Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 253 Turning faces is faster than turning books

Chapter 253 Turning faces is faster than turning books (2)

Even if you are going to die, you will die by my hands!You also promised me to help me get rid of Zha Yadu, you promised me, you can do it, but now you..." Speaking of this, Chen Youliang heard low sobs from inside the room .

With a warm smile in his heart, Chen Youliang walked to the door and knocked lightly. "...Who! Come in!" Zhao Min said lightly
Chen Youliang opened the door and walked in with Yang Xuedan, but when Chen Youliang entered the door, he found that Zhao Min didn't look at him at all, but kept staring at a bead flower in his hand, and that bead flower was Zhao Min The one that was given to Chen Youliang earlier and sent back by Chen Youliang.

"Have you found any news about Chen Youliang?" Zhao Min asked faintly while looking at Zhuhua
Chen Youliang suppressed a smile and said, "I didn't find it, I've already pulled everyone back."

"What! Who told you to take someone..." Zhao Min raised her head angrily when she heard this, but the moment Zhao Min saw Chen Youliang, her voice stopped immediately, and her eyes widened.

"What? You don't know me?" Chen Youliang said with a smile
" you a human or...or a ghost..." Zhao Min's eyes turned red, with tears in his eyes, and he murmured

Chen Youliang rolled his eyes, opened his arms and smiled, "Come here and give me a hug, don't you know?"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Min suddenly stood up, rushed in front of Chen Youliang, and hugged Chen Youliang tightly.

Chen Youliang was taken aback, he didn't expect Zhao Min to really hug him, it was just a joke with her, Chen Youliang smiled secretly, "This girl doesn't like me to this extent, does she?"

"It's a's a're not dead...that's great! that's great! You're not dead!" Zhao Min felt the temperature of Chen Youliang's chest, and hugged Chen Youliang with both hands, crying with joy

"Of course, who do you think I am? How could I die so easily?" Chen Youliang laughed
"You bastard! You bastard! I hate you! I hate you! Why didn't you tell me you were still alive! Why didn't you come to me for so long! Do you know how much I worried about you during this time! You bastard! You bastard!" While crying, Zhao Min reached out and beat Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang smiled wryly, "Sister, am I coming to see you now? I'm fast enough, okay? I was also in a coma for a day and a night, and it didn't take long for me to wake up."

"What?" Zhao Min immediately let go of Chen Youliang, looked at him worriedly, and asked, "You have been in a coma for a day and a night? How are you doing now?"

Chen Youliang smiled, and said, "Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Princess, but I still have to help Mrs. Princess complete the first thing you entrusted to me. How dare I get hurt? No, it’s no problem at all. Well, let’s Reminiscing about the past, beating and scolding, we have plenty of time in the future, and now we have to solve your problem, the time given to you by the emperor is not enough, right?"

"Hmph, even if you still have a conscience, it's not in vain that I've been looking for you for so long." Zhao Min smiled sweetly, but at this moment she noticed Yang Xuedan standing next to Chen Youliang, her face suddenly sank, and she pointed at Yang Xuedan and asked Said, "Who is she? You came to see me and brought a woman here?!"

Uh... Damn, what is this girl doing?Just now I hugged and hugged me, what about you and me, did you turn your face when you saw me with a woman?How could she turn her face faster than a book?

(End of this chapter)

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