Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 338 Good things come again and again

Chapter 338 Good things come again and again
In Sea God Pavilion of Shrek Academy, all the elders who usually see each other gathered together at this time, and their eyes were all fixed on a door inside the golden tree, which was the place where Elder Mu retreated.

It was a rare occasion for the sloppy old Xuan to get up formally, and parted his big gourd to his waist, with anxiety in his eyes. "Didn't the uncle say that he will leave the customs today? Why hasn't there been any movement after all this time?"

Elder Lin cast a glance at him, and said angrily. "It's only morning, why are you so anxious?"

But even though she complained like this, her eyes did not deviate from that room, and I believe she was also anxious in her heart.

Elder Xuan had his hands behind his back, with excitement and joy in his heart. A few days ago, he rushed back to the academy with the Shrek team, and happened to meet Mr. Mu who had returned. Break through, and then enter the secret room.

From then on, Elder Xuan, who was temporarily in charge of the Sea God Pavilion, gathered all the elders of the Sea God Pavilion. The purpose was to protect Mu Lao from breaking through smoothly, and even secretly mobilized all the forces to deploy in the entire Shrek Academy.

Everyone knows in their hearts what level Mu Lao is now. If he goes one step further, he can reach level [-].

Level [-] to become a god!

After their ancestors, after 1 years, their Shrek finally witnessed the birth of God again. If anyone dares to stop at this time, it will be the entire Shrek enemy, and they will suffer unprecedented revenge.

In fact, everyone also knew that it was unnecessary for them to do this, because there was still a master in the academy, and with the master, even if it was a god, it would not help.

But relatively speaking, it is impossible for them to bother Master with everything. The reason why they are still so serious is because some trivial matters are not worth alarming Master. If they can't even handle this, wouldn't it make Master disappointment?

Elder Xuan said. "Senior brother has not made a breakthrough for decades, so this retreat is a sure thing, and there is no failure at all. What we have to do is to prevent all factors from disturbing the uncle."

Yan Shaozhe frowned and said softly. "If you really think about it, Elder Mu hasn't shown his face for at least 100 years. Even many of us here, if it weren't for being the elder of Haishen Pavilion, would not know of his existence. I don't think the outside world will know Do you know about Mr. Mu?"

Hearing his words, Elder Lin also nodded. "That's right. It hasn't been 100 years since the Sun Moon Continent merged with the Douluo Continent. Most people must have forgotten his existence. But..."

After a pause, her eyes revealed seriousness. "After all, the matter is very important, we have to be on guard. But there is no need to worry too much, we really can't stand it, but there is still the ancestor, how could he stand by and watch?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's nervousness eased, and Elder Xuan said cheerfully. "I really hope that someone who is not open-eyed will come to make trouble. First, we won the soul master competition, and then Elder Mu made a breakthrough. It's time to buy something lively to celebrate."

I don't know if his crow's mouth suddenly became spiritual, and there was a loud noise outside. "Xuanzi, get the hell out of here."

Elder Xuan was stunned. "What is this voice? The poison is not dead!"

Almost instantly, Elder Xuan stood up. "Everyone, the Noumenon Sect is coming to attack, you go out with me to meet the enemy quickly."

Turning around, he said to Elder Lin again. "Junior Sister, I'll leave this to you."

Seeing Elder Lin nodded solemnly, Elder Xuan stopped hesitating and led the people out of the golden tree and flew towards the outside of the academy.

In an instant, twenty or thirty figures soared into the sky in the academy.

Naturally, this kind of movement cannot be concealed from others, including almost everyone in Shrek City who was startled by the huge movement. They quickly ran out of their rooms and courtyards, stopped to watch, and saw a scene they would never forget.

Above the gate of Shrek Academy, the two camps faced each other with the gate as the boundary, and a total of fifty or sixty figures were suspended in the air.


Jing Hongchen, the master of Mingde Hall who was hiding far away in the dark, swallowed involuntarily, and fell into a daze. "This... so many Title Douluo."

He really didn't expect that when he came to Shrek this time, he could actually see such a big battle.

Seeing more than 30 people from Shrek's side rise into the air, Jing Hongchen's eyelids twitched uncontrollably, and his heart twitched fiercely. "If our Sun Moon Empire didn't have soul tools, would we really be able to beat Shrek Academy?"

Thinking of this possibility in his heart, he unconsciously felt his scalp tingle. As the strongest in the empire, he actually didn't have the confidence to lead his own empire's strong to contend against an academy. This feeling was absolutely uncomfortable.

And these are only on the surface, Shrek must still have Titled Douluo hidden in the dark, and there are still some who have gone out and haven't returned.He saw it with his own eyes just now, that strange person came suddenly, but he didn't give Shrek Academy time to prepare.

That is to say, the 30 people in front of us are the resident forces in Shrek, plus what they hide, what kind of terrifying number will they reach in the end.

Jing Hongchen's expression was inexplicable, and a thought kept lingering in his mind. "Shrek is too scary."

He has already made up his mind, if he is not absolutely sure, he must not provoke Shrek.

But gradually, he turned his attention to the group of intruders. He didn't recognize which force it came from. It was able to mobilize so many people at once, and dared to challenge Shrek openly. Why didn't you notice?

Is it the hermit sect?
Jing Hongchen frowned. He also knew about the Hermit Sect, but he had never heard of anyone capable of such a skill. It was already no weaker than an empire.

I saw more than 20 figures behind the leading weirdo, also flying in the air, which can explain the problem very well.

Moreover, whether it was Elder Xuan or the weirdo in the lead, Jing Hongchen could feel the shocking power in it just watching from a distance, and the sense of crisis of death shocked him. "It's really scary! I didn't expect a soul master to be able to reach this point. When we go back, we must speak to His Majesty. Before we have the strength to fight against this kind of force, we must not rashly start a war."

Jing Hongchen was a level 93 Title Douluo, he had always thought that as a level [-] soul instructor, he would have no problem dealing with Super Douluo, but facing these two right now, he didn't have much chance of winning.

This gap made him unconsciously suspicious. "Soul master. Soul master, is it true that a soul master is better than a soul engineer?"

"Poison can't kill you! Are you here to fight today?"

Hearing the majestic voice on the field, Jing Hongchen quickly came back to his senses, and watched carefully, for fear of missing the slightest detail.

(End of this chapter)

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