Douluo the Hermit

Chapter 375 Against the Helpless Compromise

Chapter 375 Against the Helpless Compromise

After hearing Lei Qianjun's proposal, everyone's first reaction was to oppose it.

What a joke, the Thousand Emperors Palace caused them to suffer heavy losses, and it will take tens of thousands of years to make up for it. How can they turn around and get closer to others now? Isn't that a shame?
It can be said with certainty that none of the people here have any favorable impression of this Qiandi Palace, let alone make them greet it with a smile.Furthermore, the Palace of Thousand Emperors is really powerful. Once they cooperate, doesn't it mean that they will ride on their necks, and such a person who is above themselves will appear for no reason, and they will be able to accept it for a while. Strange.

"Lei Qianjun!"

Jian Wushuang suddenly pointed at Lei Qianjun, and asked suspiciously. "Could it be that you were bought by the Palace of Thousand Emperors? Otherwise, how could you do such things here that harm yourself and benefit others? Or, you were frightened by that Yao Jingxiao."

Hearing what he said, everyone couldn't help sizing up Lei Qianjun, and also guessed maliciously in their hearts, even the atmosphere in the venue changed a bit.

Faced with such a situation, Lei Qianjun's face turned cold at that time, and he did not hide the mockery on his face at all, and said in a fierce voice: "Is it interesting to say this now? Now the facts are in front of us, the strength of Qiandi Palace Higher than any of our family, what else can you do besides this method? Do you want to tell me to continue fighting with them to the death? "

"Everyone, listen to me! Our southern region is the weakest, and in addition, we are squeezed out and suppressed by people from other regions, and we will directly kill all potential people, just to prevent us from becoming stronger.

It was with great difficulty that we resisted the external pressure together, so that they would not dare to act recklessly in this place blatantly.Going to fight against the Qiandi Palace now will hurt both sides, and the strength will definitely be greatly damaged by then. At that time, will they still be able to suppress this group of ambitious people? "

As he spoke, Lei Qianjun even raised his own voice, and could even hear the anger in his tone. "Don't forget that the strength of our Southern Territory has been stagnant, but that of the Outer Territory is increasing day by day. Haven't you noticed that those people have become more and more active in the past few million years, and they have even ceased to exist?" To hide his fangs, if he hadn't been absolutely sure, he would have launched a war long ago.

At this time, if we have another civil strife, wouldn't that mean cutting ourselves off from the world and completely cutting off our own way out? "

Lei Qianjun was furious in his heart, although he was equally angry at having stumbled and suffered a big loss in the Palace of Thousand Emperors, but compared to this face, he cared more about the foreign enemies from the foreign domain.

This is not to say how much he loves the hot land of the Southern Territory. The key is that once the Southern Territory falls, or even is directly captured, then where is the place where it lives in the vastness of the world? There is no way to go down.Because no one can rest assured of a great emperor who is not under his control, such unstable factors must be wiped out and completely eradicated.

He cast a vicious glance at the crowd, scolding these short-sighted people in his heart, who are still thinking about the gains and losses in front of them at this moment.

Being reprimanded by Lei Qianjun in public, the masters were all furious. Taotao's anger directly made their clothes dance, and they looked as if they had offended King Kong.But it has to be mentioned that Lei Qianjun's words still had an effect.

At this time, the emperor who looked older suddenly said, "Everyone, please be quiet for a while!"

"Old Liu! If you have something to say, just say it." One person said, and it was obvious that he still respected the old man.Seeing that the old man was about to make a statement, the others restrained their anger one after another, even Lei Qianjun was no exception.

Because although this old man is not strong enough, even the weakest among them, he is the most famous for his age. In terms of age alone, I am afraid that everyone has to call him an elder.In addition, Mr. Liu has always been aloof from the world, which is more suitable for them without any conflict of interest, and everyone doesn't want to hurt the face of this good old man when it is not necessary.

Mr. Liu saluted everyone with a smile, and after being polite, he said slowly with a smile. "It is a fact that there is an undercurrent in our Southern Territory. Once those people seize the opportunity, they will never let us go. Although the Southern Territory is located in a remote area and lacks supplies, it was not a huge piece of fat in the eyes of the time.

They are like greedy wolves, and they will bite fiercely whenever they have the opportunity. This is a matter of our wealth and life, and it must be put first. "

"As for the Palace of Thousand Emperors, it has been ten thousand years since they appeared, but they still haven't been able to find out where they came from, as if they appeared out of thin air. But it is also a giant, and it has shown that it can crush us strength."

Elder Liu sighed and said earnestly. "It's a pity that although we are still stronger than him together, we can't be eliminated in one battle. If we insist on fighting, it will only waste our strength. In the end, no one can do anything to anyone, but it will consume a lot of money. energy."

Everyone nodded, and after thinking about it, they understood the key point. The strength of the Thousand Emperor Palace is indeed beyond imagination. It's a dilemma to say the least.

But there is a saying that is good, you should never stop suffering from chaos.Although both ends are difficult, they must make a choice.The meaning in Liu's old saying is to avoid the important and take the light. After all, what the Thousand Emperor Palace brings to them is only the loss of benefits, and the people from the outer domain want the entire southern domain. At that time, they will not have any chance of surviving the disaster. In the end, They will all end up dead.

Take the lighter of the two.

Old Liu spoke again. "The Palace of Thousand Emperors should not have any bigger conflicts with us for the time being. I think they don't want to provoke the wolves from the outer domain. After all, once a war starts, it will be an earth-shattering event. They should know that they can't fight against this huge wave. force."

Emperor Ming who had spoken earlier asked tentatively. "Old Liu, what do you mean? Form an alliance with the Palace of Thousand Emperors, turn hostility into friendship from now on, and completely make friends with them to fight against the forces of the foreign domain?"

Old Liu shook his head, revealing an old fox's smile. "Peace and peace is naturally the best thing, but if the Palace of Thousand Emperors wants to make progress, I can't wait for him."

Everyone immediately nodded in agreement with this statement, but at the same time they were very curious, what tricks did Liu Lao have to deal with Qiandidian?
He smiled mysteriously and said calmly. "Everyone, don't forget that there are two Great Emperors in the Palace of Thousand Emperors. This is their Achilles' heel. With such a big deal in hand, I still don't believe that they dare not spit out some benefits to us."

(End of this chapter)

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