Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 279 I Don't Like You At All

Chapter 279 I Don't Like You At All
Zha Yadu hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice, "Because I knew you didn't seem to have brought troops and horses, and thought you should have other plans, so I didn't bring anyone here, for fear of delaying your business."

Zhao Min snorted heavily, and said, "You're still smart! But it's useless even if you really bring someone here. Do you think you can catch him with Chen Youliang's martial arts and such a complicated terrain here? Chen Youliang If it was really that easy to deal with, I would have caught him already."

"Then you today..." Zha Yadu didn't understand, since Zhao Min found Chen Youliang, why didn't he arrest him, instead came here to drink and chat with him.

"Do I need you to point fingers at me?" Zhao Min asked lightly
Zha Yadu lowered his head and apologized, "Minmin, don't be angry, that's not what I meant."

Zhao Min snorted disdainfully, looked up at Chen Youliang who was snickering aside, gave him an annoyed look, and said, "Chen Youliang, didn't you say you want to have a good chat with him? Why don't you talk?"

Chen Youliang suppressed a smile, and said, "I see that you are talking so vigorously, I will wait for you to finish first, I am more polite, interrupting in the middle, how disrespectful to others."

Zhao Min glanced at him speechlessly, turned his head and didn't bother to look at him anymore, but Zha Yadu glared at Chen Youliang angrily, and said, "Chen Youliang! I warn you! Stay away from Minmin in the future! Otherwise, you know what will happen as a result of!"

"Hey, little prince, I don't understand what you said. I really don't know what the consequences will be. I am naturally curious. I really want to see the consequences of what you said. It seems that I have to pester you every day. The Princess is here." Chen Youliang laughed
Zha Yadu slapped the table, stood up angrily and shouted, "How dare you!"
Chen Youliang didn't even bother to look at it, the Dragon Claw hand came out, his right hand easily clasped Zha Yadu's wrist, and twisted his backhand, only to hear Zha Yadu scream, his arm was twisted behind, and his upper body was firmly locked Pressed on the table, his face was almost stuck on the hot pot.

"Let me go!" Zha Yadu endured the pain in his arm and gritted his teeth.

Chen Youliang shook his head, flicked his right hand, and let go of Zha Yadu. Zha Yadu took several steps back before stopping, clutching his arms and staring fiercely at Chen Youliang.

"I say little prince." Chen Youliang picked up the wine glass and said while drinking, "Your martial arts are really not very good. You are not qualified to fight with me. If you really want to kill me, at least there are people around you." There must be hundreds of people, I think you should sit down and have a drink with us and chat, if you do it every now and then, I'm afraid you will be wounded all over today."

Zha Yadu gasped angrily, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense, but he also knew that he was not Chen Youliang's opponent. Everyone wants to be strong in front of the woman they like, and Zayadu naturally does the same.

Seeing that Zhao Min didn't even look at him, Zha Yadu had no choice but to hum heavily, and sat back down without saying anything.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, poured Zha Yadu a glass of wine, and said with a smile, "My lord, although we are said to be enemies, but I don't mind making friends with the enemy outside the battlefield. I think this is quite interesting. If the prince doesn't mind, you can also be my friend."

"Hmph! I won't make friends with a traitor like you! My duty is to destroy you!" Zha Yadu shouted angrily
"I understand, but even the princess is my friend. Little prince, you say that, that means the princess is dereliction of duty and not being loyal to the Yuan dynasty?" Chen Youliang laughed.
Zha Yadu was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to look at Zhao Min, and saw that Zhao Min was looking at him displeasedly, Zha Yadu quickly explained, "Minmin, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Min asked coldly
"This..." Zha Yadu didn't know how to explain it, so he turned his head and stared at Chen Youliang angrily. After all, if Chen Youliang didn't say that, Zhao Min wouldn't be so angry.

Chen Youliang didn't mind at all, he laughed, picked up the wine glass, and said with a smile, "My lord, if you think the princess is loyal to the Yuan Dynasty and not negligent of duty, then drink this glass of wine, and we can count it as a friendship." How are you, friend?"

Chen Youliang took off such a hat, and Zhao Min stared at him angrily on the other side, how could Zha Yadu not drink?As long as he endured the anger in his heart, he picked up the wine glass, touched Chen Youliang heavily, and drank the wine.

"Okay, refreshing." Chen Youliang said with a smile, poured his own wine in, and poured another glass for Zha Yadu.

"Little prince, let me ask you something, do you like the princess?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile while pouring wine

Zha Yadu was stunned for a moment, and looked at Zhao Min with a blushing face. Seeing that Zhao Min didn't respond, a trace of disappointment flashed in Zha Yadu's eyes, and he replied angrily, "What does it have to do with you!"

"Of course it has something to do with me, because the princess was talking to me just now, and you suddenly came in. I am really interested in these men and women, but I was interrupted by you, little prince, you Should I be compensated? Continue this topic?" Chen Youliang said with a smile
Zha Yadu was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Zhao Min to talk about these things with Chen Youliang. He quickly looked at Zhao Min and asked, "Minmin, is what he said true? Did you tell him about us?"

Zhao Min didn't even bother to look at him, closed his eyes and nodded lightly, and let out an "en" from his nose.

"My lord, do you know that you've annoyed the princess so much? She's been complaining to me for a long time." Chen Youliang said with a smile
"What are you talking about! How could Minmin bother me! Chen Youliang! You're talking nonsense, I'll send someone to arrest you right away!" Zha Yadu didn't want to hear this sentence the most, and he didn't even want to hear it from Chen Youliang. It turned out that Chen Youliang still said it, he could bear it, stood up angrily and shouted
"You don't believe me? If you don't believe me, you can ask the princess." Chen Youliang shrugged and smiled.

Zha Yadu quickly looked at Zhao Min, and at this moment Zhao Min slowly opened his eyes, frowned and said to Zha Yadu, "Zha Yadu, since you are here today, Chen Youliang has also said everything , then I won’t keep it from you.” Speaking of this, Zhao Min stood up, hesitated for a while, and said, “Zha Yadu, listen to me, I don’t like you at all, you Don't pester me anymore. Can you?"

(End of this chapter)

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