Chapter 289
As the patron saint of Sea God Island, the Golden Tree was planted by Tang San 1 years ago. It has incredible power and has blessed Shrek Academy through disasters, so its importance is self-evident.

It's no wonder that all the elders here are so nervous. The sudden change of the golden tree made them think that Shrek Academy was under attack, and it was so serious that the golden tree had already developed abnormalities. All kinds of reasons indicated one thing, something big happened .

Everyone looked at Mu En solemnly. Among all the people present, he was the only one who had the authority to communicate with the Golden Tree. Now they could only anxiously wait for the result. Although they were anxious, there was nothing they could do.

One thing is for sure, the change of the Golden Tree does not come from the outside world, otherwise, the people here could not have noticed anything, because the Golden Tree is the foundation of Shrek's school, and any mistakes are absolutely not allowed, so people People are very nervous.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated, for fear of disturbing Mu En, they didn't even dare to take a breath. As time passed, their hearts were extremely tense.

Suddenly, Mu En opened his eyes, and surprise appeared on his face that had not changed for thousands of years. Everyone couldn't understand it, so they looked at each other in blank dismay.

But they were all relieved, since Mu En's expression showed that it was not a bad thing, so everyone let down their vigilance, but everyone felt like a cat's scratch in their hearts, what could cause the golden tree to vibrate? What's the matter?

Mu En, who was full of smiles, looked at everyone. "Xuanzi and Xiaolin come with me, the others will wait here."


Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, as if they didn't know why, and they couldn't figure it out.

Elder Xuan and Elder Lin also looked at each other, and they were also a little confused, but Mu En had already walked towards the depths of the golden tree, so they could only temporarily suppress their doubts and followed.

"What happened?"

"I don't know, but it should be a good thing. You can tell by the expression on Elder Mu..."

"Wait! The old man told us to wait here. I believe he will tell us the reason in a while. Please stay safe, everyone."

"Oh, by the way, the Golden Tree has changed, and the teachers and students in the academy must have noticed it too. Shaozhe, you should deal with it first and calm everyone down."

"Okay, I'll go now..."

On the other side, Elder Xuan and Elder Lin followed Mu En to the inside of the Golden Tree.

The golden tree is very big, and its interior space is also very large. There are even some places that only the principals of the Shrek Academy can enter, which can be regarded as Shrek's top secret.

It is precisely because of such importance that this place has high-level guards at all times, and it is naturally the three of them who perform this guarding task.

Elder Lin is the junior sister of Elder Xuan, one of the only surviving heroes of Shrek Academy, her prestige is second only to Mu En and Xuan Zi.

Although she is old this year, no one ignores this powerful existence. If she really wants to explode, it is estimated that not many people will be able to watch it much.

"Uncle, what happened?"

Elder Lin had a questioning look on her face, because she found that Mu En was leading them to an unknown place.

She and Elder Xuan knew all the rooms in the Golden Tree, but there were some places where they didn't have permission to enter, but she found that the places where they did not know.

As they gradually deepened, Mr. Lin clearly felt that they were walking downwards, and all the signs were a little weird, which aroused his curiosity in his heart.

She didn't think Mu En would harm her, after all, it was impossible to think about it, but what kind of thing was it?

Elder Xuan on the other side was also curious. As the next owner of the Sea God Pavilion, he already had the right to inherit the Golden Tree, and Mu En had already started to work alternately with him, but this place was still not within the scope of his knowledge.

Hearing Elder Lin's question, Mu En smiled mysteriously. "Xiaolin, Xuanzi, next I want to tell you an important secret. Only the previous masters of the Sea God Pavilion are qualified to know this secret."

"Uncle, since it's such an important secret, it's better that I don't know about it." Elder Lin refused.

"Don't worry, this matter was kept secret in the past to prevent accidents, but it's not important now, so it's not a broken rule to make it public sooner or later."

Hearing this, Elder Xuan and Elder Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and the burden in their hearts eased. "Then senior brother, what's the matter?"

"Hehe. You all know that the golden tree was planted by Tang San's ancestor ten thousand years ago, but you don't know that there is a bigger secret hidden in it, and compared to this secret, the golden tree is not worth mentioning at all. "

Seeing the growing curiosity on the faces of the two, Mu En smiled heartily. "Hahaha... Seeing you are so curious, I won't hold your appetite anymore. Under the golden tree, there is an ancestor who is retreating. The golden tree told me just now that this ancestor has left the seclusion."


Elder Xuan and Elder Lin screamed at the same time, they were over half a hundred years old and they didn't care about etiquette at this time.

Shrek's ancestors all existed 1 years ago, but what kind of person can live 1 years?

Both of them gave their own answers in their hearts. There is a god under the golden tree. The two looked at each other and saw the horror in their eyes. They finally understood why it should be classified as top secret. If such a thing is spread If you go out, then Shrek Academy will not be able to think about peace.

Elder Xuan swallowed involuntarily, the shock on his face hadn't subsided yet. "Uncle, do you know which ancestor it is?"

However, Mu En did not give him an answer, but instead smiled mysteriously. "You'll know if you see for yourself."

Before they knew it, they seemed to have come to the end of the passage, and Mu En reached out and pushed the wide wooden door in front of them.


The sound was like opening a wooden house that had been in disrepair for a long time, but the inside was indeed extremely clean.

The three of them all poured into it, but what was out of sight was a large soft couch, on which there was only one person sitting cross-legged.

After seeing this man's face, Elder Xuan and Elder Lin, who were prepared psychologically, froze in place, their hearts trembling involuntarily. "How could it be this one?"

However, Mu En, who had known all this for a long time, was not like them, but he also couldn't understand that his blood was surging and his heart was stirring.

Mu En bent slightly and said respectfully. "I met the ancestor Chen Feng!"

Elder Xuan and Elder Lin realized later, and hurriedly saluted respectfully. "I met the ancestor Chen Feng!"

After they spoke, the person sitting on the soft couch opened his eyes, vicissitudes appeared in his eyes, and a deep voice came from his mouth. "Now... what time is it?"

"Back to the ancestors, 1 years have passed since the ancestors retreated."

"Is it 1 years..."

(End of this chapter)

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