Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 295 Teaching 3

Chapter 295 Teaching Part Three

Looking at the performance of many students, Chen Feng felt like a bright mirror in his heart. It seems that these students have a lot of shadows on Zhou Qi!
"Okay, now it's class time, if you have anything to discuss after class, although this is not your head teacher's class, it would be wrong if you want to do whatever you want in my class, Shrek Academy has always treated everyone equally, no one can Can escape.

Remember this is a school, and the school rules and disciplines are particularly strict, even if you violate any of them, you will be severely punished. "

Sure enough, his serious words still had some effect. Some students who were whispering just now restrained themselves. Of course, there were a few who didn't care, but fortunately, they still understood the rules and didn't show it too deliberately. .

"Cut! A bunch of cowards." Wang Dong said disdainfully in his heart.

For some reason, she saw this class of students frightened by this pervert's few words, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable in her heart, and felt a little cheap for Chen Feng.

Sure enough, the first impression is the most important. When meeting Wang Dong for the first time, he didn't have a good impression of Chen Feng, and now he doesn't like him either.As if thinking of something, Wang Dong's eyeballs twitched, and a smirk could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

Huo Yuhao next to him didn't notice the change in his deskmate at all. At this moment, he was staring curiously at Chen Feng on the podium.Almost instantly, he secretly guessed what kind of soul master Chen Feng was.

"This is a new teacher, and he looks younger than Teacher Zhou Qi. Teacher Zhou Qi is a soul emperor, but I don't know how strong this teacher Chen is."

Yesterday, when Teacher Zhou Qi revealed his cultivation level, Huo Yuhao was really taken aback. He never expected that a teacher who has taught freshmen to the first grade would be so good. What is curious.

"Let's start class!"

In the audience, Huo Yuhao found that the new teacher didn't intend to introduce himself in detail. He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, but then disappeared without a trace. He sat upright on the table and began to prick up his ears.

Since he was a child, he had no chance to come into contact with such things as soul masters. Since Huo Yuhao wanted to become a strong man, he couldn't let go of any opportunity to learn. It is no exaggeration to say that every teacher's teaching knowledge is important to him. The treasure of the sky, he is looking forward to what the new teacher will say at the moment, it seems that he will not be disappointed.

On the podium, Chen Feng stood there calmly. It's not that he hasn't experienced this kind of thing before, so he won't panic. If his hand comes over in a big wind and waves, how can he be messed up because of such a trivial matter.

"Those who can enter Shrek Academy are believed to be a bit talented. Compared with most people, you are all very good. This is undeniable."

This kind of obvious praise was quickly recognized by the students, and each of them couldn't help puffing up their chests and backs, with a vague complacency on their faces, obviously these words were very useful to them, All of a sudden, everyone's favor towards Chen Feng increased greatly.

The teacher's vision is still good!
This was almost everyone's first impression, so they all had a sense of identity with the new teacher. Chen Feng on the stage clearly felt that the eyes of these students looking at him were more kind.

Chen Feng: "You are undoubtedly outstanding, but what Shrek Academy lacks most is outstanding students. Take you freshmen who have just entered school as an example, there are eight classes in the whole first grade, and each class has 80 students In other words, you have a total of five or six hundred new students entering the school at the same time."

His gaze swept over everyone calmly but without losing majesty, especially when he was looking at Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao, he deliberately paused, and then he said slowly. "But the school's energy is limited, and it is impossible to take care of all of you. Whether you like it or not, you must face the survival of the fittest, and only better talents are worthy of the school's family resources to train you.

But don't think it's nothing, isn't it just to be better than others, what's so great about it.What I want to tell you is that your competitors are far more than that. When you were in the first grade, you had to compete with the freshmen in the first grade.When you are promoted to the second grade, you have to compete with the second grade students, and even when you reach the senior grade and the inner courtyard in the future, you still cannot get rid of this environment.

And I don’t need to go into details about how many of them there are. You probably all have a spectrum in your heart, and it’s not difficult to make yourself perform well.But if you want to stand out among so many people and let the school take a fancy to you and pay attention to you in the vast crowd, then you need to perform well enough to attract the attention of the school. The difficulties in this can be imagined . "

Chen Feng looked at the young and immature faces below, and his tone became more serious. "You are self-proclaimed geniuses, full of vigor and vitality, and you all think that you can achieve this step with hard work, but in fact, very few people can really persevere. It doesn't even take much time, just a month or two , you will find that there are fewer and fewer people around you, and then you will know the cruelty of it."

"Only the strong can get more. The law of the jungle is an eternal principle. Even if you can live safely in this academy, if you really want to stand out, you have to work hard and sweat all the time. "

Chen Feng paused for a moment. "Don't think that you can be lucky if you enter Shrek Academy. You are so happy that you are overjoyed. You may be persuaded to leave at any time in various forms, methods, and reasons. I am not scaremongering."

"I believe you all know that there will be a freshman assessment in the near future. I will tell you the truth. Those who fail the assessment will be dismissed. I advise you to take it easy and cherish it."

After his words fell, the atmosphere in the classroom became more and more dignified. Some students' faces showed struggles. Presumably they also understood some of the truths. Elimination, none of them want to be a part of this.

Yes, what Chen Feng said is very cruel, but it is a fact, a fact that cannot be refuted at any time and anywhere.

Among the crowd, Huo Yuhao also became serious. These words shocked his heart.


Survival of the fittest, the strong are respected.

If he had a strong talent, then their mother and son would not suffer such treatment, and the mother would not die because of it.

I have already missed it once, and I will never miss it again. He must work harder, only in this way can he walk on the road of the strong.

For a moment, he actually had a feeling of enlightenment, and his heart seemed to be stronger. This change came from the inside out, which made it seem like a tough rock, not the kind that could be shaken by wind and rain.

On his side, Wang Dong was thoughtful. Because of her different vision, she understood the cruelty of the world better than everyone present. He understood these truths when he was very young.

But now that these words came out of Chen Feng's mouth, at that moment, she suddenly felt that Chen Feng had nothing to hate.

But this kind of thought just passed by in a flash, and then dissipated, with a soft hum in my heart. "Is it really inspiring?"

Maybe even she doesn't know that this kind of idea has already planted the seeds, and I believe that after being subtly influenced in the near future, it will bear fruit one day.

Chen Feng naturally had no way of knowing what the students in the audience were thinking.

If they can comprehend, then it is considered that they have not wasted a lot of effort.As for those who couldn't comprehend, Chen Feng also expressed that he was helpless, anyway, he said what should be said, he also did what should be done, and the rest depends on personal creation...

(End of this chapter)

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