Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 299 Didn't You Intentionally Go Against Lao Tzu! (

Chapter 299 Didn't You Intentionally Go Against Lao Tzu! (

Xiao Zhao smiled wryly, and said, "Maybe my mother didn't take the poison because she felt that she still had Sister Zhiruo and Sister Buhui in her hands. She probably thought that having these two should be enough. The drug was just to get It's just the Heavenly Sword."

Chen Youliang frowned, smiled slightly, and said, "Xiao Zhao, don't lie to me, okay? Although Grandma Jinhua has never seen my martial arts, she has heard of it, right? As long as my martial arts are still there, Grandma Jinhua Don't even try to use Zhiruo and Buhui to negotiate with me, because as long as she appears in front of me, I will save Zhiruo and Buhui before she has time to react. Her speed is stronger than mine. Xiao Zhao, what are you hiding, can't you tell me?"

"Young's not that I don't want to tell's just that I don't want to hurt you." Xiao Zhao's eyes turned red again, and he said in a sobbing voice
Chen Youliang hurriedly wiped away Xiao Zhao's tears, a flash of thought suddenly crossed his mind, Chen Youliang immediately asked in surprise, "You won't tell me that the Persian leader has found out where Grandma Jinhua is, and has rushed over?"

Xiao Zhao's tears became more fierce, he shook his head, and said in a sobbing voice, "It's not that I've rushed over, but I've arrived at Spirit Snake Island."

"Ah?!" Chen Youliang exclaimed in surprise. He didn't expect that there would be a change here. The Persian leader had already arrived at Spirit Snake Island!How could it be so fast?They should arrive one day later than themselves, right?

While crying, Xiao Zhao explained, "My lord... Actually, my mother had already received the news a few days ago, saying that the Persian Archbishop had sent the three envoys of Persian Fengyunyue to arrive at Spirit Snake Island ahead of time, looking for my mother's mother." Moreover, three days ago, my mother heard that the Twelve Jewel Tree Kings of the Persian Head Teacher were also rushing to Spirit Snake Island with a large team, and eight of them came with three hundred treasure tree kings. The boss of a Persian archbishop, and a cannon, just to catch my mother."

Chen Youliang was even more surprised now. He really didn't expect the accident to get bigger and bigger. In the original book, there were only two treasure tree kings, but now there are eight. Don't you mean to be against me!Didn't I just stay longer this time? Chang Yuchun, Zhang Wuji and Yang Xuedan, the three masters, come over?His grandma, there are only four people who can fight on our side, and there are actually eleven people on the Persian side!

"Then what does your mother mean?" Chen Youliang asked hastily. Now that there are so many changes, Dai Qisi may think differently.

Xiao Zhao sighed, and said, "Actually, my mother also wanted to poison you directly to let you lose your power, but she knew that a large number of people from the Persian Master had arrived. If my mother saw that the Persian Master would not If she is willing to let her go, she will join forces with you, young master, and ask you, young master, to help her defeat the three envoys of Fengyunyue and King Baoshu of the Persian head teacher on the condition of sister Zhiruo and sister Buhui."

Chen Youliang smiled wryly. It seems that Dai Qisi's side has really changed, and she actually wants to join forces with us, but yes, if it were me, I would also choose to join forces. Eleven masters, who would dare to fight with them alone? hit?
"Xiao Zhao, you said that your mother has to see the thoughts of the Persian head teacher before making a choice, so how is your mother going to see it? You won't ask directly?" Chen Youliang asked curiously.

"Why do you go directly? My mother plans to send them a letter. Of course, she will use a hidden weapon to call out one of them who has the weakest martial arts skills. Let him negotiate terms and set up traps and escape routes in advance. , and observe whether there are other people ambushing around. How can my mother have worked hard in the arena for so many years, and it is not a problem to see if they lie or not. If my mother sees that they are sincere, she will threaten you, son, Go and lie to thank the old man for the Dragon Saber." Xiao Zhao said

Chen Youliang shook his head secretly, was this Dai Qisi scared stupid by the Persian head teacher?This is also called the old world?If it's a buddy, I must promise you first, and after the buddy gets the three treasures, won't it be over if I catch you again?Are the Persians very particular about faith?
"Then according to what you mean, it means that your mother intends to charm me first, and then the others will ignore it for the time being, and the Yitian Sword will not be taken for the time being, and she will take the sword after she has negotiated with Persia. If you don't close it, you won't be able to take the sword, and at the same time I have recovered my skills, so I will unite with all of us to help her, isn't that what you mean?" Chen Youliang asked
Xiao Zhao nodded and said, "Well, that's it. My mother knows that the young master is very smart, and she is afraid that you will see through her whole plan, so she wants me to charm you first, and the medicine is not very powerful. At most, it will make the young master you If you are drowsy, you should not feel that there is anything wrong, so at least you will not be suspected, in order to unite with the young master in the future, you must first lay out the way out."

Chen Youliang smiled, and said, "Daikis is really thoughtful in her arrangements, but she is a little too naive, Xiao Zhao, do you think this is okay? You take me to your mother's room now, and I will talk to her. "

"Ah? Young Master, what are you going to do?" Xiao Zhao asked in surprise
Chen Youliang shrugged and said, "Of course it is to protect her. She is your mother. How can I put her in any danger? I will go talk to her, persuade her to change her mind, and talk to the head teacher of Persia about the terms. She can't play with others at all." Anyway, it is already chaotic, so Chen Youliang doesn't mind getting more chaotic, if you want to unite, do it now to save trouble.

Xiao Zhao looked at Chen Youliang gratefully, nodded heavily, and said with a smile, "En! I'll take my son there now." After speaking, he dragged Chen Youliang to the cabin on the other side.

Arriving at the innermost cabin, Xiao Zhao knocked on the door, only to hear an old voice from inside, asking, "Who?"

"It's me..." Xiao Zhao replied in a low voice

"You're back again..." The cabin door was pulled open, and the old voice rang out as the door opened, but when the person who opened the door saw Chen Youliang, his expression changed immediately, and he stared at Chen Youliang coldly and shouted, " Chen Youliang?!"

"Hello, Golden Flower Granny." Chen Youliang smiled. Looking at the wrinkled old lady in front of him, Chen Youliang really felt a little nauseous when he looked at it. It's a good thing those Persians can still find her for being so ugly.

"Why did you come here!" Speaking of this, Jinhua Granny looked at Xiao Zhao coldly, and shouted angrily, "You brought him here?!" The palm slapped Xiao Zhao's Tianling Gai.

Xiao Zhao took a step back in fear, and at this moment, Chen Youliang grabbed Granny Jinhua's arm, and said with a smile, "Daikis, you really want to kill your daughter?"

"How did you know this!" Dai Qisi glared at Xiao Zhao angrily again, and shouted, "You told him?!"

Xiao Zhao shook his head lightly, and said, "No... Young Master, he already knew everything."

"This is impossible!" Dai Qisi shouted in firm disbelief.
Chen Youliang tilted his head, and said with a smile, "Daikis, with me, Chen Youliang, the impossible becomes possible, how about it? Let's talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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