317 Shocking
Just as he was doing it, the eyes of the others flickered. They all looked at Yao Jingxiao, wanting to know whether this person was bluffing or really had that plan.

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, the situation suddenly changed. A burly figure suddenly rushed out of the camp on the side of Qiandi Palace. This change caught everyone's surprise. "Hahaha...Old boy, let Master Zhao come and meet you."

Looking at Zhao Wou-ki, the eyes of those who don't know the situation are full of strangeness, their minds are full of questions now. "Who is this? He looks like he is going to fight He Ran alone. This is too arrogant."

No wonder they think too much, after all, in their view, Yao Jingxiao is the only person who can fight He Ran in the Palace of Thousand Emperors, how can such a reckless person suddenly appearing now not attract their attention Woolen cloth?

So, almost everyone was a little excited. This kind of good show doesn't happen every day. Let them bump into it. How can there be any reason to miss it?

Many of the priests at the Qiandi Hall also had weird faces, but most of them were helpless, especially Yu Xiaogang and the others.

Dai Minghan slapped himself on the forehead and cursed with a smile. "Why didn't I notice this product just now?"

Yu Xiaogang also had a smile on his face. "Even if you noticed it, so what? Wuji himself is not a master of safety. You can guard against ten or one lifetime."

"This is pretty good. The plan can't keep up with the changes. Since the original plan can't be used, then we just take this opportunity to frighten the forces in the southern region. It's best to break their claws. "

"However, if this happens, will there be many great disadvantages to us in the future?" Ning Fengzhi's face showed a little prudence and worry. If the Thousand Emperors Palace behaves too abruptly, it will definitely enter more places. In the sight of others, and will definitely be coveted by them, it will be more troublesome.

"Hmph! This is just right." Tang Hao said with an indifferent face. "What's the point of being timid all the time? My Thousand Emperor Palace is not afraid of anyone. Instead of being patient all the time, it's better to fight a hearty battle. As long as I'm strong enough, I'm afraid of any plots and tricks?"

Regarding his violent solution, Yu Xiaogang and the others could only look at each other in blank dismay, wondering why this guy suddenly became so domineering?
However, Tang Hao was right in saying one thing, everything is still based on strength, as long as they are strong enough, there is no need to be afraid of wind and rain. "Forget it! It's really meaningless to worry about this and that. It's better to just talk with your fists."

After the discussion, they turned their eyes back to the court, and they didn't want to miss such a good show.

He Ran's already angry heart rose again, he didn't know how many times it was?The Qiandi Palace provoked him again and again, causing the anger in the heart of this high-ranking existence to reach its peak.

Don't underestimate a person's anger, it can control a person's thoughts, and it can also be turned into a person's strength. This is the case with He Ran right now.

If he had no ability, He Ran would not be able to live to this day, so it is absolutely impossible for him to be dazzled by anger, but this does not prevent him from turning his anger into strength. Now he only has one thought, Kill Zhao Wuji.


He Ran felt that he was being provoked. A guy who came out of nowhere came out and said he wanted to challenge him. He was just an unknown person. Qiandidian actually used such a method to play tricks on him, which made He Ran's heart ache. Feeling boiling, "Boy, this old man wants to teach you a lesson that you will never forget."

After the anger subsided, the strength of He Ran's shot soared again. If he only used five points of force just now, it has reached nine points now, which is extremely close to his full strength.

How terrifying is the power of a person who is twenty in the list of god emperors, even if he has not used his power, he has already created great power.

Above everyone's heads, the space around He Ran shook, and the blue sky seemed to be shattered under the influence of this force, and the heaven and earth became silent.

"Gudong! This He Ran's strength is terrifying. This feeling is similar to how I feel when I face the ancestors of my family." One person said in shock, with a sense of caution beyond words.

The performance of the others was no better than him, and even many god emperors were in shock. "Old He is worthy of being ranked twenty on the list of god emperors. With this kind of power, I have convinced him."

"Of course, there is no doubt that his old man is powerful, otherwise no one would give up such a position, hehe. I want to see how Zao Wou-ki will deal with it."

"Hahaha, I guess he's going to be scared to death! Maybe he's regretting why he should be such a young bird right now?"

These people were discussing, and Zhao Wuji, who faced this threat directly, became more cautious. Although he looked a little reckless, it is undeniable that this guy is bold and careful, definitely not the kind of stunned young man.

Huai Ruo Xu Gu, body like a bull, Zhao Wou-ki is not trying to hide his own strength, he is full of aura, giving people the impression that he is unpredictable, not much worse than He Ran.

His figure was as stable as a pine, and a pair of big eyes stared at He Ran who was rushing towards him. The gnarled muscles on his body began to tremble, as if he had turned into a rock.

Surprises appeared on almost everyone's faces, and things seemed a little different from what they thought?
"Could it be that he really has the strength to fight He Ran?" This is the voice from the bottom of everyone's heart. After all, their eyes can't lie. They all have rich experience, and many things can be known at a glance. .

If Zao Wou-ki has not shown his strength yet, then they will definitely think that he is ignorant, but now all the signs show that the collection may not be aimless, but really has that strength.

It was said that it was too late, but in the blink of an eye, He Ran's attack slammed into Zhao Wuji's body fiercely, and the burst of channel flames covered him, giving people the feeling that he had been annihilated.

Seeing this, everyone on the Alliance side breathed a sigh of relief. "Huh~ So it was a false alarm! Let me just say, how could a person who ran out of nowhere be He Lao's opponent?"

At that moment just now, some of them were really scared. If Zhao Wuji really had the power to fight against He Ran, it would not be a good thing for them.

Because this means that the Palace of Thousand Emperors is hidden deeper, and they who are planning to break out in a big battle now might be wiped out. In the end, the moment the idea appeared, they would get goose bumps all over their bodies, and they didn't even dare to continue thinking about it. down.

But now it seems that they were overthinking, Zao Wou-ki was totally vulnerable, he was killed with a single blow, he panicked like a big rock fell from the bottom of his heart, some breathed foul breath, with joy on their faces.

But soon, this kind of luck disappeared, because they found that something was wrong with He Ran.

Logically speaking, even if he didn't express anything when he wiped out his opponent with one blow, it's impossible for him to have such a cautious expression.

It seems... things once again exceeded their expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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