Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 310 Seeing the Man in Black Again

Chapter 310 Seeing the Man in Black Again

Zhou Zhiruo's face turned red again, but her eyes didn't seem to be as shy as before. Instead, she became firmer. She raised her head, looked into Chen Youliang's eyes, nodded heavily, and said, "Brother Chen, I like you!"

Huh... grandma, you made me wait for such a long time, she can be said to have said this, and it will be easy for her to say it, hehe, from now on, I will wait and pester me every day, worrying that I will leave every day Live your life!
"So, just now you ran out because you were jealous when your stepfather said that Zhao Min liked me?" Chen Youliang asked with a smile
Zhou Zhiruo didn't care that Chen Youliang didn't show any surprise after hearing her confession, because she knew that Chen Youliang was so smart, so she must have felt it. The girls who are evenly divided, there is also a Zhao Min who is better than herself in other aspects except for her looks.

And because of this, Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but confess, because she didn't want to lose Chen Youliang, she wanted to tell Chen Youliang what she thought, otherwise, once another girl or Zhao Min took Chen Youliang's heart, she would worry about Chen Youliang She won't even leave any place for herself, she confesses now that she just hopes to occupy a stable place in Chen Youliang's heart.

"At first it was..." Zhou Zhiruo nodded lightly and said, "At first I was really sad, and I felt sour in my heart, but when I rushed out later, I stopped thinking that way, and gave birth to me instead. own anger."

"Ah? Why are you angry with yourself?" Chen Youliang asked curiously

"I'm angry at myself for why I didn't save you when you were in danger, why I let Zhao Min get ahead of me, and why she could use those three desperate moves while I didn't." Zhou Zhiruo blamed herself.

Chen Youliang scratched his head, and said with a smile, "Zhiruo, this has nothing to do with you, you also saw it at the time, I'm not in any danger at all, I don't need others to save me, since I don't need it, why are you still coming out to save me? "

"This is what makes me most angry! Why, why is Zhao Min able to lose her mind because she is worried about you, and lose her mind, and can't see your advantages. Why don't I? Why is she and not me the one who loves you the most?" Zhou Zhiruo tightly He clenched his fists, his eyes were a little red.

Chen Youliang sighed helplessly, there are really all kinds of people these days, there are even people fighting for things like losing their minds, isn't it too complicated for women to think?
But speaking of it, Chen Youliang felt that Zhou Zhiruo really shouldn't love him more than Zhao Min. He and Zhao Min have been dealing with each other since the battle at Guangmingding, and they tried every means to seduce Zhao Min, and Zhao Min still From hate to love, hate is easy to accumulate, once it is transformed into love, few people can surpass this kind of love.

Although it is said that Zhou Zhiruo Chen Youliang used strong medicine at the beginning, in order to help Zhou Zhiruo and pretend to be great in front of Zhou Zhiruo, she stabbed herself three times in a row. In comparison, her love for herself is also very deep, but This is just a normal trick to pick up girls, and it's not as good as the trick of turning hate into love, so it's normal for Zhou Zhiruo to have less love than Zhao Min.

Chen Youliang put his arms around Zhou Zhiruo's arms, and said with a soft smile, "Zhiruo, listen to me, everyone has their own personality, and each person has a different personality, and the love they express is also in a different form. If you are with Zhao Min You have the same personality, maybe you will do the same thing, you didn't come out because you believed in me, you believed in my ability, and believed that I would be fine, this is also one of the manifestations of love, by comparison Zhao Min can't do it, and sometimes, believing is more difficult than worrying. So you don't have to blame yourself at all."

"Really?" Chen Youliang's words obviously touched Zhou Zhiruo's low self-esteem and made her feel a little better.

Chen Youliang nodded, and said with a smile, "Of course it's true, so stop thinking about it."

"Well, okay, I'll listen to Brother Chen." Speaking of this, Zhou Zhiruo smiled softly, stretched out her hand to touch Chen Youliang's face, and said softly, "Brother Chen, if there are not so many people who like you How good it is... However, for such an excellent man as Brother Chen, it would be strange if no one likes him. Who told me to fall in love with Brother Chen? No matter how many people like you in the future, Zhiruo will always be by Brother Chen's side , will never leave you. Brother Chen, don't try to drive me away."

Chen Youliang laughed, and said, "Don't worry, do you still remember the second purpose I told you about bringing you here?"

"I remember, but Big Brother Chen told me at the time that he would tell me before going back. Why, are you going to tell me now?" Zhou Zhiruo smiled slightly
"That's right, because the second purpose has already been fulfilled. The second purpose is to keep you by my side and prevent you from returning to the Emei sect. In this way, Ding Minjun will not be able to become the head of the sect even if he wants to." Chen Youliang smiled. road
Zhou Zhiruo suddenly realized and laughed, and said, "Oh, so Brother Chen, you have already made up your mind, and you asked me to tell you that I like you first, Brother Chen, you are too despicable." After speaking, Zhou Zhiruo pretended to be angry and turned around. Overhead.

"Hey, hey, I wanted to say it first. Who knew such a thing would happen? Well, well, don't happen..." Chen Youliang's face suddenly changed when he said this, but after a short while, Chen Youliang smiled lightly again.

Zhou Zhiruo sensed Chen Youliang's abnormality, turned her head and asked, "Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Chen Youliang turned around and said with a loud smile, "My friend, I didn't expect you to follow me so closely. You even followed me to Spirit Snake Island. Come out."

Zhou Zhiruo was startled, and quickly looked around vigilantly. At this moment, she saw a masked man in night clothes walking out of the woods next to them.And that person is Chen Youliang's rival in love, the one who used the Desolate Ecstasy Palm!

"Brother Chen, who is this person?" Zhou Zhiruo looked at the man in black vigilantly and asked in a low voice
Chen Youliang smiled and said, "A person who can get rid of my sticky Tai Chi hands is considered a top master, brother, hello, let's meet again."

"Hello, Deputy Hierarch Chen, I really envy the beauty of Vice Hierarch Chen. Every time I see Vice Hierarch Chen, I bring a confidante with me, and each of them is so beautiful." The man in black said lightly.

"En? Don't you know the confidante I brought with you last time? She is a good friend of your childhood, and she even gave you the secret book of ecstasy. You don't know her now, it seems a bit unreasonable." ?” Chen Youliang asked with a smile
"My childhood sweetheart? Mr. Chen, did you recognize the wrong person?" The man in black asked suspiciously

(End of this chapter)

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