Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

211 Chapter 2 Still Looking for You

211 Chapter 2 Still Looking for You ([-])

Fan Yao smiled slightly, shook his head, expressing that he didn't mind, and secretly praised in his heart, "The deputy leader is really smart."

"I really don't know where this brat Chen Youliang has gone. Come on, I asked you to check the check-in registrations of the major hotels. How did you check?" Zhao Min asked.

Ah Er took a step forward, and reported, "Going back to the princess, I have already checked it out, but..."

"But what?" Zhao Min seemed to have guessed something.

"However, there are three inns in Kyoto 180, each of which has a person named Chen Youliang checking in. The subordinates really don't know where Chen Youliang is staying." Ah Er said awkwardly
Zhao Min smiled lightly and said, "This brat really has a way. I know that this place is at the foot of the emperor. Most of the inns are related to the government. I can't mobilize officers and soldiers to conduct a large-scale search. I'm afraid even people won't come back if I search secretly. It's really good to use the trick to cast doubts, and it seems that I can't find him. Forget it, let's go back."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, and then left the temple with Zhao Min.

In the guest room of the Hang Seng Inn, Chen Youliang was making the cork for the medicine, and Xiao Zhao was grinding the herbs according to Chen Youliang's instructions. After a while, there was a knock on the door, Wei Yixiao went to the door and opened it, saw a Mingjiao disciple standing outside, Wei Yixiao pulled him in, looked around vigilantly, and closed the door.

"The vice-religion master really predicted things like a god. Not long after we left, Zhao Min took people to the temple." Mingjiao disciple said respectfully
Chen Youliang nodded, as expected, there is nothing to be proud of, but now it is still proceeding according to the plot of the novel. I am afraid that everything will change tonight. Chen Youliang knows that Zhao Min is very happy with his old method of sowing doubts. It's hard to guess, and it's impossible to find yourself to eat hot pot.

"My lord, the medicine is ready." Xiao Zhao said at this time

Chen Youliang agreed, handed the finished cork to Xiao Zhao, and said, "Put the medicine in this cork, King Wei Bo, you will sneak into Wan'an Temple later, and give the medicine to Fan Youshi."

"Okay!" Wei Yi smiled and nodded.

"In addition, Xiao Zhao, you will go to the inn next door and tell Yang Zuoshi and Buhui not to get involved in what happened tonight. Just say that it is my order, and this matter is more or less my fault. Wuji's private matter, and it's very dangerous tonight, I don't want Mingjiao brothers to be affected because of this matter." Chen Youliang turned to Xiao Zhao and said, Tsk, Chen Youliang knows anyway, even if he said so, Yang Xiao would still Go, it's better to continue pretending to be a wolf with a big tail.

Xiao Zhao smiled sweetly, and said, "Okay, I will inform Yang Zuoshi later."

Wei Yixiao said with a bit of dissatisfaction, "I mean the deputy leader, are you treating us as outsiders too much? We will go through fire and water for the leader and the deputy leader..."

Chen Youliang raised his hand and said with a smile, "Wei Bat King, I understand what you guys want, but I really don't want you to get hurt or have any accidents because of this incident, or I will have a bad conscience."

Wei Yixiao seemed to still disagree, and said, "Vice Hierarch..."

But at this point, there was another knock on the door outside, and the people in the room were startled, Xiao Zhao quickly asked, "Who is it?"

"Miss, I'm Xiao Er. There is a girl surnamed Zhao outside who wants to find Mr. Chen Youliang by name." Xiao Er said

(End of this chapter)

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