Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 295 Zhao Min Turned His Face Again

Chapter 295 Zhao Min Turned His Face Again
Yang Xuedan lowered his head and pondered for a while, as if he had decided something in his eyes, he nodded and said, "Okay, Junior Brother, I will go with you this time, you are right, maybe if I stay by your side, it will be easier to see him. Or if you go to Spirit Snake Island this time, I'm afraid you will be in some danger, although my martial arts are not as good as yours, I can help to some extent."

Originally, Chen Youliang was quite upset when he heard the previous reasons, but after hearing the latter, he was a little more balanced, smiled and said, "Okay, let's do this, senior sister will go with us, now everyone pack your bags , leave Kyoto, I will go out to do some errands, and I will be back in a while."

"Brother, what are you going to do? Do you want me to accompany you?" Zhang Wuji asked
Chen Youliang shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm going to Ruyang Palace to pick up Zhao Min. It's more convenient for me to go alone."

"What? Pick up Zhao Min? Is she going too?" Zhang Wuji and the others opened their mouths in surprise, they didn't expect Zhao Min to go too.

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "Why are you so surprised? Have you forgotten that I promised to help Zhao Min with three things? I have already done the first thing for Zhao Min, and the second thing is what she hopes I'll take her to Binghuo Island to have a look at the Dragon Slaying Knife. I'm sorry, I didn't tell you about this beforehand, so I agreed on my own initiative, but don't worry, I won't let her take away the Dragon Slaying Knife , when the time comes, the two of us brothers will watch her together."

Zhang Wuji shook his head and said, "Brother, how can I blame you, you only agreed to Zhao Min's three things to help the third senior uncle. ... Can Zhao Min go with us? She is our enemy."

"Don't worry, although she was an enemy before, she may be an enemy in the future, but she is definitely not now, she can be considered my friend now." Chen Youliang patted Zhang Wuji's shoulder and smiled.
Zhang Wuji didn't think much about it, smiled slightly, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to my brother, if my brother thinks Zhao Min is a friend, I'll treat her as a friend."

"Good brother!" Chen Youliang smiled happily, this silly Zhang Wuji is so cute!Chen Youliang turned to look at the others again, and asked, "Do you have any objections?"

Yang Xiao and other members of the Ming Cult clasped their hands and replied, "The subordinates have no objections, we can trust the deputy leader."

Chen Youliang laughed out loud. It feels good to be admired by others. You can be trusted in everything you do. Maybe in the future, my buddies will be a rapist or something, and they can still help me say good things.

"Okay, since you all have no objections, I'll go first." After speaking, Chen Youliang seemed to remember something, walked to the table, took out a small black porcelain bottle, put it in his clothes, and then walked to Xiao Zhao's side , stretched out his hand and said, "Xiao Zhao, give me 20 taels of silver."

Xiao Zhao nodded and said, "Oh, my lord, wait a minute." After speaking, he took out 20 taels of silver from his pocket and handed it to Chen Youliang.

After Chen Youliang took the money, he ran to the counter downstairs and said to the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, I have something to discuss with you."

"Guest officer, please tell me." The shopkeeper replied with a smile
Chen Youliang took out the small porcelain bottle, put it on the counter, and said with a smile, "Shopkeeper, we are leaving today, but after seven days, someone may come here to look for us. When those people come, you should ask them first." Did you come to me to pick up the goods? If they say yes, you can give them the black bottle, but don’t say anything else. If they insist on asking where I have been, just say that I have something to do when I go out. I’ll be back someday. Here’s 20 taels of silver, so take it as a thank you.” After speaking, he handed the 20 taels of silver to the shopkeeper.This is the antidote for Emperor Yuan Shun, Chen Youliang almost forgot, if he accidentally killed Emperor Yuan Shun, then he would be guilty of a great crime, Zhao Min must fight himself hard.

"This can't be done, guest officer, you have lived with me for such a long time, and the shop has made a lot of money in just a few days, shouldn't it be right to do such a small thing for the guest officer?" ? I absolutely cannot take this money." The shopkeeper pushed the money back while talking.

But Chen Youliang could tell that this old boy still wanted the money, his eyes were all bright, and this was just a polite word, Chen Youliang pushed the money back again, and said, "You should accept it, of course I want you to do things." I'll give you some benefits, this is what you changed, don't refuse, put away your things, don't forget, I still have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Yes, guest officer, go slowly, guest officer, please don't worry." The shopkeeper was no longer pretentious, accepted the money, and said with a smile
After Chen Youliang left the inn, he rushed to the Ruyang Palace. When he was about to arrive at the Ruyang Palace, Chen Youliang carefully observed the surroundings and found that many people were secretly watching the Ruyang Palace. Chen Youliang smiled lightly and said to himself He said to himself, "Seventh Prince, this old thing, is quite quick to attack. How long has it been since he has already been under surveillance."

Chen Youliang walked into a deserted alley, jumped up to the roof, took advantage of no one's attention, stepped on the ghost sky, and quickly flew into Ruyang Palace.

As soon as he entered Chen Youliang, he found that the palace was a bit different. With Chen Youliang's cultivation, he could hear the movement of the whole palace clearly, but he found that there were not many people in the palace. Only a dozen people.

Chen Youliang frowned suspiciously, walked to Zhao Min's room in bewilderment, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Who!" Zhao Min, who was lying on the bed in the room, heard someone come in without knocking on the door, sat up angrily, and shouted displeased
"Who else is there besides me?" Chen Youliang said with a smile as he closed the door

Seeing that it was Chen Youliang, all the displeasure on Zhao Min's face dissipated and turned into a sweet smiling face, but immediately the smiling face disappeared again, and she gave him a blank look, and said, "I said that you are also a dignified Mingjiao after all. Deputy Hierarch, can you be more polite and knock on the door first when you come in?"

"Hey, princess, you don't have a fever, right? I'm a traitor. I entered your Ruyang palace, which is considered to be a tiger's den. Have you ever seen someone who wants to meet the enemy, knock on the door before entering?" Chen Youliang said helplessly. laughed

"Is there any other place for our vice leader to call him a tiger's den?" Zhao Min asked angrily, squinting his eyes

Chen Youliang nodded and said with a smile, "Of course, I'm in the tiger's den right now? There's a tigress lying in it."

"You! Who are you calling a tigress!" Zhao Min raised his eyes and shouted angrily

Chen Youliang laughed, and said, "That's enough, I don't have time to argue with you. Let me tell you, is your Ruyang Palace short of money recently? Why is there no one at home? Are all the guards dead? Or have they all been dismissed?"

"Isn't that just to welcome you, the great Bodhisattva? Don't say it, your bad idea is quite clever. My father really agreed to let me go with you, so he sent all the guards at home, just wait Come here with you, so that no one will know my relationship with you." Zhao Min laughed

Chen Youliang nodded, and said, "So that's the case. I said why are there so few people. That's fine. Get up quickly. It's not dark yet, so you're going to sleep? What's your habit?" Damn!If you say you sleep, you can sleep, you still wear clothes to sleep, it’s better not to wear clothes, buddies can still feast their eyes.But Chen Youliang didn't dare to say this, otherwise he would have waited for a magnitude [-] earthquake.

"Who knew you came so early, I thought you would come at night anyway, are you ready to go so soon?" Zhao Min asked while putting on her shoes

Chen Youliang shrugged and said, "Preparing to set off is to set off, but instead of going to Binghuo Island, it's going to Spirit Snake Island."

"Ah? Why? Why did you suddenly change your plan?" Zhao Min asked in confusion
Chen Youliang sighed, and said, "I can't help it. When Zhiruo, Buhui and Xiao Zhao went to the street to buy dry food just now, Granny Jinhua followed her and took Zhiruo and Buhui away. Granny Jinhua asked us to go To save people on Spirit Snake Island, we have to go to Spirit Snake Island first."

When Zhao Min heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he shouted angrily, "What! Miss Zhou who went to Spirit Snake Island with you is the girl who saved you? Then why are you looking for me! Go by yourself! I won't go !"

(End of this chapter)

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