Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 361 Explained

Chapter 361 Explained
Feeling that Lei Qianjun's aura was getting farther and farther away until it disappeared, Yao Jingxiao turned around and left and returned to the bottom.

As soon as he returned, Dai Minghan and a group of people couldn't wait to surround him. Looking at their eagerness, it goes without saying that Yao Jingxiao probably guessed something.

Sure enough, Yu Xiaogang, who had already been impatient, asked aloud. "Old Yao, who was that person just now?"

As everyone saw, the visitor was aggressive and wanted Chen Feng to go out to lead him to death, which was obviously not a good thing.Moreover, the place where the two of them were talking just now was a little far away, and no one dared to get too close, and they didn't hear what they said.And they had never seen this person before, so they asked this question.

Yao Jingxiao said: "That is Lei Qianjun, the No. 1 God Emperor in the Southern Territory, he is here to seek revenge."

"Oh! So it was him."

Everyone obviously had confidence in their hearts, and the major forces suffered heavy losses, so they would definitely come to trouble them. This matter was expected, but they didn't think it was so strange.

Dai Minghan spoke out eagerly. "However, how could he be so strong? I don't even feel that the few of us fighting together are no match for him."

Yao Jingxiao smiled slightly. He naturally understood the impact this incident had on them, and explained. "Don't feel too strange, this is a normal thing."


Everyone showed doubts and was full of puzzlement.

Yao Jingxiao continued to speak. "For a god emperor, the strength of the few of you is indeed strong enough, you have even reached the peak, and there are not many people in this world who can stand shoulder to shoulder with you. But..."

"But what?"

"However, there are still realms above the god emperor, which are the quasi-emperor and the great emperor. Breaking through these two realms is definitely more difficult and dangerous than the thunder disasters you have experienced in the past. This is a real narrow escape. .”

"What you need to know is that everyone under the emperor's realm is an ant, even the god emperor is no exception. Leaving aside the great emperor, as far as the quasi-emperor is concerned, the god emperor can be suppressed by turning his hand."

Yao Jingxiao talked eloquently, perhaps because he was in a good mood and explained to everyone in detail. "After reaching this realm, the strength will skyrocket. It is estimated to be about a hundred times that of the god emperor realm. At that time, you can tear the sky with your bare hands, break the space and break the emptiness, and you are truly supreme."

"Moreover, it is difficult for a great emperor to want to die, because the tyrannical power and strong repairing ability endow them with extremely strong vitality and fighting power. If a great emperor really explodes, no one can stop it. This is also my reason. The reason why I didn’t fight him just now is because even I wasn’t sure how to subdue him.”

Speaking of this, Yao Jingxiao's expression became unusually serious, and he said word by word. "You must remember that you must not confront them head-on before reaching this level, and if you want to touch a great emperor and you are not absolutely sure to kill him, then it is best not to break the taboo."

The expressions of the people were awe-inspiring, the truth is actually very simple, and they all understood it, that is, it is absolutely terrifying for a great emperor to go crazy, and if he is not absolutely sure to anger him, then once the great emperor with such power faces himself If the people around you do something, there is no way to stop it, and it will have disastrous consequences.

Understanding is one thing, but being able to accept it is another.

"This... this is too scary!"

Everyone's faces were a bit ugly. Everyone thought that they had already stood at the pinnacle of the God Realm, but they didn't expect that they were still very weak in comparison. This kind of gap made them unacceptable for a moment, who had always been somewhat complacent.

It's like one day when you are high on the top, just when you think that you have climbed to the top and are proud of yourself, there is another person telling you that there are higher mountains in this world.

"Old Yao!" It was Yu Xiaogang who suddenly asked. "This Lei Qianjun of Kongming Mountain is a great emperor, so are other forces with the same name as him..."

Yao Jingxiao glanced at him admiringly. Yu Xiaogang's prudence and strategy were indeed higher than everyone else's, and his temperament was also very good. Otherwise, he would not have considered this first, he nodded and said. "That's right, that's the reason."

"And combined with the information we have received in the past, we can basically confirm that there is a great emperor standing behind every overlord-level force. It seems that our previous plan of the Thousand Emperor Palace is about to change."

As the saying goes, plan before acting, the future path of Qiandi Palace has already been planned by everyone, but now that such an unexpected situation has occurred, the plan must be changed, otherwise it will be tantamount to seeking a dead end.

After hearing his words, everyone's faces became ugly.Doesn't that mean that they have offended the Seven Great Emperors now, and that kind of powerful enemy is a killer hidden in the dark. With such a strong enemy, I'm afraid it will be difficult to sleep at ease in the future.

Yao Jingxiao could see all these changes, but he smiled faintly in his heart. Recently, the mentality of the people has changed very obviously, just like a person's complacency after a sudden success. He sees and remembers all of these in the heart.Originally, Yao Jingxiao planned to beat them up after these things settled down, but now it's just the right time, and it's just right.

" don't need to worry too much. There may be some friction in the future, but there will never be such a big battle. Although they are strong, they are not absolutely sure that they can keep me. On the contrary, they may Because of the fear in my heart, I will keep testing our Qiandi Palace, and there are not too many problems in the Qiandi Palace in a short time."

Hearing his seemingly comforting words, everyone's emotions did not ease much. How could others sleep soundly in the couch? With such a powerful enemy by their side, how could everyone be at ease?
But fortunately, several of them are strong-minded people, not to mention that the situation is fixed now, no matter how much they worry about it, they can't change it, so it's better to think about what to do instead of worrying about it here.

There was a sharp flash in Dai Minghan's eyes, and he said firmly. "I also want to taste the feeling of the quasi-emperor. Maybe we have been too complacent after the recent victory, and we have gradually lost our sense of awe."

Everyone was silent, and it was not just a talk. Hearing what Dai Minghan said, they also felt that everyone in the Thousand Emperors Hall had been a little unrestrained recently, and maybe it was time to make a change.

Yao Jingxiao laughed. "Hehe... that's good. After you settle down, you can practice subconsciously. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. I also want to add a few more emperors and quasi-emperors to our Thousand Emperors Palace. At that time, we don't have to be like those in the water." The duckweed is swaying in the wind."

"So, thank you for being old."

(End of this chapter)

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