Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 373 Chen Feng's Grasp

Chapter 373 Chen Feng's Grasp

"Everyone don't have to worry. I, Chen Feng, may be arrogant or illiterate, but I will never make fun of the lives of tens of thousands of people."

Chen Feng was full of arrogance at this time, pointing Jiangshan with his big hands, and a general's wind suddenly emerged from him. "That's right, the seven overlord-level forces are coming fiercely. There will be another day before their plot succeeds. But don't be pessimistic. If you hand over your wealth and life to me, I will definitely be responsible to the end."

Everyone's heart was shocked, and then they were very moved. Chen Feng's words touched them one after another, as if they were suddenly affirmed by a very respected person, and an impulse to die for their confidant suddenly appeared in their hearts .

If Chen Feng knew that his words had such an effect, he might still be dumbfounded.But at this moment, he faced the crowd frankly, with a mysterious smile on his face and said immediately. "You are all familiar with body training, right?"

Everyone looked stunned at this moment, and they didn't understand what the relationship between these two things was, but someone still said it out loud.

"Hall Master, the body training technique was the foundation of my body training guild back then, and it is now the housekeeping skill of the Thousand Emperors Palace. If it weren't for this extraordinary skill, my road to becoming a god might not be so smooth and secure Yes. Relying on the tyranny of this body refining technique, the people of my Thousand Emperors Palace will be invincible when the thunder disaster occurs again, greatly reducing losses, and the benefits of success are gratifying. If it is not because of him, my Thousand Emperors Palace these years It is also impossible to develop so rapidly, and it is even more impossible for the number of god emperors to far exceed the tens of millions of years of accumulation of ordinary overlord-level forces in just 1 years."

The reason why it is only compared with the general overlord-level forces is because some powerful overlord-level forces have a frighteningly high number of god emperors. All the worshipers in the Thousand Emperor Hall know that even if they are in the outer domain, they are several times more than themselves. There are all forces, so I didn't say enough.

These are all well-known things, but they still can't figure out what kind of connection there is in it?How does it relate to what they're discussing?
This person's explanation was in line with Chen Feng's intentions, and he said with a light smile. "That's right, the body training technique is the crux of the problem, and it is also the basis for me to use the Quasi-Emperor Realm to counter the Great Emperor's Realm."

Everyone showed puzzled expressions, and Chen Feng didn't follow their appetite, so he spoke again. "Have you noticed that when you fought against the god emperors of the seven overlord-level forces, your strength is generally much stronger than theirs. Even if there are some who are not opponents, they are definitely a minority."

Everyone glanced at each other, and they really thought it was true. Before, they didn't think that the god emperors of the coalition army were too weak. Now that they think about it, there is something wrong.

"It seems to have something to do with it, like that He Ran, who is considered outstanding in the entire southern region, but he was beaten all over the ground by the priest of Zao Wou-ki and fled in a hurry. According to our information, he may have died early. It is a person who became famous thousands of years ago, but he was so vulnerable in that battle, so I said, why do I always feel something is wrong?"

"Hearing what the palace master said, it seems to be true. I also feel that those people in the same realm are a bit weak, and their cultivation time is almost a thousand times longer than ours. Hiss! There seems to be a big problem here!"

"Not bad……"

Seeing that everyone was whispering and whispering, and even the previous depression disappeared, Chen Feng couldn't help but burst into a smile, and said with a big laugh. "I won't say much about the strength of the body refining technique. You have already surpassed those who have already become famous in a short period of time. If you really want to say that your talent may not be stronger than them, it's just because of this point. It's just an advantage."

"It's not like there are people with your performance. They must be the kind of peerless geniuses who don't come out in tens of thousands of years. They will never pop up like you. It can be said that you have gone the farthest Tang Hao, Yu Xiaogang, and Zhang Dabiao are the only ones who are the most talented among you, no one can refute that, right?

But have you found out that the gap between you and them cannot be described by a single star, and it is even said that this is by no means a gap in talent, but a gap in quality. Without hesitation, several of them have already There is a threshold for the quasi-emperor's strength. "

Everyone seemed extremely surprised at this moment, but after calming down and thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be the case. The gap between them and these people was really huge. The age difference between them was not a few years old, but they broke through There are only a few of them in the late stage of the god emperor, and some people are even older than them and have not broken through to the god emperor yet.

Although everyone devotes themselves to cultivation, they are not bad at dealing with the world. After all, they are all people who have lived for tens of thousands of years, and their minds are extremely transparent.

At this time, Yao Jingxiao suddenly moved again, and saw his brows stretched out incomparably, as if suddenly enlightened. "Let me just say it! The combat power of these boys is so unbelievable. I thought it was normal for them to break through the Emperor Zhun, but it's because they didn't show any signs of breaking through. This is what happened!"

For a moment, Yao Jingxiao seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, and his face looked very surprised. "My God! Is this group of people so strong? It's not like I haven't heard of such a thing, but it's truly unparalleled in the world. With one or two such wonderful and gorgeous people, our Qiandi Palace is about to send out!"

"If you really want to say this, our Thousand Emperors Hall now has two great emperors and seven or eight quasi-emperors. If you say this, you can't scare people to death."

Everyone felt the same way. Since then, since the thunder Qianjun suddenly struck in the sky, they knew that things were not that simple, so they urgently put away this aspect of information.

It is not in vain that the Palace of Thousand Emperors has been here for tens of thousands of years. The intelligence system has already spread all over the God Realm.It is no exaggeration to say that the current Qiandi Palace can be called the No. [-] power in the God Realm in name only because it has the combat power of two great emperors.

Of course, everyone will never feel arrogant because of this point. Although the data shows that each overlord-level force can only have one god emperor, they will not simply think that only an unwritten rule can restrain them. Living with others, I am afraid this is done to see.

Although there are definitely not many people who dare to violate this point, there must be.

(End of this chapter)

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