Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 297 Decided to Worry

Chapter 297 Decided to Worry
People have selfishness.

These forces are also afraid of being stabbed in the back by rushing ahead, so they must be on guard against each other, and in this way, the Thousand Emperor Palace can do a lot.

All the people here are smart people, so they figured it out once the video was ordered, and their tense expressions relaxed slightly, and the dignified atmosphere eased a little.

"Yes, that's the reason, and they may not necessarily fight us to the end, as long as they hurt them, in order to take care of themselves, maybe they will quit."

"Hmm! It makes sense. These people are powerless to stop early. The reason why they have such thoughts is because they are afraid that my Thousand Emperor Palace will threaten their interests. Whichever is the lesser of the two, as long as they are facing a greater crisis , even if they are unwilling, but in order not to lose more, they will eventually retreat."


They all knew that these people didn't have the courage to put all their eggs in one basket, and they were more likely to make them jealous and want to bite off a piece of meat from Qiandidian.As long as they are hurt and scared, the immediate crisis will be overcome naturally.

Having said that, they still felt heavy in their hearts. After all, what Qiandidian had to deal with was not just one family or two, but the entire southern region. One can imagine the pressure in it, it was absolutely heavy and overwhelming. .

But Tang Sanqi is the most important among them. As the final decision makers of the Thousand Emperors Hall, even a small mistake may lead to the ruin or even destruction of the Thousand Emperors Hall, so this matter must be careful and cautious.

The seriousness in Tang San's eyes was beyond words, but he didn't panic and couldn't panic, because at this time, as long as he panics, it may affect the overall situation. "This matter must not be taken lightly. We were already at an absolute disadvantage, and it couldn't be worse. If something goes wrong, I don't need to say what the result will be."

"According to the information from many sources, the day of the Kongming Mountain's disaster is not far away, so we must make full preparations. But everyone, don't put too much pressure on yourself. The God Emperor is too far away for us, and we will leave it to the priests." to deal with."

He looked around, his tone suddenly becoming agitated. "We can't interfere at this level, but in the competition between the god king and the god emperor, we have never been afraid of anyone here. This time, we must teach them a lesson, scare them, and make them disciplined in the future." Be well-behaved and dare not come out and jump again."

All of a sudden, the scene became full of passion and enthusiasm.

"Yes, it's just to fuck his mother, let these turtle grandsons have a good meal."

"Hey. If you don't go to the house for three days, these grandchildren just need to be cleaned up. We must make them look good..."

"Damn it..."

Everyone's morale was soaring, their eyes were burning with enthusiasm, and they wished they could rush out and fight for a while now.

This scene fell into Tang San's eyes and made him smile knowingly, but another thought came to his mind: it's time for the Thousand Emperor Palace to show its fangs to the world, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Although the Qiandi Palace has been established for more than ten thousand years, it has now developed into one of the eight overlord-level forces.But Tang San knew in his heart that the Thousand Emperors Palace has always been big fish eating small fish, and has not experienced a battle that can establish their status, so in the eyes of most people, this newly promoted overlord has not yet been recognized.Subconsciously, they thought that the Palace of Thousand Emperors was still weaker than others.

It is precisely because of this that when those small forces wanted to find a backer, they did not take them into consideration, and Qiandidian also missed many opportunities to strengthen itself.

"I believe that after this time, no one can shake the position of Qiandi Palace in the Southern Region. Although there will be some damage, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Hehe, I just don't know if the other forces can accept the price they are about to pay. "During the speech, Tang San smiled, but his tone rarely revealed sharpness, which was a little inconsistent with his usual calm personality, perhaps this was also the change that the years had brought to him!

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and said: "Oh, by the way, everyone has heard about the evil spirit master recently, so let's take this opportunity to share your own opinions."

This is also a major event, which cannot be overlooked in the slightest. It is already well known in the entire Southern Region, otherwise Tang San would not have brought it up on such an occasion.

This incident also happened recently, and the entire southern region or the entire God Realm has become agitated, all because of this evil soul master.

Oscar pondered for a while, and spoke solemnly between his brows. "I once personally caught an evil soul master. After some investigation, I found that the breath was very familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere."

He is not talking nonsense, but really has this feeling, but it is a pity that although he is familiar with it, he just can't remember it. "There are evil soul masters everywhere now, and they look very organized and disciplined. I have to suspect that there is a big hand behind it."

Ma Hongjun also made a rare sound, only his thick voice sounded. "I just came back from Zhongzhou some time ago, and found that the same situation over there, and I actually discovered that there is a god emperor in the army of evil soul masters. This organization must be extremely terrifying. And the picture is not small, its minions have spread all over the God Realm Everywhere, but it's really scary!"

How big is the entire southern region!And how big the entire God Realm is, it is enough to make people feel chilling to have such a big hand, not to mention what he is plotting.

Ma Hongjun even suspected that this organization of evil soul masters might be an enemy of the entire God Realm. Thinking about it carefully, it was not impossible. The spread of evil soul masters and their strength were simply beyond his imagination.

Now these superficial things are only revealed by others, and no one can say exactly how much hidden energy there is, so such a possibility is not impossible.

"If this is the case, then the people behind this are too terrifying. Even the Lord of the God Realm probably doesn't have such energy." Ma Hongjun murmured extremely cautiously, feeling a burst of worry in his heart.

The things involved in this are scary just thinking about it, and don't expect him to be able to afford it.

Tang San: "This matter must be carefully paid attention to. Since the person behind it has played such a big game of chess, it is almost as if the world is a pawn, then he will definitely not give up so easily."

"Just wait quietly, one day the truth will surface. Of course, you don't have to worry too much. This is for the whole world. Even if we worry about it, it won't help much. It is impossible for Qiandi Palace to fight against it with its own strength. "

"Okay! Just pay close attention recently, and don't need to put in too much energy. The most urgent thing right now is to prepare for the war with the other seven overlords..."

(End of this chapter)

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