Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 355 Shake the World

Chapter 355 Shake the World
With the end of the First World War, all the people sent to the front by several major forces were lost, and even the God Emperor escaped with only a few hundred statues.The Palace of Thousand Emperors, which is the most disliked by people, won a complete victory this time by massacring all directions, directly beheading all the invading enemies, and thus established a great reputation.

After the news came out, the world was shocked.

It was only a few short years from the start to the end of this war. This speed is undoubtedly extremely fast. Compared with those wars that lasted for hundreds of years or thousands of years, it is simply incomparable, but such a tragedy is beyond imagination. .

The seven overlord forces lost nearly 200 million people in total, and all of them were elites from various forces. In addition, the loss of nearly [-] god emperors directly caused them to vomit blood.

Back then, other forces thought that this matter was easy to grasp. Who would have wanted the masters in the sect to fall one after another and suffer heavy losses. The overall strength of several major overlord-level forces was directly cut in half, and dropped by half.If it weren't for the presence of masters to intimidate the Quartet, I'm afraid it would have been carved up and declined long ago.

But this time they also suffered a lot.

The seven overlord-level forces ruled over the Southern Territory, and secretly there were many enemies who were waiting for the opportunity. At this moment, all ghosts and snakes appeared, and riots began in various residences, and even the sect forces and families that were originally attached to them were also shocked. They are all restless.

But compared to these, the outside world paid more attention to the Palace of Thousand Emperors, or Chen Feng.

Although the overall strength of the Southern Territory has dropped by half right now, no one can rashly intervene, not to mention that although the power of the original seven hosts is weakened, there is still the newly promoted Thousand Emperor Palace.This is the illustrious prestige that came out of it. He really overthrew the Southern Territory with his own strength. This has never happened in the history of the God Realm.

"I'm afraid that the Palace of Thousand Emperors has become the number one force in the God Realm. You must know that this kind of record has never been achieved by the Palace of Gods."

"Cut! You think too highly of them. Maybe they can compete with the temples of the gods before the war, but this battle is so terrifying. Nearly two hundred god emperor masters fell directly. After such a tragic battle, the Thousand Emperors Palace You must have suffered a heavy loss in strength. You don’t have to think about it, can such a big war not pay a little price? If you want me to say that the Thousand Emperor Palace is almost destroyed, have you ever seen that power lose so much in a big war? people?"

"According to what you say, it is really possible! The strength of places like the Southern Region is not vegetarian. They have never been the only ones to break out in civil wars, and they have never been invaded. I think it is because of their terrifying strength that people are jealous..."

There are a lot of rumors from the outside world, and there are different opinions for a while, but there is no escape from the left and right, that is, the Qiandi Palace is completely famous all over the world. Even if some people speculate that they have suffered heavy losses, no force dares to underestimate them.This is the deterrence brought by blood and war, even if it is only famous, it is enough to suppress those who are eager to move.

Kongming Mountain!It is not the name of a mountain, but the name of a huge mountain range. The mountain range is boundless. Even the astonishing eyesight of the god emperor and powerhouse can't see the edge at a glance. The strong inside is like a cloud, which makes people afraid.

Kongming Mountain sits on the sacred mountain of thousands of miles and has countless resources. In addition, there are endless masters. For tens of millions of years, the incense has been flourishing, and there has been an endless stream of disciples. This is the confidence and foundation of a big school. Countless geniuses and goddesses emerge in endlessly, which amazes the world. .

The forbidden area at the back of Kongming Mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist all the year round. There are layers of exquisite saints. Even people from the sect are not allowed to enter. I'm afraid that if I offend this huge monster, I will end up dead in the end.

Today, however, the silence was broken.

In the endless mountain range, the clouds and mist suddenly became churning, and a majestic voice seemed to sweep from the sky.

"Sword Emperor! You have crossed the boundary!"

This voice is full of vicissitudes, as if it came from ancient times, just like the curling voice contains the truth of heaven and earth, just this one sentence can shake the world, one can imagine how powerful its owner is. "Sword Emperor, why don't you stay in the Temple of the God of War and come to my Kongming Mountain to spy on the inside story, don't you think that my iron fist is not good enough and my reputation is gone?"

In the vast void, two endless and majestic figures stood proudly. Behind them was the vast starry sky above their heads, and there were bright stars everywhere.

A figure is dressed in battle armor, with a huge sword on its back, the monstrous sword intent can't be concealed, as if it wants to shatter the endless starry sky, sacred, ancient, powerful and inviolable, just based on this momentum It can be judged that this is a supreme powerhouse, and it is definitely not comparable to He Ran and his like.

"Hmph! Thunder Emperor, this emperor is here to settle accounts with you. You initiated the attack on the Thousand Emperors Hall this time. Now our War God Hall has suffered heavy losses. Only a few of the more than 40 emperors who went there survived. You Shouldn’t this account be on your head? If you don’t give an explanation today, the emperor will have a fight with you.”

If this kind of words spread out, it would definitely set off huge waves. Isn't Lei Di Lei Qianjun the number one powerhouse in the Southern Territory God Emperor list? There are still people who dare to speak wild words in front of him, and don't give him half a bit of face , If this spreads to Yang, it may be no less than a major earthquake.

"Hehe... Sword Emperor, please be safe and don't be impatient. With a great emperor like you in charge, the slight loss of the Temple of War God is nothing. "

The Sword Emperor immediately snorted coldly, and the surrounding space vibrated directly, and the sky and the earth changed color as soon as he said a word, it was really terrifying, he said in a cold voice. "It's nothing? The loss of more than 40 god emperors directly destroyed most of the power of the God of War Temple, and even hurt the vitality. One sentence is nothing, once it is really big."

"Lei Qianjun, others respect you as the number one God Emperor powerhouse in the Southern Territory, so don't try to bluff me with this reputation, everyone is at the same level, if you can't give a satisfactory explanation today, I will I want to weigh your catties."

Sword Emperor is like a volcano that is about to erupt, and the aura on his body begins to rise at an astonishing speed. It feels like a time bomb that is about to explode at any time. A terrifying power spreads directly to the entire void. It can be seen that he Difficulties may arise anytime, anywhere.

Lei Di didn't panic at all, and even had a faint smile on his face. This is the confidence of a truly strong man. Although Jian Emperor Jian Wushuang does have the strength to compete with him, his name is not To be honest, he is really not afraid of a battle.

(End of this chapter)

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