Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 357 The Shock of the Purple Sword

Chapter 357 The Shock of the Purple Sword

The trap in front of Chen Youliang is a palm-sized circular twister, which is not a complicated mechanism. It is estimated that the previous owner thought that there were big guys guarding here and no one could get in, so there was no Get some complicated mechanism.

Chen Youliang stretched out his hand and twisted the disc, at this moment he saw that the stone wall on the side of the stone room suddenly rose slowly, Chen Youliang and Zhu'er looked at each other excitedly, and walked in quickly.

After entering, I found that it was just an ordinary stone room. The only difference was that there was a big wooden box about half a person's height in front of the stone room.

Chen Youliang turned to look at the big guy, and asked, "You asked me to look at this box?"

"Oh!" The big guy nodded, raised his paw, and signaled for Chen Youliang to open the box.

Chen Youliang stepped forward, blew the dust accumulated on the box, and then opened the wooden box. However, the moment the wooden box was opened, a burst of intense purple light suddenly burst out from the wooden box, illuminating the entire stone room. It was as if a person who had been trapped for a long time was suddenly released and ran outside excitedly.

The dazzling light made Chen Youliang and Zhu'er unable to open their eyes. After a long time, the light gradually disappeared, and Chen Youliang and Zhu'er finally opened their eyes. When they saw the things in the box, they gasped. Taking a breath, his eyes widened in surprise.

There was one thing in the box, a crystal-clear purple sword, like a natural amethyst, as if it hadn't been crafted in any way, it was very gorgeous and beautiful, and there was a faint purple light on the sword, but the most striking thing for the two of them Surprisingly, this sword actually brought strong coercion to the two of them. It felt as if a peerless expert was looking at them from above, making them feel like they dare not look up.

Chen Youliang came back to his senses, smiled bitterly, turned his head and asked the big guy, "Big guy, this...couldn't be the weapon used by your former master?"

"Oh!" The big guy howled and nodded, with a trace of yearning on his face, as if the sword was his old friend.

"Damn, let me tell you why this big guy was so dissatisfied just now. This Bihai sword is simply incomparable to this sword. The sword can still carry such a strong domineering aura. It can almost calm me down. Compared with it When you get up, the Bihai Sword is almost like scrap iron. Who is the owner of the big guy? How can there be such a powerful sword?" Chen Youliang thought secretly with a wry smile

"Aw!" The big guy yelled again at this time, raised his paw and pointed at Chen Youliang, then pointed at the sword.

Chen Youliang was startled, and asked, "Do you want to give me this sword?"

"Oh!" The big guy nodded.

"That's great, Brother Chen! This sword looks extraordinary. Not only did it burst out with such a strong purple light just now, but it also has such a powerful power. It must be some magic weapon. Brother Chen, your internal strength is not good enough. Can it also emit purple light? Maybe this sword is related to your previous life, and it may be able to exert greater power in your hands. Wouldn’t you be more confident when you fight against the head of Persia tomorrow?” Zhu’er was happy smile
Hearing this, Chen Youliang couldn't help laughing wryly. Originally, he had already thought that there must be some good weapon in this room, and he also guessed that this big guy was going to give it to him, but he didn't expect this weapon to be so powerful. When Chen Youliang saw it, he really felt that this big guy might not give it to him, but just showed off to him.And he didn't want it anymore after seeing it.

It's not that Chen Youliang is not greedy, but that he hasn't reached the point of being greedy and desperate. This sword is so powerful, it must not be an ordinary weapon. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes before, at least I will listen to it when I watch TV or read novels. However, this kind of weapon must be extremely difficult to control. Even if you can control it, it may affect your mind, just like having emotions in martial arts. If you are not careful, you will change your character and even change your personality. Life.

He now possesses the Beiming magic skill, which is already very strong. He doesn't want to get another weapon that can affect people's hearts and minds, and ruin himself. He just made most of the beauties in Yitian fall in love with him, and he hasn't done it yet. What kind of warm-up exercise? What if he doesn't want to have sex after this thing affects his mind?Why don't you regret him to death?So what Chen Youliang thinks is that you can ask for awesome things, but forget about things that are too awesome.

"This... Big guy, I don't think I can use this thing, but this palm glove is quite good, and I don't use swords often, so let it go, I appreciate your kindness." Chen Youliang smiled road
"Brother Chen! You are so stupid! You don't want such a magical weapon? If someone else would have rushed to pick it up!" Zhu'er didn't expect Chen Youliang to refuse, and cried anxiously.

"Spider, one must be content. We already have these three weapons, which are good enough. Why should we be greedy for more? These are the relics of the big guy's master. How can I just take them for myself? Or leave them for me. Big guys, I think this mysterious ice palm cover is enough for tomorrow's five-fold golden formation." Chen Youliang hurriedly said with a straight face

Zhu'er was still a little unwilling, and said anxiously, "Brother Chen..."

Just as I was talking about this, I heard the big guy roaring, and then saw the big guy's paws slamming on the ground, the whole stone room suddenly vibrated violently, and the purple sword inside the box was shaken into the air At this time, Zhu Xing suddenly ran to the side of the box, jumped up, kicked his hind legs, and kicked the purple sword directly at Chen Youliang.

Chen Youliang saw the purple sword rushing towards him quickly, Chen Youliang had no chance to dodge at all, so he quickly stretched out his hand to use Beiming's inner strength, and grabbed the purple sword's tip, but at this time Chen Youliang suddenly felt a pain in his right hand, A few drops of blood flowed out from his hand, Chen Youliang was secretly startled, this Beiming Zhenqi has been protecting him, this sword can penetrate Beiming Zhenqi and hurt him, isn't the power of this sword too great?No one has used it with internal force yet, it has such a great power, if someone uses it, Chen Youliang shivered, it's a bit unimaginable.

Chen Youliang quickly flicked the tip of the sword and grabbed the hilt, but at this moment, a huge force suddenly surged into Chen Youliang's heart from the hilt, and a dazzling purple light burst out from the blade of the sword , immediately enveloped Chen Youliang.

"Ah!" Chen Youliang cried out in pain as he endured the powerful impact of the sword.

"Brother Chen!" The spider was startled and was about to rush up, but just as she moved her footsteps, the big guy raised its paw to block the spider.And the four pairs of big eyes of the big guy and Zhu Xing were also fixed on Chen Youliang.

Feeling the huge force hitting his heart, Chen Youliang hurriedly wanted to let go of the sword, but only then did he realize that the sword seemed to be attached to his hand, and he couldn't let go at all. To be broken by this huge force, if it breaks through, I will definitely die on the spot.

Chen Youliang gritted his teeth fiercely, and shouted, "Okay! You broken sword! You want to play with me, right? I will play with you to the end! I don't believe I can't beat you!"

(End of this chapter)

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