Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 219 Talking in a Tavern

Chapter 219 Talking in a Tavern (2)

Zhao Min didn't know that Chen Youliang was thinking about other things. He thought that Chen Youliang was unwilling to answer, and then asked, "Mr. Chen? Master Chen? Talk to me!"

"Ah?" Chen Youliang was taken aback, and asked, "Ah? What did you say?"

"What are you talking about! Didn't you hear my question just now?" Zhao Min asked angrily
Only then did Chen Youliang come to his senses, scratched his head with a wry smile, and said, "Actually, I don't know that question."

"You don't know?" Zhao Min pouted angrily, and said cutely, "I don't think you want to answer!"

Chen Youliang glanced at Zhao Min, smiled softly, stood up and said, "To be honest, I don't know what I will do after you kill Miss Zhou. As for me, I am a person who must take revenge. If someone else kills Miss Zhou, I will definitely avenge her, but you, I don't know if I can do it."

When Zhao Min heard this, she immediately felt sweet in her heart, her face flushed, and she secretly laughed.

When Chen Youliang saw Zhao Min like this, he knew that she must be very happy in her heart, and continued to add anger, "So, my answer is, I will not just watch Miss Zhou being killed by you, I will rescue her, because I don't want to hate you, let alone kill you, I can only prevent you from hurting her."

"Then what if it's changed? What if Zhou Zhiruo wants to kill me? Will you kill her?" Zhao Min asked quickly

"Similarly, if it is really changed, I will not let her kill you, and I will also stop her." Chen Youliang smiled.
Zhao Minxiu frowned, and said, "What do you call that! Then... Is it important for me or her?"

Chen Youliang chuckled, raised his glass and took a sip of the wine, without saying a word.

Seeing that he was silent, Zhao Min rolled her eyes, pretended to be angry, and said, "I see, Zhou Zhiruo must be important. What you said just now was to coax me. Hmph, what's stopping her from killing me?" Me, if you know that I am dead, you must be thankful, thinking that finally no one is against you, no one will cause you trouble, right?"

"I said you child, you can't believe what I say? What do you mean by coaxing you? What I just said is true. I don't want you to die at all." Chen Youliang smiled.
"Really? That is to say, I am more important to you than Zhou Zhiruo?" Zhao Min was overjoyed and asked anxiously
Chen Youliang fell silent again, looking at Zhao Min with a smile without saying a word.

"Oh! You can't say a word! Are you admitting it or not?" Zhao Min was so anxious that he almost flipped the table.

Chen Youliang smiled slyly, and asked, "Princess, do you know which of you is more important to me, and also to you? Or, Miss Zhao, do you like me, a troublemaker?"

"I..." Zhao Min's cheeks flushed, and his eyes suddenly became a little flustered. Just when Zhao Min was about to say something, he suddenly saw a Yuan soldier running into the tavern, kneeling on one knee at the door, and said, "Princess !"

Zhao Min glanced at that Yuan Bing, frowned, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Yuan Bing walked up to Zhao Min's ear, whispered a few words to Zhao Min, Zhao Min's face changed drastically, his eyes were full of anger, and he said sharply, "Okay! Get back!"

"Yes!" Yuan Bing retreated without hesitation.

As soon as Yuan Bing left, Zhao Min picked up the wine glass with an angry face, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, then poured himself another glass, drank it down, and drank five glasses in succession. Chen Youliang looked at her as if Without any intention of stopping, he quickly held Zhao Min's hand and asked, "Hey, what's the matter? Why are you drinking so much? Do you want to drink yourself to death?"

(End of this chapter)

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