Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 270 The Mysterious Man in Black

Chapter 270 The Mysterious Man in Black (1)

Chen Youliang took Yang Xuedan to a small forest outside the city. Yang Xuedan looked at Chen Youliang curiously and asked, "Junior Brother, what are you bringing me here for? Are you looking for herbs?"

"Yeah, when I came to Kyoto, I passed by here and found that there are many precious herbs, such as ghost head grass and red edge leaves, which are usually not seen in pharmacies. I also know that There are these things here, so that kind of poison will be used to blackmail Emperor Yuan Shun." Chen Youliang answered with a smile while looking for it.
"The two kinds of herbs you mentioned are the ingredients for that kind of poison? But why haven't I heard of the two herbs you mentioned?" Yang Xuedan asked in confusion, "Are you proficient in medical skills, Junior Brother?"

Chen Youliang smiled slightly and said, "I don't know much about medicine, but my brother Wuji once learned from the medical fairy Hu Qingniu, and he learned everything from him. Later, I learned Wuji's medicine, and I understood a little bit. Later, Wuji told me I have read a lot of medicinal materials recorded in Hu Qingniu's medical classics. The ghost head grass and red edge leaf I mentioned just now are two of them. They are relatively rare medicinal materials. I didn't expect that there would be them outside of Kyoto, but none of these herbs are used to cure diseases and save people. Good medicine, and it is not a particularly poisonous poison, its only use is to stimulate the function of men, but it is very strong, and it is easy to kill if used, so no one uses it as medicine. It’s not surprising to know.”

Yang Xuedan nodded lightly and didn't say anything else, but there was a smile on her face. She felt more and more that this junior was very pleasing to the eye. The leader, who leads tens of millions of congregants, now knows that he is still quite involved in medical skills, but he is not as proud and self-sufficient as others, but is very humble. In addition, Yang Xuedan sees so many people They all care about Chen Youliang nervously, and feel that Chen Youliang should be a kind-hearted and admirable person, so they can't help but add a little more favor to Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang didn't notice Yang Xuedan's state of mind this time. He had been concentrating on searching for the herbal medicine. After a while, Chen Youliang's eyes lit up and he said with a smile, "Fortunately, I finally found it. Fortunately, it was not picked up by others." After finishing speaking, he ran over quickly and pulled out a ghost head grass and a few red edge leaves.

But just when Chen Youliang was about to get up, he suddenly felt someone staring at him from a distance, and from the breath of the other person, Chen Youliang seemed to have very high martial arts, so high that he was not inferior to Zhang Wuji or even Yang Xuedan who was not behind him. Chen Youliang frowned suspiciously, but there was a smile on his mouth, he stood up and asked, "It's really hard work for someone to follow us so leisurely in the middle of the night, let's come out and meet."

Yang Xuedan was startled, and quickly looked left and right. She didn't expect that under her full vigilance, someone would not be able to find it under surveillance. This could only explain one problem. She is out of the Jianghu, but she also knows her own strength. She really didn't expect that in this world, besides Chen Youliang, there are actually people with stronger martial arts than her own.

There was a burst of applause, and a masked man in night clothes came out from the depths of the woods. Although he couldn't see his face, Chen Youliang could clearly see the man in his eyes. It seemed that he was very satisfied, and then he heard the man say in a tone of approval, "As expected of the deputy leader of Mingjiao, his strength really lives up to his reputation. It will be discovered, but it is still detected, which is amazing."

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, put the medicinal materials in his clothes, put his hands behind his back, and said with a smile, "Brother, you are too much, I think you deliberately showed a little flaw just now, to see if I can detect your existence? "

Chen Youliang is very clear that the skill of the person in front of him is definitely not low, and the other party must be a master of concealment. It is impossible for him to catch up with him after he entered the woods. He should have already caught up with him, but until now Only after discovering him, it can only mean that he deliberately let himself discover his existence.

The man in black shrugged his shoulders lightly, but did not speak, as if he had acquiesced to Chen Youliang's question.

"Brother, I don't like to go round and round. Since you came to me in the middle of the night, you shouldn't be trying my martial arts, right? If you have anything to say, just talk about it." Chen Youliang said with a smile
The man in black looked at Chen Youliang, then at Yang Xuedan, and when he saw Yang Xuedan, his eyes suddenly became puzzled, and he stayed on her body for a while, then turned his head and said politely, " I'm sorry, Deputy Hierarch Chen, I really came to try your martial arts!" Speaking of this, the man in black's eyes flashed, and he rushed towards Chen Youliang like a leopard.

(End of this chapter)

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