Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 358 Thunder Emperor's Fear

Chapter 358 Thunder Emperor's Fear

Without even thinking about it, Yao Jingxiao broke away from the crowd and flew directly in front of Lei Qianjun, facing him from afar.

Since he was here to find fault, then Yao Jingxiao would not be so polite. He did not hide his arrogance, and the terrifying power swept away to the surroundings, and there was a soft whistle in the sky.He was like a bright star shining brightly, covering Zhou Sheng's radius with his aura centered on himself, and collided with Lei Qianjun in the air immediately.

"What?" Lei Qianjun let out a low voice in disbelief, fixed his eyes on Yao Jingxiao, and felt a wave of surprise in his heart.


Absolutely the Great!
No one knew how surprised he was. One must know that Lei Qianjun had dealt with all the great emperors in the God Realm, but the one in front of him had never heard of it.

There is actually a great emperor in the Palace of Thousand Emperors, what a shocking thing, Lei Qianjun kept cursing inwardly, when did a great emperor sneak into the Southern Region?Why has he never noticed it?

Damn it!

At that moment, the fear in Lei Qianjun's heart reached the peak. He was obviously a very powerful person who was able to hide from his own investigation. Maybe he was an old monster who could not hide from the world, but why did he never Heard of it?
I was horrified in my heart, but he was the emperor after all, and he was full of confidence. After the initial surprise, he returned to normal, and Lei Qianjun said calmly. "You are Chen Feng, the master of the Thousand Emperors Palace? You are so courageous. You dare to go deep into the southern region alone. Are you not afraid of dying here?"

Yao Jingxiao is Yao Jingxiao, he has always had that icy face all his life, even in the face of a great emperor, he has never changed his temperament, only his face is cold, and his words are as cold as ten thousand years of ice. "The palace master is not here, Yao Jingxiao of the Emperor's Palace of Thousand Emperors, if you have any means, feel free to use it, this emperor will follow."

"Hiss!" Lei Qianjun couldn't help but gasped in his heart. Even he was not calm at this moment. The person in front of him was not the real master, but his cultivation as a great emperor in his life could not be faked. Isn't that true? It is said that the Palace of Thousand Emperors has two great emperors.

It's terrible!

The entire God Realm has never heard of any faction that has two great emperors, and the temples of the gods only have one great emperor-level powerhouse. This is an iron rule behind the scenes, formulated to check and balance all overlord-level forces iron law.

Once someone violates it, it is tantamount to committing public anger, and will be attacked by the crowd. The rules are not allowed to be broken, and the balanced order must not be disturbed. There are many hegemony-level forces that are not without anyone who can attack the emperor. Realm, but it is because of this unspoken rule that it is suppressed abruptly.

Because they all know that once an offense is committed, it will definitely attract the wrath of the people, and they will never sit back and watch a powerful force become too powerful to control. All the emperors are against each other.

Lei Qianjun jumped up without even eyelids. He didn't expect that someone would dare to break through this boundary at the risk of such a big world.But now he is even more curious, even breaking through to Zhundi said that everyone will know what happened, let alone breaking through to the emperor.

The person in front of him and that Chen Feng himself have never had any impression, how did they do it?
Lei Qianjun asked in a domineering tone with a cold face. "Hmph! You guys are so brave, you dare to violate the common agreement of the emperors. Could it be that you want to fight against the whole world?"

When he said this, he focused all his attention on Yao Jingxiao, and wanted to see what happened first, but he was destined to be disappointed.Yao Jingxiao is considered to be an existence older than him, how many people in Luncheng Mansion can compare to him?

Yao Jingxiao said calmly. "What we think is our own business. As for the consequences, it is not your Excellency's concern."

Little did he know that there was a slight jump in his heart, what was the agreement of the emperors?But it sounds like it interfered with many great emperors, so it must be something extraordinary.But right now is not the time to think about these things, this Lei Qianjun is obviously coming in a bad way, so it's better not to be distracted.

Not being able to see anything, Lei Qianjun was slightly disappointed, but he immediately regained his composure. After all, this is an extravagant hope.

Lei Qianjun spoke again. "What exactly do you want to do when you invade the Southern Territory from the Palace of Thousand Emperors? You have to know that no one has ever interfered in the affairs of other domains for thousands of years. Are you trying to start a big war?"

Yao Jingxiao sneered in his heart, this guy still wanted to talk about his own words, it was really a good idea. "Hmph! No comment."

"You!" Lei Qianjun's heart was filled with anger, and the clay figurine was still a little bit angry. You must know that he is the emperor, the most noble and powerful existence in the whole world.Although Yao Jingxiao was on the same level as him, but she repeatedly refuted her own face, could it be possible that she really thought he was made of mud?
Furious in his heart, Lei Qianjun said threateningly with a cold face. "Don't be ignorant of flattery. If you really annoy me, don't blame me for fighting you here. The ants below are different from you. I want to see if their fate is hard or not!"

Yao Jingxiao narrowed his eyes. What Lei Qianjun said was indeed what he was worried about, but this guy was shameless enough to say such things openly.

The vigilance in his heart was raised again, so that people who have no bottom line are often more dangerous. Without a bottom line, there is no lower limit, so he can do even the most dirty things.

But if he was so easily threatened, then he wouldn't be Yao Jingxiao. "Junior, you are too rampant."

"Junior?" Lei Qianjun was furious immediately. He has been an emperor for more than 2000 million years, and he is already at the top of existence. He never thought that someone would dare to call him that. How can he not be angry?However, before he had an attack, he felt a huge opportunity lock on him, and his pupils shrank.

I saw that Yao Jingxiao had already approached him at some point, and Lei Qianjun also found that the space around him seemed to be cut and shredded, and he happened to be completely isolated and blocked inside.

"What a terrifying cultivation level?" Lei Qianjun figured out the truth almost instantly. The person in front of him clearly shattered the entire space with his formidable power. He could do this, but Absolutely no such control.That could only explain one problem, this Yao Jingxiao was more terrifying than he imagined, and his heart became vigilant.

"However, so what if the strength is stronger than yourself?"

Lei Qianjun sneered faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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