Chapter 378
There is a saying that is very pleasant. There is no impenetrable wall in this world. The fact that the seven great emperors of the Southern Region jointly invited the Thousand Emperors Hall spread quickly. The speed was beyond everyone's imagination. It spread all over the world, and even the real overlords of Outland were alarmed.

"How could it be? It's just a Thousand Emperors Hall, which can be destroyed in front of a master like the Great Emperor. Why do the Great Emperors in the Southern Region still do this? Isn't this superfluous?"

"I think there must be some secrets hidden in it that we don't know. Otherwise, with the arrogance of the emperor, he would never have an equal dialogue with an ant. Let me hurry up and investigate what happened."

The order after order was passed on one after another, and for a while, the secret agents placed by the major forces in the southern region surged, and a lot of chaos even broke out in order to spy on the information. People suddenly found that an elder who was a spy suddenly appeared in their sect. , immediately made them die, they didn't expect their sect to be infiltrated to such an extent, even there were people from outside the domain in the decision-making layer.

Now everyone feels threatened. With these people as internal support, wouldn't it mean that many of their secrets are no longer secrets? Everyone was furious for a while, and their attitude towards these outsiders dropped sharply , and even besieged outsiders on the street.

Just because of this matter, the forces behind the spies are also very distressed. This is not only a dark hand that they have spent many years of resources and energy in arranging, but they did not expect to fail and expose this matter one after another.Fortunately, their efforts were rewarded, but the news they received made them turn pale with shock.

"What? The Palace of Thousand Emperors actually has a great emperor, isn't that Chen Feng at best a quasi-emperor?"

"Hmph... That day's battle, the two sides joined forces to blockade the entire area. They deliberately concealed the truth and naturally they wouldn't reveal the truth. We were all fooled by them!"

"Unexpectedly, a great emperor came out of the Palace of Thousand Emperors without a sound. Now there are eight great emperors in total for all men and women. It seems that the rankings of several domains will change again, and the southern domain has finally got rid of these ten thousand emperors. The name of the youngest."

"However, the Eastern and Western Regions, who have been thinking about them all the time, may be stimulated. They have always wanted to invade the Southern Region. Now they are showing a rising trend. I am afraid that they are the most unwilling to see them. gone."

"Who said it wasn't? It seems that God's Domain is going to be quite lively for a while. This kind of cross-domain battle has never been fought many times..."

In fact, the reason why the news spread so quickly was probably because there were not a few overlord-level forces behind it. They announced the world in such a hurry, and it was clear that they wanted to use the general situation to force Qiandidian to submit.Knowing this situation, Chen Feng smiled in his heart, and it was as expected.

For a while, the southern region was unusually quiet. Even the merger and rebellion between the various forces that had been in dire straits a while ago were quietly silent. The reason why they had the courage to do so was because there was Qiandidian standing in front of them. Cylinders, attracting firepower, at this juncture, no one dares to jump out and collapse.

Everyone is guessing in their hearts, what kind of ending will the two sides meet this time?Is the two sides shaking hands and making peace, or is it a complete big shot?
It would be really lively if the face was completely torn apart. It is obvious that the great emperors of both sides are doing nothing. Although it seems that they have deep backgrounds, the previous battle has already been lost for half a day. , It directly hurts the vitality. I am afraid that millions of years will not be able to make up for this loss.

But if it really goes one step further, it means that the emperor and the strong will really end.


This word represents the real power and mystery. The highest ruler in this world is like the supreme king of the supreme country. No one can stand on their heads anymore, and they have the power to destroy the world with every move.

From ancient times to the present, there has never been a war between emperors that caused the world to shatter and rivers to flow backwards. I still remember that the most recent one was 1000 million years ago, when several great emperors from the Central Region joined forces to besiege the Lord of the God Realm, Holmwei. Many old monsters thought at this time There is a feeling of sweat on the back when I look up.

The momentum of that battle was huge, until it reached the darkness of the sky, and the god king, god emperor, god emperor, and even quasi-emperor fell one after another. Compared with the Qiandi Temple's heavy damage to the alliance army some time ago, the gap between the two is as insignificant as ever. big witch.

Some people even speculate that the power lost in that battle has long been equivalent to half of the overall strength of Zhongyu.The Central Territory is known as the center of the God Realm, and its strength is far superior to that of other regions. It is conceivable how brutal the battle is.

"Hiss! Could it be that the great war 1000 million years ago will come again? It was an extremely dark era. Some surviving seniors said that the situation back then was like a dog, and even the quasi-emperor died in battle."

"Hey! You don't even think about where the Central Territory is. It's too common for this kind of thing to happen there. But you really think highly of the Southern Territory. Although it is very likely that a war will break out, it will definitely not be as tragic as that. .and……"

"Besides, do you think that everyone has the power to force everything like the Lord of the God Realm? The emperor's realm is also divided into three, six, and nine grades. The strength of the emperor in the Thousand Emperor Palace is at most ordinary, plus It's seven against one, and I think it's more dangerous than good for him."

The implication is that they are not optimistic about the Qiandi Palace. After all, in their opinion, how could such a heaven-defying character appear in a place with such a rating in the Southern Region, otherwise how could they fall into such a situation? Land, although the number of great emperors is not as high as that of the Southern Territory, but the monstrous evildoers rank extremely high in all the domains.

Just when everyone was watching from the sidelines, waiting to see the final result of this matter, and even arranged people to watch outside the Qiandi Palace, waiting for the master of the emperor to come forward, under their noses, Yao Jingxiao He had already quietly left the Palace of Thousand Emperors, and went to the meeting alone.

Speaking of it, it depends on the effective blockade of news. You must know that the strength of the seven overlords is still relying on this to suppress and blackmail the Thousand Emperor Palace. If it is exposed that the Thousand Emperor Palace has two great emperors, Wouldn't their plan fail?

Because of this, the outside world only knows that there is a great emperor in the Palace of Thousand Emperors, which makes them suspect Chen Feng without hesitation, because no one has shown the strength of a suspected great emperor before, and there is no doubt that only Dasha Chen Feng in Sifang has this possibility.

(End of this chapter)

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