Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 291 A New Beginning

Chapter 291 A New Beginning

A touch of whiteness in the east runs through the world, and a new day begins from then on. The earth is full of vitality, and Chen Feng also ushered in his own new life.

Chen Feng strolled in Shrek Academy, looking at the students coming and going, all of them were full of vigor, just like a round of scorching sun rising, people couldn't help triggering the same feeling deep in their hearts when they saw it, and it was exactly what Chen Feng felt. It's been a long time.

Looking at these students in a hurry, or playing around, he sighed in his heart. "No one would have imagined that Shrek Academy, which only needed a few students, would develop into the number one academy in Douluo Continent, hehe..."

Chen Feng felt a little sad, he never thought that he had lived so many years, I am afraid that only he himself knows what kind of loneliness he has experienced during these days, it was really an unforgettable time, but fortunately, all this is over up.

With a new life and a new atmosphere, he, Chen Feng, has also changed unconsciously. Perhaps this is his mission. He was born to stir up the wind and clouds, and to rule the world.

"Huh! This is?"

Chen Feng paused while walking, his eyes were attracted by a handsome young man, to be precise, he was attracted by his aura.

After feeling it carefully, his face showed a sudden realization, and he couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart, Chen Feng felt a little funny. "Is this a reunion?"

It's not because he really saw the old man, but because he felt the aura of the old man in this little boy, which made him laugh at himself like this.

"By the way, let me think about what this girl's name is... oh! I remembered, her name is Tang Wutong, um...but now I should call her Wang Dong~"

There was kindness in Chen Feng's eyes, which was a kind of concern for the younger generation. It is said that his generation is old enough, and he has become a figure of the grandpa's generation before he knew it. "The mouse is quite at ease, and he is willing to let his precious granddaughter go outside alone. Hmm... I don't know if the men and the others are hugging their grandson like a mouse now!"

"We must go and see it in a while, maybe we can recognize some grandchildren!"

"Hey! What are you looking at?"

"Uh..." Chen Feng was taken aback, looking at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him.

It turned out that at some point, Wang Dong had already passed in front of him, and he was staring at him angrily.

Speaking of which, Wang Dong was still wondering, why is he so unlucky today?
On the first day I just came to the academy, I ran into a weirdo, didn't I just say a few words about him to fight myself? He also lost to a soul master just now, how could he accept it with a little arrogance? ?

He came out in a bad mood to get some air, who would have thought that he would meet another strange person again, and he would find this strange person looking at him from a long distance away, especially the kind of gaze that made Wang Dong's skin crawl.

"Uncle and Uncle said that Shrek Academy only accepts monster geniuses. I think it only accepts freaks and perverts. Just like you, it looks disgusting!"

Chen Feng's eyes widened, and he pointed to his nose in disbelief. "are you talking about me?"

Wang Dong straightened his back and said straightforwardly. "Do you think there is anyone else here? Not to say who you are talking about?"

Chen Feng was stunned immediately, how did he have something to do with perverts, he looked at himself for a while, except for the loose white hair behind him, he seemed to be no different from ordinary people!Now he was completely confused.

"Hmph! Stop pretending here. Just now you, the pervert who was secretly watching me with a smirk on your face, must have some bad idea in your mind. Pooh! You shameless."

"Shameless..." Chen Feng's eyes widened and he blinked. He felt that he had nothing to do with Shameless. Could it be that he had retreated for thousands of years, and his appearance had become obscene, so he hurriedly observed After a while, I found that this is not the reason.

At this moment, Xiaobao in his mind jumped up again. "Brother Chen Feng, this little girl said you are a pervert, she probably thought you were trying to trick her, her eyes were about to burst into flames."


For a moment, even he was dumbfounded, never thought that this was the reason, this is really a dumb person who can't tell the pain of eating Coptis chinensis, it's a bad start for him, so it's possible that there is a feng shui talk about being together.

Being misunderstood by a little girl, Chen Feng touched his nose in embarrassment, he would not admit such a shameful thing.

bah bah bah!
What is admitting!No idea at all.

"Little girl, you are quite courageous. Your father can rest assured that you are here alone, and your grandfather is actually willing to put you in Douluo Dalu. Tsk tsk tsk. Their father and son are not cowardly!"

thump thump thump~~~
Wang Dong hurriedly took a few steps back, staring at the strange man in front of him vigilantly, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that he had malicious intentions, and he secretly yelled "Oops." "It's miserable now. Could it be that I met the enemy of my father and grandpa?"

He couldn't help but think otherwise, on the Douluo Continent, apart from Da Ming and Uncle Er Ming, there was no third person who knew his identity.

Taking a deep breath secretly, Wang Dong comforted himself. "Maybe this weirdo is deceiving me... Yes, yes, it must be so, hmph! You really treat me like a child, see if Miss Ben will expose you today."

Thinking of this, she couldn't help becoming more courageous, and she looked at Chen Feng arrogantly, not to mention, she really looked decent. "Hmph! Since you know my father and my grandfather, you are not afraid of them spanking your ass? If you are sensible, apologize to me quickly, or I will ask my uncle and them to beat you. To tell you the truth, my uncle is the suzerain of the Haotian School , quickly admit my mistake."

Chen Feng was immediately happy, but he also wanted to tease the little girl, so he had a wicked smile on his face, very much like the expression of a villain.

"Jiejiejie~little girl, for example, your two uncles, even if your father Tang San and your grandfather Tang Hao are here today, I am not afraid at all. Bit of a pain."

Wang Dong's mind suddenly sank. "It's over, it's really coming for me."

Her face couldn't help revealing a sad look, father, mother, grandparents, uncles and uncles are far away from her at this moment, and even if they know it, it's too late.

It's so miserable!Didn't daddy say that there are no gods on Douluo Continent?Why didn't even their enemies come here and Dad didn't know.

Many people in Wang Dong realized that the person in front of her had already stretched out his big hand. Under the influence of the sunlight, a huge shadow seemed to cover herself. She was too scared, so she closed her eyes suddenly, feeling scared in her heart. endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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