Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 302 A Woman's Murderous Aura Is Terrible!

Chapter 302 A Woman's Murderous Aura Is Terrible!

Hearing what Chen Youliang said, Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Buhui couldn't help laughing bitterly. They could see that Chen Youliang was very confident in this gamble, so they didn't say anything else, and followed Chen Youliang back to the cabin on the other side.

As soon as they entered the door, Zhang Wuji, Chang Yuchun, Zhao Min and Yang Xuedan were all waiting in the room. When they saw Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Buhui behind Chen Youliang, everyone's eyes widened in surprise, everyone was surprised Speechless.

" did you find them?" Zhao Min was the first to recover, pointing at Zhou Zhiruo, and asked in surprise

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, walked in with Zhou Zhiruo and the others, and said, "Sit down first, and I will tell you slowly."

Everyone nodded and sat down, while Chen Youliang told them everything that happened just now. After Chen Youliang finished speaking, everyone's eyes almost popped out. Almost everything he said was Surprising words, whether it is the matter of the golden flower mother-in-law being the most beautiful woman in the world, the purple shirt dragon king Dai Qisi of Mingjiao, or the matter of Xiao Zhao being the daughter of Dai Qisi, and the matter of the golden retriever lion king, the chief teacher of Persia and the betting , almost made them mentally numb.

After a long time, everyone came back to their senses slowly, Zhang Wuji shook his head and said, "I really didn't expect so many accidents to happen all of a sudden, foster father came to Spirit Snake Island, and Granny Jinhua became Zishan Dragon King again. , Xiao Zhao... and now the matter of the head teacher of Persia is involved... By the way! Brother, you mean that you are going to help the Zishan Dragon King against the head teacher of Persia?"

Chen Youliang nodded, and said with a smile, "That's right, Dai Qisi has worked very hard for so many years, and she should relax, besides, I didn't intend to show my friendship to the Persian head teacher."

Zhang Wuji frowned and said, "But brother..."

Chen Youliang raised his hand, interrupted Zhang Wuji, and said, "Wuji, I understand what you are thinking, because you feel that you are unable to handle many matters of the Mingjiao, and you are afraid that it will drag down the Mingjiao, so you plan to let the Persian leader take charge of it, right? I I advise you not to think about it. Although our Mingjiao originated from the Persian General Teaching, it has already formed its own school for so many years. It has four kings, four wind and thunder gates, five-element flags, and many branch altars. Only the leader of Mingjiao is recognized. They don't care about the Persian Chief Teacher at all, so once you let the Persian Chief Teacher intervene, it is equivalent to selling Mingjiao. Of course, I think if you really do this, I think Ms. Zhao should be very happy Ah, because the Anti-Yuan Rebel Army is gone."

"What did you call me?!" Zhao Min stared at Chen Youliang in displeasure, and asked, then looked at Zhou Zhiruo behind Chen Youliang in displeasure.

Chen Youliang was startled, and noticed Zhao Min's eyes, he couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "Minmin, is Minmin okay?"

"Hmph!" Zhao Min snorted angrily, but after turning his head away, he smiled in satisfaction.

But when he called out like this, Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Buhui behind Chen Youliang became a little unhappy, and their eyebrows were slightly frowned.

Chen Youliang couldn't see the expressions of the two women behind him anymore, but if he knew, he still didn't feel optimistic. Chen Youliang turned his head to look at Zhang Wuji, and asked, "Wuji, do you understand now?"

"Brother, is it really so serious?" Zhang Wuji asked hesitantly

Chen Youliang sighed, and said, "Let me tell you this, the Mingjiao is the Mingjiao of our Central Plains people, not the Mingjiao of Persia. This is the same as our anti-Minmin and their Mongolian dynasty. It is a matter of national righteousness, but anyway, the Mongols It can be regarded as living on the same land as us, but Persia is a foreign nation that is extremely far away from us, if you are a follower of the Ming Cult, would you obey the orders of some foreign people?"

"That's right, Brother Wuji, I've always been under the Five Elements Flag, and I'm very clear about the thoughts of the brothers under the Five Elements Flag. If we really want the Persians to control our Mingjiao, then we'd rather break the door and leave the church." Chang Yuchun Chen Youliang nodded in agreement
Zhang Wuji took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Since the elder brother and the elder brother Chang said so, then I understand, okay, just listen to the elder brother, and I will do what the elder brother says."

Chen Youliang smiled in satisfaction, looked at Chang Yuchun again, and asked, "Brother Chang, how about you?"

"Brother Youliang, I'm not happy when you ask this question, do you think I will obey your orders?" Chang Yuchun asked pretending to be displeased
Chen Youliang laughed, and stopped asking him, turned to look at Yang Xuedan, and said, "Senior sister, I'm sorry, I'm going to hurt you this time, of course, if you don't want to get involved in Mingjiao's affairs, we can understand, wait until it's over." After Spirit Snake Island, you can go back by boat."

Yang Xuedan smiled faintly, shook his head, and said, "Junior Brother, do you think Senior Sister is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death? One of the purposes of coming with you this time is to help you, although Miss Zhou and Miss Yang have already rescued you. I came out, but I have a bigger job to help, how could my senior sister leave at this time? Now that I am gone, am I still worthy of being your senior sister?"

Chen Youliang's heart warmed up, and he made up his mind to catch up with this chick!She is so rare!Chen Youliang smiled and nodded.

Then Chen Youliang turned around to look at Zhou Zhiruo and Yang Buhui, but before he could speak, Zhou Zhiruo laughed and said, "Don't ask us, or Buhui and I will get angry."

"That's right, if you want to see if my fists are a little harder, you can try asking me." Yang Buhui raised his small fists as if to fuck while talking.

Hey... There are two beauties who love me, this not worth it, the beauties seem...haven't finished asking...why is my back so cold?Chen Youliang suddenly shuddered, turned around in a little fright, and glanced at Zhao Min who was opposite, and saw that Zhao Min's eyes had become cold and menacing at this time, making Chen Youliang feel hairy all over.

" you willing to..." Chen Youliang felt that he was going to be unable to speak clearly, the woman's murderous aura was too terrifying.

Zhao Min looked at Chen Youliang with a half smile and half anger, and asked, "Can I ask why you were the last one to ask me?"

"Is there any serious consequences for being able to answer and not being able to answer this?" Chen Youliang swallowed in fear and asked.

Zhao Min still kept that frightening face, and said, "If you can answer it, I will give you a satisfactory answer, and if you can't answer it, then I will let you never need it in your life." Answering other people's questions, do you think there will be serious consequences?"

(End of this chapter)

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