Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 312 The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 312 The Calm Before the Storm

The two battles between the alliance and the Thousand Emperors Palace were defeated, which really made most people lose their eyes. They never thought that the alliance gathered the strongest god kings in the entire southern region but still failed. Those who heard the news were stunned. The appearance of such a spectacle made those who had paid attention but were not present very curious, so many people rushed here, wanting to see with their own eyes who is the sacred Thousand Emperor Palace?
As a result, the desolate place of Dimo ​​became more lively, and even some simple houses and trading places could be seen. It seemed that they planned to live here for a long time. This battle was endless, and they probably would not give up.

But the impact of the alliance's two wars and two losses is far more than that. When the news spread, the entire southern region was undercurrents. Some laughed at the incompetence of the seven overlord-level forces, and some were curious about the Thousand Emperor Palace. There are also some ambitious people, and their keen sense of smell tells them that they can definitely find opportunities and reap benefits here, so a large number of people participated in it in a short period of time, walking around to form cliques.

"Brother Zhou, don't you still believe me? The Temple of War God is entangled by the Hall of Thousand Emperors. Right now is our good opportunity. I won't hide it from you, brother. I have already contacted several forces in private and decided to make this vote.

This Dragon City is a material storage point of the God of War Temple. As long as he is captured, let alone the other things, just the sacred stone in it can make us a fortune, how about it?Do you want to think about it? "


"Okay! If you are brave enough to starve to death if you are timid, our Mad Cow Sect will also join us..."


"Brothers, the people in Misty Pavilion are so useless, they robbed us of our goods and killed so many of us, why don't we take advantage of the fact that they are inseparable now, and take advantage of them, so as to avenge our vengeance. "

"Brother! What do you say? We all listen to you!"

"Okay! As expected of my good brother, we..."


"I saw with my own eyes that the brother, the God Emperor Chengzong who was stationed at Cangyan Mountain, withdrew. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you won't be able to find it in your next life."

"Is this really true? If it's true, then it's okay..."

In a hidden small town, several people are discussing something, but from their attitudes, it can be seen that the man in the middle is of extraordinary status.

One person congratulated and said. "Haha Elder Ao, you are really amazing. After we messed up together, the forces of the Temple of War will not be stable. It may be enough for them to have a headache for a while."

The other people also showed joy on their faces, and said: "It's all their fault that they deserve it. They dared to attack our Qiandi Palace. It's just a pity, because their coercion is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, a large number of people are afraid that they will take revenge. Participate, otherwise the effect will be multiplied several times.”

"Oh! That's right! Although we have tried our best to lobby, there are still many people who are afraid to stand up. It's a pity that we can't reveal our identities, otherwise I want to take advantage of the fire."

Hearing the regretful tone of these people, Oscar shook his head and laughed, and said, "Stop complaining here, our original intention is to cause them some trouble, the current situation is already good, at least there are still some people who dare to stand up .”

"Hehe. It seems that these forces may not be so popular. Otherwise, no one will fight the autumn wind at this time. Next, you must be more careful and never expose our identities. Otherwise, many follow-up plans will not be able to be carried out. Listen clearly Yet?"

Everyone responded in unison. "Listen clearly."

Hearing this, Oscar nodded in satisfaction. He did not stay at the headquarters this time but chose to come out. After all, there might not be a place where he could be useful there. He was slightly inferior in terms of fighting, and there were many people around.When it comes to strategy and vision, there is a master Yu Xiaogang.

After thinking about it, Oscar resolutely decided to come out and prepare to make troubles in the rear of the alliance. They can't let them attack the Palace of Thousand Emperors so happily, can they!
"Elder, the people below came to report yesterday that someone actually robbed our supplies and even killed our disciples."

"What? These people are so brave, they dare to touch my things. It seems that they are still too kind to them on weekdays."

"Elder, what should we do now?"

"Hmph! Don't worry about it for the time being. After we take down the Thousand Emperor Palace, we'll settle it together with these miscellaneous things. My nine days and ten lands are not so easy to take. Now that I have taken them, I will make them pay for it."

This is actually just a microcosm. Several other overlord-level forces have also been harassed in large and small ways, but they have chosen to settle the matter for now and plan to settle the general account afterwards.

It's just that these people didn't expect that because of the momentary silence, it was speculated by some people that the war was unfavorable. Several major forces planned to gather their strength and shrink their necks to behave. This made more and more people stand up against them. Things are getting worse and worse, and when they react, it will be even more difficult to control the situation.

After learning about this situation, Oscar and the others all laughed heartily. Is this considered a divine assist?

At the Alliance Headquarters, the principals of various factions gathered here again. The unfavorable battles of the past few days have almost caused the loss of their outstanding younger generation, and there is even a fault in the replacement of talents. It is conceivable that Before a group of geniuses grew up, it was enough to give these people a headache.

He Ran has been having a rough time these days. He was furious when he heard that someone had blamed himself for the fault this time, but right now he is in the period of cooperation, so it is not easy for him to make trouble, otherwise the alliance may be destroyed in an instant.

In the end, he still chose to focus on the overall situation, and he will settle the account after this incident is over.

At noon this day, He Ran sat on the first seat and said in a concentrated voice. "Tomorrow is the start of the Battle of the God-Emperor. There are [-] games in total. We must win more than [-] games to save face, so we hope that everyone will unite as one. This is not the time to hide secrets. Send the strongest God in the entire alliance." Your Majesty, this is the only way to get rid of the bad breath in our chests."

"Don't worry, Mr. He, we were careless last time, but it's different now, we've made all the preparations, and the people in the Thousand Emperor Palace are only qualified to kill at will."

"That's right, which one of our god emperors hasn't accumulated tens of thousands or even millions of years, and there are countless cards in the cards. How long has it been since the establishment of the Thousand Emperor Palace? They are absolutely impossible to threaten us."

Hearing this, He Ran's face finally looked much better. Since he also thought so in his heart, after all, Qiandidian was too young, although he was afraid, but that was all. Hegemonic forces naturally have their own arrogance, and they don't bother to admit that they are inferior to others.

(End of this chapter)

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