Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 341 The dragon came out of the abyss to deter the world

Chapter 341 The dragon came out of the abyss to deter the world

" was like this, but it's a pity that I have survived for decades. I thought I would have a few days to live, but in the end it made me survive. And"

Hearing this, Read Undead always had an ominous premonition, and asked with a frown. "And what?"

Mu En's faint laughter came from a distance. "And I just broke through today, and I took another step forward, and I can be alive and kicking again from now on. The sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide and the fish is leaping."

"How is it possible?" Du Bushi's first reaction was disbelief. When he first came out, he still remembered that Muen was already level 98 at that time. After fighting with his elder brother, the next step would be the limit Douluo of level 99. Right now he is making a breakthrough, isn't that...

Thinking of this, Du Bushi's eyes widened, and the people behind him looked at each other when they saw his face, because they didn't know what happened inside.It's just that they could see that the two people who were still fighting suddenly stopped and stood proudly in the air, as if they were communicating in secret.

"Brother Tianmeng, what are Mr. Xuan and the others doing?" Huo Yuhao asked suspiciously, his eyes full of puzzlement.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, for some reason, Tianmeng Iceworm's tone became serious. "Yuhao! That old man from Sea God Pavilion, he succeeded."

"Ah, success what?"

"He successfully broke through to level [-] and became a god at level [-]!" Tianmeng Iceworm's voice was a little low, as if he was avoiding something. Although he was shocked by the news, Huo Yuhao wanted to find out the changes of Tianmeng Iceworm .

But before he could open his mouth, the Ice Empress beside him had already solved his doubts. "Although that one doesn't have a soul ring attached, he hasn't officially become a god yet. But right now he already has the power of a god, and he has already discovered the existence of the two of us. I just don't know what kind of attitude he will treat us ?”

"This..." Huo Yuhao's mind was also blank. He had never experienced these things when he was young, and he became at a loss at this moment.

At this moment, the voice of Tianmeng Iceworm sounded again. "You two don't have to worry, that old man won't do anything to us. After all, another greater existence discovered us very early on."

At this time, the Ice Empress sounded hesitant. "You mean, the breath from a few years ago."

Tianmeng Iceworm did not deny it, nodded and said. "Yes, I was already Yuhao's soul at that time, and I was discovered by that one on the first day of Shrek. He didn't say anything to me, and he didn't do anything. And this old man was his My junior, I believe he won't do anything to us, so don't worry."

Of course, Huo Yuhao didn't know about Tianmeng's riddle, so he asked curiously. "Brother Tianmeng, who are you talking about?"

Tianmeng and Bingdi looked at each other, both seemed a little silent, and finally Tianmeng still spoke. "Yuhao, it's not that I don't want to say it, but that I can't and dare not. You'll know it later."

Closer to home, at this time Du Bushi no longer had the calmness and arrogance he had before.

No wonder!
No wonder I can't bear the slightest thought of resistance. It turns out that Muen has already reached this point, and now he... has become a god.

Du Bushi's eyes were a bit complicated. Strictly speaking, Mu En was his life and death enemy, but right now he had forgotten this thought.Because facing a God, he really couldn’t afford to have such thoughts.

This is God!
How many people dream of a dream, since 1 years ago, no one has ever heard of anyone on the road reaching this level.This sounds so far away, causing some people to think that gods cannot exist only in legends, but now they appear in front of Du Bushi, and even he can't even say it. Isn't this a kind of luck?

"Dragon God, I have nothing to say about today's matter, you can kill if you want." There was no arrogance in Du Bushi's tone, but it was not the dignity of a strong man.

In addition, the reason why he really wants to call him is out of awe of the strong, and has nothing to do with personal feelings.

"Hehe..." Elder Mu still smiled lightly and said kindly. "You can't die from poison, let's go! Your ontology sect can be regarded as a force of human beings, and you are all excellent soul masters.

I just hope that you can think more about things in the future. Being a relative is not only about right and wrong, but also about good and evil. As long as you understand this, I believe other people on the mainland will not reject you. "

"You...are you really going to let me go like this?" Du Bushi was puzzled. Mu En's attitude immediately felt that he was bluffing, and he couldn't help thinking that he had been deceived.

At this moment, a golden dragon claw suddenly condensed in the sky above Shrek Academy, surrounded by radiance full of charm, and dragon scales were clearly visible.Just this one dragon claw actually occupied half of Shrek's sky, almost half of the place was under shadow.

This sudden scene not only stunned everyone, this kind of scene that they saw with their own eyes would not be deceiving. What kind of existence has such power?
The next moment, the huge dragon claw made a move, and suddenly pierced the sky and flew towards the distance, leaving golden marks where it passed, and left a terrifying aftermath in the air that could burn the Title Douluo. Among them, the domineering power, the poisonous heart jumped up unsatisfactorily.

He is going to shoot me!Is it really the power of God? It's really terrifying.

The Poisonous Boss looked vigilant, ready to fight at all times, but under his vigilant and unexpected gaze, the Dragon Claw passed over him and continued to fly into the distance.

However, on the other side, Jing Hongchen, who was watching the excitement in the dark, changed his face wildly, because he found out that the dragon claw was coming towards him, and he said inwardly that he was not good, he was still discovered by being so careful.

Immediately, his face turned hard, and he suddenly blew on the many soul guides he had arranged in advance, and saw streams of colorful lights flying towards the dragon claw.After the two collided, there was a huge explosion, which looked astonishing, similar to the movement caused by Elder Xuan and Du Bushi just now.

Looking at the series of explosions in the distance, Elder Xuan and Du Bushi here are not looking good, this kind of power!

Unexpectedly, there are often masters of the same level as them in the distance. Although they are soul engineers, they are scary enough. It is ridiculous that neither of them noticed it.

They couldn't help being afraid in their hearts, if that person used his power to sneak attack just now, the two of them would suffer a big loss.

On the other side, Jing Hongchen's eyes widened, he couldn't believe it at all, he watched the huge dragon claws destroy the nine-level soul guides he had arranged on the spot, and finally attacked him.

After reacting, Jing Hongchen, who was unwilling to be captured, flew backwards, trying to escape from here.But this huge dragon claw sealed off the whole world before him, and actually locked him inside.

Although there is still a space for him to fly around, but there is no gap to be seen, even the flow of air cannot be sensed.

Jing Hongchen's heart sank, this kind of powerlessness, this kind of powerlessness, made him never feel it again after he became a ninth-level soul engineer.

Immediately, Jing Hongchen also stopped his actions, because he knew that his pointless struggle would only be a laughingstock, and now that the owner of the dragon claw didn't kill him, there was still a glimmer of life.

It has to be said that the head of the Mingde Hall of the Sun Moon Empire was extremely reluctant to leave his own life to others to decide.It's just a pity that this kind of thing can't be changed by his will.

(End of this chapter)

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