Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 364 Huiyue Envoy's Hesitation

Chapter 364 Huiyue Envoy's Hesitation
The Ten Thousand Layers Shura Gate is a defensive move that Chen Youliang suddenly comprehended when his death was approaching. Chen Youliang had never thought of using Beiming's inner strength and Beiming's true energy to fuse together, and use the Qiankun Great Teleportation to move the seventh floor. The real energy of Ming came out of the body, turning into a wall with super defensive power.

Beiming zhenqi has always been the super defensive zhenqi that guards Chen Youliang's body, but he has never been able to attack like Beiming's inner energy, even if he uses the great teleportation of the universe to force it. Ming Nei Jin and Bei Ming Zhen Qi are fused, but every time Bei Ming Nei Jin is transmitted to the meridians of his body, they are always unable to fuse, so Chen Youliang can only think that Bei Ming Nei Jin and Bei Ming Zhen Qi cannot be integrated of.

But today, when the threat of death was approaching, Chen Youliang suddenly thought, since Beiming's inner strength cannot be integrated into Beiming's true energy, why not integrate Beiming's true energy into Beiming's inner strength before striking out?As a result, after Chen Youliang gave it a try, it really worked. Beiming's true energy and Beiming's internal energy were fused together, and the Ten Thousand Layers of Asura Gate was released.

It's just that Chen Youliang's ten-thousand-level Shura gate is just a decoration. The activation of the ten-thousand-level Asura gate requires extremely powerful internal force support, and each gate consumes nearly 25 years of his internal power, so it is calculated that he really has defensive power. There are only twelve gates, and these twelve gates are respectively blocked in front of the four major attack formations, that is to say, only three gates in front of the fire formation, water formation, gold formation and earth formation are truly defensive. As for the other ones, they are just phantoms created by Chen Youliang with the rest of his internal energy in order to scare them, and they have no defense at all.

Originally, Chen Youliang thought that facing such a huge number of Shuramen, they would immediately lose their desire to win. Who would have thought that this group of people would become more and more courageous. If they really wanted them to break down all the gates on three sides, then he would have no chance of winning at all. No more, his internal strength has been completely exhausted, if not for the chains on his body restraining him, he would have been sitting on the ground long ago.

"Boom, boom, boom!" Hearing the sound of bombardment outside, Chen Youliang secretly worried, he is not a naive person, since they decided to attack, they will definitely not give up, if they can't find any way to control the enemy, Then he is really a dead end.

Chen Youliang frowned and thought about a solution. After thinking about it, he suddenly noticed the chains on his body. Chen Youliang was slightly taken aback, and thought to himself, "The golden light on this chain should be connected to the treasure tree king of wisdom and the three treasure tree kings." Since it is related to their bodies, then my Beimingshen ability can't use this thing to absorb power from a long distance?"

Chen Youliang thought for a while, and suddenly heard a loud "bang!", and then heard the Great Sage Treasure Tree King and others shouting, "Okay! A door has been broken! It seems that this door can only resist us ten times." More attacks! Then there is hope for us to break through these ten thousand gates! The Wooden Formation only needs to help us restore our internal strength! Let me break these damned gates for the other four formations!"

"Yes!" Seeing the hope, everyone shouted with joy, and started another crazy attack.

"Damn! Did you break one door so quickly? Grandma's! They can break through three doors in less than 10 minutes! Never mind! Try it!" Chen Youliang gritted his teeth and grabbed the chain on his arm with his backhand , Close your eyes and perform the Beiming Divine Art.

At this time, Chen Youliang suddenly felt a trace of warm inner energy flowing in from the dantian, and Chen Youliang was overjoyed, and secretly shouted, "Great! I can suck it! Although the speed of sucking is too slow, I can't I know when I can absorb enough internal energy for a year, as long as I can absorb enough internal energy for 300 years, maybe some kind of miracle will happen, there is no other way now, I can only hope for my strange feeling."

Chen Youliang stopped thinking about it at this time, and concentrated his attention on absorbing the internal energy on the chain. At this time, the Wisdom Treasure Tree King also felt a little strange, feeling that his internal energy seemed to be slowly draining away, but due to the loss It was too little, almost negligible, so he didn't think about it any more, thinking that he just spent too much energy.

After a few minutes, there was another loud noise outside, and another door was breached. This time, less than ten attacks were used. Everyone thought that Chen Youliang couldn't stand it anymore. attack.

But among these fifteen people, there was only one person who didn't laugh happily every time a door was breached like the others, and that was Huiyue Envoy. She was frowning at this time, secretly worried, since After being kissed by Chen Youliang, her heart has been in a mess. She didn't know what to do, and she didn't know how to treat Chen Youliang. Just before Chen Youliang sent out the Ten Thousand Layers of Asura Gate, she watched Chen Youliang die in her hands. , her heart hurt like a needle, and when he used ten thousand layers of Asura Gate to block their attack, she felt a little happy. She didn't know what happened to her, why she was so worried about Chen Youliang's life and death? Just because he kissed himself?
"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and the third door was broken. While everyone was cheering, Huiyue Envoy was worried again, but at this moment, she suddenly found that the aftermath of the shock just now , Actually knocked down all the doors behind!Chen Youliang appeared in front of her again, closing his eyes tightly, not knowing what he was doing.

"What... what's going on here? How could it be like this? How could this ten-thousand-level Asura Gate suddenly disappear?!" Huiyue Envoy screamed in horror.
"Haha... so it is so! So it is! The doors behind this are all illusions created by Chen Youliang to deceive us. The real doors are only the three in front of us!" The Wisdom Treasure Tree King suddenly realized with a smile.

"Look at him, he must have exhausted his internal energy! Haha! Chen Youliang! This time you have exhausted all your tricks, but you are still missing a move! Even if you die today, you will not be wronged!" said the great sage treasure tree king shouted with joy

The chief leader and the man in black were all stunned when they saw this scene. They didn't expect that Chen Youliang's massive ten-thousand-story Asura Gate was just a bluffing decoration. The chief leader and the man in black were worried again. They got up, but they were not too desperate this time, because they didn't look like Chen Youliang's tricks had been broken, and they didn't know what to do. The two of them had doubts in their hearts. Could it be that Chen Youliang had any other tricks?
At this time, the King of the Great Sage Treasure Tree also noticed Chen Youliang's strangeness, frowned slightly, and shouted loudly, "Everyone! Give Chen Youliang a fatal blow immediately! We must not let him escape our five-fold gold formation again!"

"Yes!" Everyone answered in unison, but among these people, there was only one person who didn't mean what he said, and just responded softly.

"Five formations come out!" The Great Sage Treasure Tree King shouted again

Hearing this, Chen Youliang gritted his teeth secretly, and exclaimed, "Oops! It's about to be a full year of skill! Could it be that he really died like this?!"

Just thinking of this, Chen Youliang suddenly found that after the Great Sage Tree King finished calling, there was no inner energy around him. Chen Youliang opened his eyes in wonder, looked around, and found that there were no flames, tsunami, etc., and he found that everyone They all looked at the water formation on their right.

Before Chen Youliang could turn his head to look, he heard Miaofeng Envoy's angry voice yelling, "Envoy Huiyue! What are you doing! Why don't you palm! Do you know that if there is one less person in the five formations? It won't work!"

Chen Youliang was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Huiyue Envoy in the Water Formation, and found that she was frowning tightly and lowered her head indecisively.Chen Youliang smiled secretly, as if thinking of something, he quickly closed his eyes and seized the time to absorb his internal energy.

The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King looked at Huiyue envoy gloomyly, and shouted loudly, "Huiyue envoy! I know what you are thinking! But now is not the time to think about these things! This is a matter of life and death for our sect! Do you want to betray the sect? !"

Envoy Huiyue hastily raised her head, and shouted, "Emissary Huiyue dare not!"

"If you don't dare, just strike!" the Great Sage Treasure Tree King shouted sharply.
Emissary Hui Yue gritted her teeth fiercely, a trace of tears suddenly flashed from her eyes, she nodded heavily, and said, "Yes!"

"Five formations come out!" The Great Sage Treasure Tree King shouted again

This time, Huiyue envoy didn't hesitate any more, closed his eyes and waved his palms, but secretly cried out in his heart, "I'm sorry...Chen Youliang..."

"Boom!" A loud noise came from the formation...

(End of this chapter)

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