Chapter 282
The night seemed very quiet, ordinary people had already fallen asleep peacefully, and they were probably swimming wantonly in their sweet dreams right now.

Lin Fu...

Oh no!It should be called Xiangfu now.

The night watchmen were listless. It was cold at night, and the host was already asleep, but they still had to work hard to look after the home.

Such a group of guards, how much use can you expect them to play, they are nothing more than used as a facade, and even patrols are forced to act as a last resort because of the owner's regulations, and they just walk around in the yard , the right to take a walk where there is no vigilance at all.

So under such circumstances, Lin Zixiu sneaked into the interior very smoothly, so smoothly that he was surprised.

In fact, the strict guards were arranged by the Xiang family. If the guards followed the rules, it would not be so easy for him to enter, but it is a pity that the Xiang family ignored the loyalty of these servants to them, so they just gave Lin Zixiu this. I have to say that everything is a coincidence.

A ray of fire suddenly burst into the night sky, which was particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"It's on fire, it's on fire!"

"Don't sleep, get up and put out the fire..."

"Run, it's on fire..."

"Go and call someone... hurry and ask someone to put out the fire for me..."

The Xiang family was in a mess for a while, and even those who had already fallen asleep were woken up, but they couldn't care less about complaining at the moment, it was better to run away as soon as the fire was ruthless.


Xiang Wentian Chi Yundao violently pushed open his door, rushed out of his room, grabbed a panicked scare, and asked. "what happened?"

Xiang Wentian was furious in his heart, he was pampering his concubine who had just passed the door, he never thought about blowing a ball outside the house, and there was a lot of noise outside, he immediately became angry.

How can this be tolerated?
Especially at a time like this.

Xiang Wentian lost interest and was not in the mood to do that kind of thing anymore, but it is an unforgivable crime to disturb his elegance, and if he went out wearing a dress, he decided to give these ignorant servants a hard time. Hard lesson.

"Old...Master, it's on fire. The west wing is on fire. It's almost in the front yard. Everyone is busy fighting the fire."


Xiang Wentian's eyes widened at that moment, and he yelled inwardly that he was not good. He hurriedly looked into the distance, and suddenly saw the raging flames, which shot straight into the sky.


Frightened and angry, Xiang Wentian spat out a mouthful of old blood.

The West Wing is the most important room. Most of his Xiang family's resources are placed there. Needless to say, those resources are probably destroyed for such a large meal. This time, their Xiang family suffered a heavy loss.

"Quickly hurry up and put out the fire, what are you still doing standing here?"

Xiang Wentian yelled regardless of his image, and now he can only rush to fight the fire, hoping to salvage some losses, his heart is bleeding, if these resources are destroyed, then the decline of their Xiang family is doomed , if he had become a soul sage, he would have become flustered.

Lin Zixiu had a great luck this time, and it was a coincidence that he ruined the life of the Xiang family. If he knew the huge loss he caused to the Xiang family today, he might have already started clapping and celebrating.

Lin Zixiu looked at the group of people who were busy fighting the fire, smiled coldly in his heart, and then retreated cautiously.

Although the scene was extremely chaotic, Lin Zixiu became more and more cautious. He knew that if he stayed here any longer, the possibility of being exposed would be extremely high. Anyone will be torn apart.

Retiring after success, this sentence could not be better used to describe Lin Zixiu.

But he left instead, leaving a mess for the Xiang family.

The fire was very big, and burned most of the mansion. Although there were many people in Xiang's family, they still rescued them until early in the morning before putting out the fire.

At this time, the Xiang Mansion did not have the splendor of the walls in the past, but there was only pitch-black dry carbon, and thick smoke billowed everywhere.

"Who exactly did it!"

Xiang Wentian's eyes were about to burst, and a good foundation was ruined for no reason. How could he calm down? This was no longer a matter of losing face, but had already affected the life and death of their Xiang family.

After most of the night's rescue, it still didn't have any effect. The fire was ruthless. If these people had worked hard, the water in several wells would have been scooped up, but it would only be a drop in the bucket and would not have the slightest effect. Not only that In order to put out the fire, more than a dozen people died in the Xiang family.

"Trash! Trash..."

Xiang Wentian roared angrily. At this time, his face was ferocious, and his heart was full of shame and anger. Although he was a soul sage, there was nothing he could do about the fire last night.

He is not young anymore, the gap between the pages made him exhausted, and gray hairs appeared on his temples, not only that, but at this moment, he was like a wounded wild wolf, exuding a fierce look on his body. breath.

There is no doubt, if someone dares to take the risk at this time, he will definitely die a miserable death.

"Patriarch... Gudong~"

Looking at Xiang Wentian, who looked like a madman, an elder couldn't help swallowing secretly, but he didn't dare to delay the matter was very important, so he could only bite the bullet and get on with it.

"Patriarch, not only the collaterals, but even the direct descendants are starting to panic. They have sent people to make a fuss at the gate, wanting to know how much we have lost this time?"

All the resources of the Xiang family are gathered here, because there is Xiang Wentian here, who is the most powerful member of the Xiang family, and only by putting their things here can they feel at ease, and this is also the safest place.

But no one could hide the monstrous fire today. These people had already arrived when the fire broke out last night, but Xiang Wentian was too busy fighting the fire to entertain them.

Hearing these words, Xiang Wentian suddenly raised his head, his eyes flashed fiercely, the elder who spoke was so frightened that he couldn't help but retreat, even his face turned pale.

Xiang Wentian's voice was a little hoarse, making it impossible to doubt that he was on the verge of madness. "Let them all get the hell out of here. If anyone dares to make trouble at this time, don't blame the old man for taking him to the knife. They are all trash."

The elder didn't dare to be negligent, he had no doubt that Xiang Wentian would tear him apart on the spot to vent his anger if he continued speaking. Xiang Wentian's cruelty in the Xiang family is well known, especially when he was furious, he could be said to be disowned by his relatives. The elder obviously didn't want to die here without knowing why.

"Have you checked it out?"

"Patriarch, this incident is man-made. We found some materials for igniting the fire at the place where the fire first broke out, and even found such things as flint and steel. It can be seen that someone wants to take revenge on our Xiang family."

"very good!"

Xiang Wentian almost roared. "Let me check it out, I'd rather kill a thousand mistakes than let one go, the old man wants him to survive or die..."

(End of this chapter)

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