Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 304 Can't the three of you come a little later?

Chapter 304 Can't You Three Come Later?
Everyone looked at Chen Youliang in confusion, and Zhang Wuji asked curiously, "Brother, why is it so easy? Have you found your adoptive father?"

Chen Youliang nodded, pointed to the woods on the left, and said with a smile, "Through this forest, there should be a flat land. There is the sound of someone waving a sword. I think it must be Mr. Xie practicing martial arts. Let's go and have a look. "After speaking, Chen Youliang took the lead in walking in that direction.

The others naturally followed closely behind. These people's internal strength was not as strong as Chen Youliang's, and they heard almost no sound, but after walking for a while, Zhang Wuji was the first to notice the sound of wielding a sword, followed by Chang Yuchun. He and Dai Qisi heard it too, and their pace quickened accordingly.

After walking for less than a stick of incense, the group of them walked out of the grove, and under the grove, there was really a sunken circular wasteland, which looked as if it had been hit by a huge meteor, except for this Outside the circular wasteland, there are forests all around, and in this wasteland, there is a burly man with blond hair and wearing a shabby black suit, holding a big blue knife and brandishing it fiercely.

"It's foster father!" Zhang Wuji said excitedly when he saw the figure of that person
"En?" Xie Xun seemed to have heard Zhang Wuji's voice, stopped the knife in his hand, turned to face Chen Youliang and the others, and asked in a low voice, "Which friends came to see Xie?"

"Father!" Zhang Wuji shouted excitedly, jumped off the wasteland, and rushed towards Xie Xun quickly.

But at this time, Xie Xun stood in front of him with a horizontal knife, and shouted, "Wait a minute!"

Zhang Wuji was startled, and quickly stopped in his tracks. Tears poured down his eyes like waterfalls, and he said excitedly, "Father...I...I am Wuji!"

Xie Xun frowned slightly, smiled coldly, and said, "Wuji? Are you Wuji? Hmph! Mrs. Han, are you here?"

"Third brother, good ears, my sister, I am indeed here. Third brother, as agreed in advance, I will bring you Zhang Wuji, and you can lend me the Dragon Slaying Sword. Now I have brought it to you." Dai Qisi lightly said

At this time, Chen Youliang and others had already walked about three meters in front of Xie Xun. Chen Youliang scanned Xie Xun carefully, and found that Xie Xun's appearance was really too domineering!As expected of the Golden Retriever Lion King, although his eyes are closed and he looks a little old, but his facial features make people feel that this person has a domineering power, and people can't help but look up.

"The Golden Retriever Lion King really deserves his reputation, no wonder he is worthy of the Dragon Slaying Saber." Chen Youliang smiled secretly
"Mrs. Han, I did promise you that if I were to reunite with Wuji Boy, I would offer the Dragon Slaying Saber with both hands, but although I, Xie Xun, am blind, I am not an idiot! Just find anyone and say It's my Wuji child, do you think I will believe it?" Xie Xun shouted in a deep voice

"Father...I'm really Wuji!" Zhang Wuji cried
"Don't lie to me! I know... I know that Wuji's child has been hit by Xuanming God's palm... maybe... maybe he has already..." The domineering golden lion king also choked up.

Zhang Wuji sobbed, and said, "The way of boxing is to concentrate, and the intention is to win with strength..."

Hearing this, the Golden Retriever Lion King was stunned, and gradually turned his head towards Zhang Wuji, and murmured, "You...what did you say..."

"Father, do you still remember, when I and I couldn't remember these boxing formulas, you beat me so hard, Mother didn't say anything... Helped me with medicine with tears in my eyes. Also, foster father , do you remember, when I was young, I said, I don’t want to learn Qishangquan, I don’t want to become a little lunatic, so you just scare me and say, what’s wrong with an old lunatic and a little lunatic?” Zhang Wuji wiped his tears , said excitedly
At this moment, the corners of the Golden Retriever Lion King's mouth also twitched, and his whole body began to tremble. Although he didn't shed tears, everyone could tell that if he wasn't blind, he would have cried.

"Father, do you still remember that when I was young, I was playful and fell into a crack in the ground? It was you, father, who saved me! Father!" Wang Si Nian hugged Xie Xun.

At this time, Xie Xun also knew that this person was his Wuji child, and the dragon sword in his hand fell to the ground with a "bang", hugged Zhang Wuji tightly, and cried out in a crying voice, "Wuji! You are really me!" Wuji! Wuji!"

Seeing the scene where the father and son reunited, everyone present except Dai Qisi was moved and laughed softly, even Yang Xuedan was the same, Yang Buhui even burst into tears.

However, at this moment, Chen Youliang frowned suddenly, turned his head to look at the nearby woods, and shook his head helplessly.

"Brother Youliang, what's wrong?" Chang Yuchun noticed Chen Youliang's movements and asked quickly

Chen Youliang pointed to the woods on one side, and said, "Look for yourself."

This time not only Chang Yuchun, but also other people looked at the side Chen Youliang pointed at, and Zhang Wuji and Xie Xun who were in front of them also reacted. Zhang Wuji just looked over there, and saw two men and one woman. Flying over in the air, still yelling "Mingjiao sacred fire order has arrived!"

Seeing those three people, Dai Qisi's face suddenly turned pale, subconsciously took a few steps back, shook her head in disbelief, and murmured, "How did you find it so quickly..."

Chen Youliang took a closer look at the three men, they were all wearing dark blue clothes, the style of the clothes looked a bit nondescript, but the two men had a foreign face and a pair of light blue eyes, The nose is relatively high, the eyes are sunken inward, the complexion is very fair, and the head of yellow hair looks a little taller than Chen Youliang.

But that woman is quite tempting to Chen Youliang, because that woman looks almost no different from a Central Plains person, with long black hair, bright and dark eyes, petite and hot body, the only thing that does not look like a Central Plains woman is that That is too fair skin.The appearance of this woman is almost comparable to that of Xiao Zhao, but she looks much more mature than Xiao Zhao.

Although that woman made Chen Youliang drool, but he still had so many beauties around him, so he was still a bit calm. Before the three of them landed, he came back to his senses and noticed the three of them. The torch in his hand, but from Chen Youliang's point of view, the torch looks like six red crystal sticks with uneven heights, he really can't see how precious this thing is.

"The Mingjiao holy fire order has arrived! Mingjiao disciples kneel down and bow down!" The fatter man among the two men said loudly in his poor Chinese after landing on the ground.

Chen Youliang shook his head helplessly, took two steps forward, looked at the three people contemptuously, and said with a smile, "I'm seeing a touching scene, can't the three of you come later? You're too blind."

(End of this chapter)

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