Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 347 Don't Shame Your Face!

Chapter 347 Don't Shame Your Face!
As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the Chief Sect Leader, Twelve Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Third Envoy of Fengyunyue flashed a murderous intent. How could they tolerate such arrogant and rude words from Chen Youliang? Vice Hierarch Chen! I advise you to take back what you just said! Otherwise, we will have no chance of repairing it!"

Chen Youliang smiled coldly and said, "Don't say those hypocritical words, your subordinate Baoshu King and Fengyun Second Envoy can't wait to kill me now, let them come over, just let them know why I am the boss!"

"Ah!" Miaofengshi couldn't hold back at first, shouted and charged up with the holy fire order, and Liuyunshi and the other twelve treasure tree kings also rushed up, their killing moves suddenly appeared, intending to reach Chen Youliang to death.

However, Chen Youliang let go of Huiyue Envoy's hand without any fear, and pushed Huiyue Envoy back. Since Huiyue Envoy was still hit by acupuncture points, he sat down on the ground with a "plop", while Huiyue Envoy Before he even had time to feel the pain, he found that Chen Youliang's whole body was suddenly covered with a thick layer of purple light.

Seeing that Chen Youliang's eyes suddenly became purple, and the purple light all over his body expanded rapidly, Zhu Xing seemed to know what Chen Youliang was going to do, kicked his hind legs, and jumped up high.

At this moment, Chen Youliang spread his hands and five fingers wide, knelt on the ground on one knee in an instant, and slapped the ground with both hands quickly, while hearing Chen Youliang shouted loudly, "Shocked for hundreds of miles!"

"Boom!" As soon as Chen Youliang finished speaking, his palms hit the ground heavily, and there was a deafening explosion.

The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Second Envoy Fengyun were stunned, and quickly stopped in their tracks. Then everyone saw the land between Chen Youliang's hands, suddenly leaving a big gap, and the gap went straight to the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Second Envoy Fengyun. The edge, and in that gap there is still a faint purple light.

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, the crack suddenly exploded, and several purple dragons soared from the ground to the sky. , and then saw the dragon roaring and rushing towards them.

But just when everyone wanted to resist, they suddenly saw Chen Youliang in purple mang hovering on the spot. Chen Youliang slowly rose into the air. The legs seemed to be stretched forward, and then I saw the heads of six giant dragons rising slowly from behind Chen Youliang. When Chen Youliang pointed his hands and feet at the Twelve Treasure Tree King and others, he heard Chen Youliang shout: " The six dragons spin!"

"Aw!" Six dragon chants rang out into the sky, as if the six giant dragons hadn't been released for a long time, they jumped out of the purple light, and went straight to the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings at a faster speed than the previous giant dragons.

"Quickly retreat!" The Great Sage Treasure Tree King yelled in horror, and hurriedly told everyone to leave.

But he still shouted a step, and when his words fell, several giant dragons had rushed in front of them, and the huge strength of the dragons instantly broke through everyone's full defense.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the aftermath of the tsunami-like air wave spread out from the agitated billowing smoke and dust, and the nearest chief lord was blown up, and a mouthful of blood was spurted out. The Mingjiao congregants who had been around rushed up to catch the Chief Hierarch, but none of the congregants who caught the Chief Hierarch was spared, and all spat out a mouthful of blood.

The surrounding tents were also uprooted, and they fell after being blown away for dozens of meters, but they all became tattered.

"Plop..." Chen Youliang and Zhu Xing fell to the ground at the same time, and Zhu Xing ran back to Chen Youliang's side, laying obediently on his stomach, while Chen Youliang looked at the dusty result in front of him and laughed with satisfaction.

"My lord!" Huiyue envoy cried out in panic when she saw the chief lord vomit blood and fell down.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and said, "Don't worry, she's fine, and I didn't beat her, at most she just vomited blood, she'll be fine after two days."

"Chen Youliang! Unlock my acupoints! I'm going to kill you!" Huiyue envoy gritted her teeth and shouted

"I said save your energy, okay? Do you have the ability to kill me?" Chen Youliang said with a smile, then pointed to the big hole in the smoke and dust opposite, and said with a smile, "When will you be able to defeat the second envoy of Fengyun and After the Twelve Jewel Tree Kings, you are telling me this sentence."

Huiyue envoy gritted her teeth fiercely, and stared at Chen Youliang with blood-red eyes. She really wanted to cut Chen Youliang into pieces, but she knew that it was useless for her to say or think now. She was still in his hands, and Chen Youliang's The strength is really too strong!She is much stronger than when she just met him, she has no chance of winning at all.

The smoke and dust on the opposite side gradually dissipated, and a large pit with a depth of about one meter appeared on the ground. In that pit, the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Second Envoy of Fengyun were all seriously injured and fell to the ground. Their clothes were already torn. There was still a large pool of blood around their mouths.Only the Great Saint Treasure Tree King with the strongest skill, and the Miaofeng Envoy who stood in the front and was not fully attacked by these two moves were still somewhat conscious, and the others had already passed out.

But Chen Youliang glanced at them, and turned his eyes to the masked man in the distance. He found that since he arrived, the masked man had been watching from the rear. Just now he insulted the chief leader and attacked them. , he didn't move at all, even seeing the head teacher flying out, he didn't react, just like a living dead.

Chen Youliang wondered secretly, "What does this guy mean? When he got off the boat, he was always behind the chief leader, very close. Why did he run to the back when the guy came? Could it be that he had already guessed that I was going to make a move?" But if he really guessed it, why didn't he tell the chief leader? What is this buddy going to do? Could it be..." Chen Youliang's brain flashed, as if he had grasped something.

"Chen... Youliang!" Chen Youliang was about to think about the reason for that buddy's strange behavior, when he was interrupted by the angry voice of the chief priest in the distance, and heard her coldly shouting, "How dare you offend the majesty of my Persian chief priest like this?" ..."

Chen Youliang interrupted the Chief Hierarch impatiently, and said with a faint smile, "Chief Hierarch, I just want to tell you who is in charge now. From the moment you set foot on Spirit Snake Island, you have no initiative. Of course, you have a lot of people. If you call out all the congregants who are at war with me now, I really can’t beat you. But don’t forget, I’m not the only one on my side, there are also some who are with me People with similar martial arts are waiting for me. If I go back late and they come to find me, I’m afraid none of you here will survive? Ten of us are enough to deal with thousands of you, and even your chief leader will survive No, I don’t think the head teacher would like this? I don’t want to be against your head teacher of Persia. All I need is Uncle Six and Zhu’er. With my absolute advantage, I’ll just change one person with you. I've given you enough face, don't give shame to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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