Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 241 Calling Mr. Gong, Kiss Me 1

Chapter 241 Calling Mr. Gong, Give Me a Kiss (2)

"Now... can you take me away?" Ding Minjun said in a low voice

Chen Youliang shook his head and said with a smile, "Not yet, give me a kiss first."

"Chen Youliang! Don't push yourself too hard!" Ding Minjun raised his head angrily and stared at Chen Youliang and shouted

"It's fine if you don't kiss, then I'll ask someone else." Chen Youliang said with an indifferent expression
"Wait a minute!" Ding Minjun shouted hastily
Chen Youliang smiled, moved his face closer, and said, "Hurry up, I can't wait that long."

Ding Minjun had never been so intimate with any man before, and she was ashamed and ashamed at the moment, but if she didn't kiss now, she couldn't leave here at all. After weighing the pros and cons, Ding Minjun closed his eyes tightly, and kissed Chen Youliang's face like a superficial kiss .

"Well... that's about the same." Chen Youliang smiled, touched his face, and looked very enjoying it. Although this Ding Minjun is slightly older than Zhou Zhiruo, Zhao Min and himself, but no matter what She can be counted as a Yujie, Chen Youliang had never flirted with this kind of Yujie in her previous life, she had scolded her pretty, and it felt really good.

"You... What do you want, let's talk about it together." Ding Minjun is now desperate, anyway, he has kissed before, and there is nothing he can't do. For today's women, kissing is considered the best. Going one step further, then go directly to □□ to do some warm-up exercises.

Chen Youliang thought for a while, and said with a smile, "I really have a request. I can take you out, but you must follow me, and you cannot go back to the Emei Sect."

Ding Minjun became anxious when he heard this, and shouted with wide eyes, "Why! Why can't I go back to Emei! I have already agreed to your request! Don't you mean what you say!"

Chen Youliang shrugged and said with a smile, "When did I stop talking? I just said to take you out of here, not to bring you back to Emei?"

"You!" Ding Minjun pointed at Chen Youliang angrily and shouted

Chen Youliang waved his hand and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, don't worry, after all, you kissed me too and called me husband-in-law, didn't you? You're half of me at least, and I'm sure I won't treat you badly. Will Emei, I will let you go back sooner or later, but not now, after I finish my work, I will naturally let you go back."

Hearing that Chen Youliang said that he was already his, Ding Minjun was secretly happy. After all, as long as Chen Youliang admits it, he will be considered as a tree, and he promised that he will send her back to the Emei sect. Then if he wants Chen Youliang to support him as the head of the Emei Sect, he has hope.

"Hmph, I hope you keep your word!" Ding Minjun snorted softly.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and turned to look at Han Ji who had been staring at him. Chen Youliang reached out and untied Han Ji's acupoints. As soon as the acupoints were untied, Han Ji quickly took a deep breath. He had been in a state of nervousness and fear for so long. In such a mood, it is inevitable that she will have chest tightness.

"Little princess, I'm really sorry, I can only keep you here, but don't worry, I will bring you out." Chen Youliang said with a smile
Han Ji looked at Chen Youliang, and asked softly like an angel, "You... won't you kill me?"

Chen Youliang was taken aback, damn it!The voices of these girls are so beautiful!It's even better than Zhou Zhiruo's voice!Jin Daxia, can you describe such a superb beauty next time a little bit more.Chen Youliang quickly came back to his senses, his smile was gentler than before, he shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I promised Zhao Min that I won't kill you, besides, little princess, you are so beautiful, I can't bear it either."

"Hmph! Obscenity!" Ding Minjun snorted sourly when he saw Chen Youliang praising other women in front of her.
But Han Ji's jade face turned red, as if remembering Chen Youliang's actions just after waking up, she lowered her head shyly.

Chen Youliang saw that she was blushing, and knew what she was thinking, so he smiled and said, "Little Princess, please bear with me for a while, and when I finish my work, I will come back and pick you up."

Han Ji smiled bitterly, and said, "My lord, please do as you please, but I still have two requests, I hope you can agree."

(End of this chapter)

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