Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 256 Yang Xuedan Needs Help

Chapter 256 Yang Xuedan Needs Help (1)

Zhao Min pondered for a while, and after thinking for a long time, he felt that Chen Youliang did not have any reason to harm the emperor, so he nodded and drew the floor plan of the palace. After drawing, Zhao Min pointed to the floor plan and said, "The emperor is like The situation is that there is no fixed bedroom, and I have not asked my father about the sleeping habits of the emperor. I just know that the emperor changes the bedroom of a concubine every day. The emperor has a total of 62 concubines, distributed in Xingsheng Palace and Defu Palace, you see, enter the Chongtian Gate of the imperial city, and after entering, you will find the emperor's court hall and the Daming Palace, and behind the Daming Palace is the Yanchun Pavilion, where the queen lives, and the rest of the concubines are just On the left side of the Daming Hall, after passing the Taiye Pond, you can see the Xingsheng Palace and the Defu Palace. There are a total of 130 halls in these two big palaces. Apart from the place where the concubines live, there are some court ladies. The room where the eunuch lived." After speaking, Zhao Min told Chen Youliang and Yang Xuedan about the whole palace situation.

After telling Chen Youliang about the guards in the city, the four major guards, the alternate time, and how to patrol, Zhao Min said, "That's all I know."

"Ah? That's all? You don't know anything when you're the co-author. There are so many palaces in Xingsheng Palace and Defu Palace like you said. Where can I find him and sleep?" Chen Youliang said with a look on his face. asked helplessly
"But how could I know this kind of thing? I don't live in the palace all the year round. Besides, which concubine I want to sleep with at night is sometimes decided by the emperor at will, and there is no fixed rule at all." Zhao Min said angrily

Chen Youliang shook his head and said, "Forget it, let's think of a way after I go in. By the way, how about the martial arts of the four guards you mentioned?"

Zhao Min frowned, and said, "It's very tall, it should be said that it's unfathomable. The two elders Xuanming once fought against the four guards, but they were easily defeated."

"Oh, it's really impressive to be able to defeat the two elders Xuanming, how does it compare with me?" Chen Youliang asked again

Zhao Min smiled lightly, and said, "Who can compare with you, Deputy Leader Chen? The pagoda of Wan'an Temple is so big, you can hold it, not to mention the four major guards, even the eight major guards are useless. But you can Don't underestimate them, although their martial arts are not as good as yours, if they want to entangle you, they can still do it, if you are entangled by them, you won't be able to run away when the guards arrive."

"Am I stupid? Can I still be entangled by them? If they can find me, I will kowtow to them. Oh, by the way, mentioning the two elders, Xuanming and Ming, how are these two old boys doing now?" Only then did Chen Youliang remember These two old guys.

Zhao Min smiled lightly, and said, "They are still in a coma now. The two of them were thrown out after the pagoda collapsed before, but they were not as lucky as Master Ku. They were caught, but fell to the ground alive. If it weren't for their profound internal strength, they would have died long ago, and now they are just in a coma, but they don't know when they will wake up."

Hey, the lives of these two old guys are pretty big, but the lives of the two of you are almost at the end, and there is no business for you in the future. When I finish my work, I will come back and kill you!It just happened to increase the internal strength of Lao Tzu, grandma's is still wandering in 290, I am so worried!
"By the way, where is my sister-in-law? How is my sister-in-law?" Zhao Min asked quickly

Chen Youliang was startled, and after hesitating for a while, sighed, and smiled slightly, "I don't want to lie to you, your sister-in-law is not dead, but your sister-in-law asked me to tell you that she is dead, and she doesn't want to see you again. I hope you can keep it a secret, if your brother asks, you can just say that she is dead, and also inform your sister-in-law's family and tell them the news of her death."

When Zhao Min heard this, his expression gradually dimmed, and he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand, my sister-in-law is right to do this, my brother was a little too much back then."

(End of this chapter)

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