Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 213 According to the usual practice, give me another kiss!

Chapter 213 As usual, kiss again! (2)

"You said that you are a majestic princess, do you have any brocade clothes and satin at home? Why do you wear such a dress all day long? You don't know how to change clothes? You are dressed like this in Green Willow Villa, and you are still dressed like that in Wuming Villa. In the past, you only brought money and no clothes, but now that you have returned to your house, you can’t change the clothes? Or is it that our big princess is so unhygienic, and doesn’t change a piece of clothes for more than a month? "Chen Youliang laughed
Zhao Min raised his eyes, and said angrily, "What are you talking about! Who... who doesn't change clothes! I just like the style of these clothes, can I make more sets?"

Chen Youliang shrugged, anyway, he covered up the shaking of his head, so let it go.He smiled indifferently, and asked, "You can say whatever you want. But although the princess doesn't pay attention to hygiene, her brain is quite easy to use. I have a name in every inn in the capital. How do you know I'm here?"

Zhao Min snorted disdainfully, and said, "Can you hide your little skills from me? This makes you always think you are smart. People like you will definitely hide in the most dangerous places, because only such places It is the safest, so of course I will come here to investigate." Although Zhao Min said it lightly, but she did it to anger Chen Youliang, she had been thinking hard at home for a long time before coming here to try her luck .

But Zhao Min was not happy, Chen Youliang was not angry at all, just nodded as before, which made Zhao Min very depressed. He thought he would be able to win the game, but now it seems that he seems to be early. As if she knew she would be found out, she was still so calm.

In fact, Chen Youliang was only a little surprised at the beginning, but later he figured it out, Zhao Min is the smartest woman in Yitian, of course she will think about the problem from her own perspective.

"Then what's the matter, Princess Princess? Didn't you come here just to show off that you can find me?" Chen Youliang asked still with a smile

Zhao Min gave him an angry look and asked, "Do you have time? If you have time, you can accompany me to a place."

"Then what should I do if I don't have time and can't go?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile

"It's okay if you don't have time! If you don't have time, you have to come with me!" Zhao Min was so angry that this brat never once obeyed my wishes.

"Then it's as if you didn't ask this question, can you stop talking nonsense next time?" Chen Youliang said with a sinister smile

"You!" Zhao Min's face turned white and red in anger, and she knew that she was not doing well by arguing with Chen Youliang.He didn't fight at all, he waved his hands heavily, and said, "Then come with me!"

Chen Youliang raised his hand and said, "Hey! This is not allowed. I don't want to go. You insist on letting me go. Shouldn't you give me some sweets?"

"What kind of sweet do you want?" Zhao Min asked angrily

Chen Youliang rolled his eyes and started laughing. Zhao Min saw Chen Youliang's smiling face, and immediately knew that this guy must be holding something bad again. Every time he saw his smile, something bad happened. Zhao Min subconsciously took a step back , said, "You... what are you going to do again?"

At this time, Chen Youliang glanced at Fan Yao, and Fan Yao immediately nodded knowingly, and then saw Chen Youliang suddenly grabbed Zhao Min's shoulders, leaned over his head, and said with a smile, "As usual, give me another kiss!"

(End of this chapter)

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