Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 302 What's the matter! ! !

Chapter 302 What's the matter! ! !


Dimo, legend has it that many god emperors fought wars here. Because of their power for tens of thousands of years, no grass can grow here and the sky is full of yellow sand. This is also the origin of the name Dimo.

Due to the environment, there are almost no people here, but recently, because of this rare event in 10 years, it has completely become lively here.

There seems to be a tacit understanding between the Palace of Thousand Emperors and the seven overlord-level forces. They naturally chose this place as the place for them to fight, and some people who came to join in the fun also began to gather here, or gathered in this deserted place. A large crowd.

It was divided into three camps. The Thousand Emperors Palace occupied a large area to the south, while the seven overlord-level forces were far away from them and occupied the area to the north. The remaining areas were used as gathering places for those who came to join in the fun. .

There were many people who came to see the excitement, almost all the famous and famous forces in the entire God Realm sent people to watch, some were looking for news, or some wanted to take advantage of the fire.

As a result, a strange situation began to form. Since the war had not yet started, the three parties were quiet and terrifying, but almost everyone could feel the solemnity in the air. The power that has turned into substance is so thick that it is almost breathless.

"Brother, this kind of big scene is rarely seen in hundreds of thousands of years. It almost mobilized the entire southern region. I came all the way from the northern region. I hope this trip is worthwhile!"

"Cut! What are you? I'm from Xueyuan, much farther than you."

"Oh! I'm so disrespectful. I came from the desert. Fortunately, I was doing something on the edge of the desert. Otherwise, it would have taken half a year to get here. By then, the day lily would be cold. .”

"Hahaha... It seems that you are really lucky, brother. If that's the case, you will miss it."

"Hehe. It's easy to say. Hey! Why hasn't it started yet? They won't stop fighting, right?"

"Hey, don't be impatient, brother. Everyone knows about this incident. We just need to wait a little longer. Let's see! I guess it won't take a few days..."

In the minds of outsiders, what they care most about is watching a play, and the more exciting the play, the better, just like sitting without back pain, they only want a result, and they don't want to go through that kind of process.

Kongming Mountain, Bulaoya, Wanxianzhuang, War God Temple, Nine Heavens and Ten Lands, Mahayana Sect, and Piaomiao Pavilion together formed an alliance, ruling the entire Southern Territory of all forces, large and small, adding up to nearly a thousand Ten thousand people, if this Dimo ​​is not big enough, it is estimated that they want to put so many people there is still a problem.

At the alliance station, agents from various forces gathered at this time. After all, it would be inconvenient for so many of them to be stationed together for management, so it can only be divided into layers in this way to facilitate unified command.

Three to 40 people gathered in the conference hall of the resident, each of them had an extraordinary momentum, and their every move seemed to imply the truth of heaven and earth, which was really shocking.

But to put it bluntly, these three or 40 people are actually people from the seven major forces. After all, this action was called by them, and other people have no qualifications to participate at all.

On the first seat, there is an old man sitting upright. This old man has white beard and hair, and the wrinkles on his face can kill mosquitoes, but no one dares to underestimate him, because he was born in Kongming Mountain, and he is also present here. In this group of people, the seniority and strength are the strongest.

His name is He Ran, and he is a peerless genius among the top [-] on the list of god emperors in the Southern Territory, which is why everyone respects him so much.

He Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and just sat there quietly, as if the person sitting there was facing the teacher, he really didn't dare to give up at all, such prestige is really frightening, you must know that all the people who can go here are God.

He Ran opened his eyes, and the deep voice spread throughout the conference hall. "Now that you're all here, let's get started."

Why do you say he is the host?It has to be mentioned that Kong Mingshan was the first to initiate this incident. The seven major forces have stood together for many years, and they have developed a lot of friendship with each other. Others are also willing to sell Mingshan short for face.

Of course, such a big matter cannot be decided by Kong Mingshan alone, so there is an alliance like this, and each force sends four to five people to participate, and everyone discusses and agrees on what to do and how to do it.He Ran's role is actually to preside over the overall situation in this place symbolically. Of course, even if this is the case, no one really dares to treat him as an outsider.

"Mr. He, we haven't got all the people right now, so it's not suitable to confront Qiandi Palace head-on at the moment. We need to wait for everyone to arrive before we can start the decisive battle."

The Palace of Thousand Emperors was able to rise within [-] years and reach the same level as the seven overlords. No one dared to underestimate such a force, so it is more important to stabilize the situation right now.

Seeing that He Ran didn't move and still looked like an old god, the person who spoke just now spoke again. "It will take time to wait for the arrival of the reinforcements. We can't just leave the Thousand Emperors Hall there. We must take some action. Otherwise, if they notice the emptiness inside us, they may take advantage of the emptiness and enter instead. It's not beautiful anymore."

After a pause, the man looked around and scanned everyone before speaking again. "We want to delay the time and not let them see the truth, so we must attract all their eyes, so I propose to have a battle before the big battle comes!"

"Fighting General?" Someone asked in doubt.

"Yes, it's the fighting general! Firstly, it can divert their attention, and secondly, it can damage the morale of the Thousand Emperor Palace, and maybe it will give us some surprises."

After his voice fell, someone immediately agreed. "It's a good idea. Although the Thousand Emperors Palace is rising rapidly, it lacks foundation after all. How can it be comparable to us? I think this is very feasible."

"That's right, we have a large number of people, and there is never a shortage of amazingly talented people. Almost all of the top three rankings are people from our factions. It is easy to overwhelm the Palace of Thousand Emperors."

He Ran finally made a move, only to see him ask. "How long will it take?"

"Three months."

"It only takes three months. All the people in our plan will definitely gather here. When the time comes to attack them in groups, I don't believe that they can resist the Qiandi Palace. It doesn't matter if we can't last this time. It's nothing more than some losses. It won’t have much of an impact on the big picture.”

He Ran immediately made a decision. "Okay, then let's arrange it. There will be 100 games for the God King, 50 games for the God Emperor, and 10 games for the God Emperor. In this way, there will be more than enough time."

At this moment, a person asked hesitantly. "But? Will the Palace of Thousand Emperors agree?"

A sneer flashed across He Ran's face. "So what the hell!!!
With the old man here, they have to agree if they don't agree. Although Yao Jingxiao is a bit strong, it is really amazing to be able to fight three against one, but that's all. He is definitely not the old man's opponent. "

He Ran's existence in the top [-] of the God Emperor List is not for nothing. This old guy is indeed a bit of a monster. At the beginning, he also overwhelmed the heroes, and stepped on countless talents to reach his current height.

He Ran's voice was lonely and arrogant, and there was a trace of disdain in his eyes. "Leave this matter to the old man, I don't believe that the Palace of Thousand Emperors can resist..."

(End of this chapter)

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