Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 221 Change Isn't Changed That Way, Is It? !

Chapter 221 Change Isn't Changed That Way, Is It? ! (2)

"So?" Chen Youliang continued to ask
"So I had no choice but to travel all over the world in the name of gathering heroes from all walks of life. On the one hand, I did it for the task my father gave me, and more importantly, to get rid of Zha Yadu's entanglement. I thought that as long as he saw If it doesn't come to me, after a long time, I will naturally give up, but I didn't expect..."

"I didn't expect that he still didn't give up, and he liked you more and more, didn't he?" Chen Youliang smiled, and Chen Youliang shook his head secretly. This girl is quite smart, but she is really stupid when it comes to dating. Looking at the master who has never even had a first love, a man is the kind of animal that the more he can't get it, the more he wants it. You don't see him all day long, and you hide from him every day. Don't say that Zha Yadu is a real lover. Even if it wasn't, he'd have to get you first in a fit of anger, you idiot.

Zhao Min nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Yeah, I didn't expect Zha Yadu to be so persistent with me, which made me helpless. I finally thought of a way, maybe I can get rid of him, if it is I can't get rid of it now, so I'll ask you to help me again, but I didn't expect that the Seventh Prince wouldn't even give me a month's time."

Chen Youliang didn't understand this, there was no such plot in the novel, so he hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Just now my subordinates reported that the Seventh Prince had gone to our house, and he was both soft and hard on my father, threatening my father to ask me... to pass through the door as soon as possible." Zhao Min said distressedly.
"Ah? So fast?" Chen Youliang called out in surprise.

"Why so fast?" Zhao Min looked at Chen Youliang puzzled and asked

Chen Youliang quickly shook his head and said, "'s nothing." Damn it!What's going on here?The Seventh Prince threatened both hard and soft threats in Chahan's novels, but it was only after Zhang Wuji rescued the six sects. Let the world unite as one to put pressure on Chahan, but what kind of pressure is the seventh prince exerting now?Our Mingjiao has not done anything yet.

"Miss Zhao, your father is the Generalissimo of the Army and Horses, commanding the three armies. His power and position are enough to prevent the Seventh Prince from exerting pressure easily. There must be a reason for the Seventh Prince to act both soft and hard this time? Otherwise, how would he dare to oppose the Marshal who holds military power?" So presumptuous?" Chen Youliang hurriedly asked

Zhao Min smiled lightly and said, "Young Master Chen, you know very well about the officialdom. Indeed, the Seventh Prince also has some fears about my father. He has never exerted pressure on our family before, but This time, my father was ordered to conquer the Ming Cult, and my father entrusted this matter to me, but now I treat you... Ming Cult has not been breached for a long time, the Seventh Prince naturally has something to say."

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "What do you mean by not being breached for a long time? How long has it been since you started attacking our Mingjiao? Even if you have been preparing and drawing up a plan in the early stage, it will not exceed three months, right? It is only such a short time, it is called late?"

"It is indeed too late." Zhao Min sighed, "The emperor really only gave me three months."

"What?! The emperor gave you a time limit?" Chen Youliang exclaimed in surprise. This was never mentioned in the original novel, let alone the three-month time limit. If so, Zhao Min Don't you have to marry Zha Yadu?Otherwise, it would violate the emperor's order, which is a serious crime that would implicate the nine families. Then the Seventh Prince's words are not to scare Zhao Min, but are they true?I rely on!Change isn't like that, is it?My wife!
(End of this chapter)

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