Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 316 Conditions for Being a Leader

Chapter 316 Conditions for Being a Leader
"This is what Mrs. Han told me back then. There is such a rule in the canon of the head teacher of Persia that a man can also be the leader, but there are two conditions for being the leader. First, only the man who is in love with the current leader is eligible. Fighting for the position of leader. Second, this man must have the strength to defeat the three envoys of Fengyunyue and the Twelve Tree Kings of Persia before he can ascend to the throne of leader." Xie Xun said

"Defeat the three envoys of Persian Fengyunyue and the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings? How to defeat them? Fight together or one by one?" Chen Youliang asked hurriedly

"Naturally, a man who falls in love with the leader must face fifteen of them. I heard that the Persian leader has a formation designed for fifteen of them. This formation is so powerful that it can almost play More than [-]% of their strength. As long as that man can defeat them, then the head teacher will think that this man is a holy king who is worthy of the leader and will not tarnish the reputation of the Mingjiao. Of course, he can marry the leader of the Mingjiao Already." Xie Xun said

Everyone gasped, and even Chen Youliang was secretly startled. I really didn't expect the Persian leader to have such a perverted rule. How is this different from not letting the leader find a husband?The Three Envoys of Persia and the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings are already strong enough. Whether he can beat it is still a question. He also needs to add a formation to improve their own strength. He has no chance of winning. , Need to talk about others?

"Of course, it's the same with or without this canon. You have all seen the strength of the three envoys of Persia. With their strength, I am afraid that few people can defeat them, let alone the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, but As far as I know, there was a person who was the Holy King many years ago." Xie Xun said

Chen Youliang and the others were surprised, actually someone could defeat these fifteen people?Zhao Min asked curiously, "Lion King, is it because the Three Envoys of Fengyunyue and the King of Twelve Treasure Trees were too weak in their skills? That gave him a chance?"

Xie Xun shook his head with a smile, and said, "No, the martial arts of the three envoys of Persia Fengyunyue have always been the three strongest in the head teacher of Persia. Every time they choose a successor, they will choose the one with the highest martial arts. There is a test that is responsible for selecting the Three Envoys and the King of the Treasure Tree. If those with the highest martial arts fail to pass the test, they will simply give up those people and find talented people from other congregants or other places to teach them again. But this is basically not the case. It is said that the martial arts of the fifteen people back then were very strong, and they can be said to be the 15 strongest people in history."

"Then why are they still losing?" Zhang Wuji asked
"I don't know about that. Mrs. Han didn't tell me the details, and I didn't ask. After all, it happened many years ago. The leader is no longer alive, and I'm not interested in knowing." Xie Xun shook his head. road
"Damn! You're not interested, I'm interested! I can't even beat him, but that person can do it. He must have learned some awesome martial arts. I really want to see what kind of martial arts it is! Does Persia have any skills?" Is martial arts stronger than that of the Central Plains? No way?" Chen Youliang secretly surprised

At this moment, a horn sounded from outside the cave. Chen Youliang and the others all stood up when they heard it. Yang Buhui asked puzzledly, "What is this sound? What happened?"

When Xiao Zhao heard the sound of the horn, his face suddenly turned pale, and he held onto Yang Buhui's arm tightly, and said tremblingly, "This... this is the sound of the horn that they are going to execute at the stake... My mother and I said this must must be! Young Master! I beg you, save my mother, save my mother!"

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, looked at the crowd who were looking forward to him, nodded and said with a smile, "Okay, then let's go and have a look, but let's say it first, everything is up to me."

"Okay!" Everyone replied in unison

Chen Youliang led everyone out of the cave together. Yang Xuedan had already found out the place where the Persian head teacher was stationed. In the grass not far away.

Chen Youliang looked ahead, and there were dozens of white tents on the open space in front of them, and in front of those tents, there was a burning frame and a huge brazier. Standing in front of the stake, there are also many congregants standing around.

"Pull her out!" Chen Youliang's Ping Ping Bao Shu Wang shouted loudly
At this time, two congregants came out of a tent with Dai Qisi with a pale face, and tied Dai Qisi to the fire frame. Dai Qisi, who opened her eyes, smiled coldly, and said, "Daikis the sinner, you have violated the holy maiden's festival, seriously violated the religious rules, and have committed an unforgivable crime. According to the religious rules, you will be executed by burning at the stake! Light the fire!"

"Ah! Light it up! My lord! They're on fire! My lord! What should I do? What should I do!" Xiao Zhao cried out, shaking Chen Youliang's arm in panic.

Seeing those congregants pile up firewood on the fire, Xiao Zhao's face became even paler, and Xie Xun couldn't help it at this moment, and hurriedly shouted, "Youliang! What are you waiting for! If you don't go! I'll go!"

Chen Youliang smiled lightly, and said, "Father, don't worry, I won't let Dai Qisi die, I was just thinking about how to save it better, father, your dragon sword and Minmin's Yitian sword are not here, the battle My strength has dropped a lot, I have to find a way to get back the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber."

"Then think about it quickly! If you can't figure it out, it's too late!" Yang Buhui saw that the firewood on the opposite side was almost set up, and said anxiously
Chen Youliang rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I think this is good. In terms of martial arts, the Persian Wind, Cloud and Moon are the best, but the Eight Great Treasure Tree Kings win because they have more people. I think the combat power of the two sides should be about the same. Then, I, Wuji, Brother Chang, the three of us are going over now, to attract their attention, and temporarily tell them not to light the fire, to delay the time. Sister, you go to the tent to look for the Yitian Sword and the Dragon Saber, Xiao Zhao, Zhiruo, no regrets, the three of you Go around the back of the fire frame, look for an opportunity, and save Dai Qisi. As for Yifu and Minmin, after you get back the weapons, come over to help, and then help Wuji and the others deal with King Baoshu and those disciples, senior sister It's the same, but Persian Fengyun Yuesan envoys keep it for me, especially envoy Huiyue, none of you can touch her, I'll keep her useful. How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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