Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 263 Cooperate with me

Chapter 263 Cooperate with me (2)

Emperor Yuan Shun was startled, and said in a panic, "No...don' do you want...I will give you whatever you long long as you give me the matter what you ask, I will give it to you... promise you……"

Chen Youliang smiled with satisfaction, and said, "The emperor is the emperor, and I can see my purpose at a glance. Yes, Chen does have something to trouble the emperor today. It can be regarded as a deal with the emperor. If the emperor agrees, Chen It will give the emperor the antidote."

What kind of deal is this!This is clearly a threat!Emperor Yuan Shun gritted his teeth and cursed secretly, but what could he do, his little brother was in the hands of others, and his life was also in the hands of others, if he wanted to save his life, he could only listen to others.

"Okay... you say..." Emperor Yuan Shun said hastily

Chen Youliang stood up, walked around Emperor Yuanshun, and said, "As far as I know, your majesty seems to have ordered Marshal Chahantmu'er to destroy our Mingjiao within three months, right?"

"Yes..." Emperor Yuan Shun replied in a low voice in fear

"And this task has been handed over to Chahan Temur's daughter, Min Min Temur, who is Princess Shaomin, right?" Chen Youliang asked again

"That's right..."

Chen Youliang nodded and said, "However, the time seems to be coming soon. There are still a few days left. If Chahan doesn't wipe out our Mingjiao, what are you going to do?"

"... Copying all over the house..." Yuan Shundi gritted his teeth and said, this bastard!Not only did they not wipe out the Ming Cult, but they also allowed the deputy leader of the Ming Cult to sneak into my palace and attack me!Killing him ten times is not too much!
Chen Youliang shrugged and said, "However, I think your majesty's idea can't be realized, because the son of the seventh prince, Zha Yadu, likes Princess Shaomin. If the two of them become in-laws, your majesty is willing to kill him." Are they?"

Emperor Yuan Shun was taken aback, he had never paid attention to the relationship between these two families before, if the Seventh Prince really came forward, it would be difficult for him to make a decision, after all, the Seventh Prince was also his uncle, and he held great power in his hands, If the Seventh Prince really interceded, then he would not touch Chahan.

Chen Youliang patted Emperor Yuan Shun on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "The business I made with the emperor this time is actually very beneficial to the emperor. Although, it's not good, that's not good, but I think the emperor will always Do you have some brains? The Seventh Prince is in power now, and Chahan holds the military power. This combination of government and soldiers, does the emperor think it is a good thing for you?"

When Emperor Yuan Shun heard this, his heart suddenly became cold. If Chen Youliang hadn't reminded him, how could Emperor Yuan Shun have realized that the Seven Princes hold the power of the world, and Chahan holds the three armies. Was he emptied?
Emperor Yuan Shun not only felt that his life was in danger, but also felt uncertain whether the country would be able to sit still in the future. Panic and chills spread all over his body. Emperor Yuan Shun hesitated for a long time before he squeezed out a word and said, " You... what do you want to say?"

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and asked back, "Excuse me, the emperor, do you want these two powerful people to stand together and deal with you? If not, I see that it is better to cooperate with me and let me help you find a way to deal with it." How about those two strong people?"

(End of this chapter)

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