tree trunk. After struggling for a while, the soul beast finally turned into a cold corpse.


Lin Zixiu turned over quickly, hugged the waist of the remaining soul beast, leaned back suddenly, and immediately hugged and fell, making the soul beast's head come into intimate contact with the ground.

With a click, the huge force instantly twisted his neck, directly ruining its life.

After dispelling all the dangers, Lin Zixiu was finally unable to hold on, and turned into a pool of mud and collapsed on the ground, not even bothering to move his fingers.

"Hoo hoo ~ ~ ~ hoo hoo..."

He was panting heavily, feeling tightness in his chest, and bursts of tearing sensations in the muscles of his body. He had really reached the limit. The life-and-death struggle just now made him explode his potential, but This is a great harm to oneself. Didn't you see his face pale at the moment?

Chen Feng jumped down from the tree and landed beside Lin Zixiu. "You boy is not bad."

Lin Zixiu twisted his head reluctantly, turned his head with great effort, and looked at Chen Feng without saying a word, he was so tired that he couldn't even make a superfluous expression.

(End of this chapter)

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