Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 366 Identity of the Man in Black!

Chapter 366 Identity of the Man in Black!
The Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Second Envoy of Fengyun glared at Chen Youliang angrily, but what can they do now?The strongest five-layer golden formation was destroyed by him. No matter how humiliating they were, they could only listen. Now they are seriously injured, and they can't even stand up, let alone for honor, go to Chen Youliang worked hard.

"Brother, you fulfilled your mission and helped you complete your tasks. From today onwards, you are a holy king, and you are one level older than me. Please take care of me in the future." Chen Youliang turned to look at the man in black and said with a smile

The man in black supported the tree trunk and stood up, bowed slightly, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Vice Hierarch Chen for your help, today I can be regarded as fulfilling my wish, and the Chief Hierarch and I will never forget your great kindness today. "After finishing speaking, he walked slowly towards the head teacher.

The chief leader stood up from his seat, hurried over to help the man in black, led him back to the seat he had just taken, helped him to sit down, and took out a Yufang Huihun from his bosom. Dan, the man in black didn't pull down the mask, but reached into the mask and took the medicine. After a while, the right side of his face became rosy, and his eyes became more energetic.

"Hey, hey, brother, don't bother to treat yourself there, you should have something else to do, didn't you explain it clearly to me?" Chen Youliang said with a smile
The man in black was stunned, and asked, "I don't know what else Chen Fujiao wants to do? Oh, yes, reward, Chen Fujiao, what reward do you need, please ask as soon as possible, as long as we can do it, we will do it."

Chen Youliang scratched his head and said with a smile, "I'm not talking about remuneration. I'll take the remuneration myself after a while. What I want to say is, what's going on with all of this? Now that you've become the Holy King, you should also tell me Are you clear?"

The man in black rolled his eyes, and said with a smile, "Of course, of course, what does Deputy Master Chen want to know?"

Chen Youliang stretched out a finger, and said with a smile, "I just want to know one thing." After speaking, Chen Youliang pointed to the masked man standing at the end, and asked, "When do you plan to silence that masked man?"

The masked man, the man in black and the chief leader were all taken aback for a moment, even the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Three Envoys of Fengyunyue were startled, they looked at Chen Youliang in confusion, the man in black frowned, and asked, " I don’t know what Vice Hierarch Chen means? This is the benefactor of the Chief Hierarch, why should I kill him to silence him?”

"Benefactor? Brother, are you still pretending to me? I have already guessed your true identity, and you are the real masked man!" Chen Youliang said with a smile
"What!" The Twelve Treasure Tree King and Feng Yunyue were startled, and suddenly turned their heads to look at the man in black, while the man in black and the chief leader all stared in shock, looking at Chen Youliang in disbelief.

"Chen Youliang! Don't talk nonsense! How could he be a masked man!" The Great Sage Treasure Tree King held his chest, sat up from the ground with difficulty, and screamed
Chen Youliang shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Great Sage Treasure Tree King, thanks to you being the head of the Twelve Twelve Treasure Tree Kings, you have been struggling in the rivers and lakes for so many years, don't you even have this bit of vision? This mask The person was recommended by you yourself, can't you even tell that they have changed?"

"Substitution? When did they change people! Don't talk nonsense!" the Great Sacred Treasure Tree King shouted
"Okay, let me ask you, did you ever hear the masked man speak when you were the head teacher in Persia?" Chen Youliang asked
The Great Sage Treasure Tree King was stunned, and shouted coldly, "So what if I heard it!"

"Then since you came to Spirit Snake Island, have you heard him speak?" Chen Youliang asked
"He...he said that too,'s just that I didn't hear it!" The Great Sage Tree King cried hesitantly

Chen Youliang then asked, "Does that mean you haven't heard the masked man speak for a long time before arriving at Spirit Snake Island?"

The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the other Treasure Tree Kings and the Second Envoy of Fengyun, and saw that everyone else nodded. The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King frowned suspiciously, then turned to look at the boss The leader and the man in black.

"Looking at you, it means that you really haven't heard of it? Don't you think it's suspicious? People who used to talk in front of you suddenly stopped talking to you, and you don't think about why? Well, you don't Willing to think, let me tell you, it’s because of this stand-in, he can’t learn the voice of the man in black after his voice has been changed, so he just stopped talking, and only told the only person who knew, the chief leader, to know, and what he said Everything was told to him by you, the righteous master, right?" Chen Youliang said with a smile
"My lord! Is this really the case?!" The Great Sage Treasure Tree King hurriedly shouted
The Chief Hierarch frowned slightly, and did not answer the words of the Great Sacred Treasure Tree King, but looked at the man in black, who only heard the man in black hum softly, and asked lightly, "Vice Hierarch Chen, when did you know this?" something?"

Hearing what he said, everyone immediately understood that the man in black in front of him was the masked man!Everyone couldn't help but stood there dumbfounded, looking at the man in black in bewilderment.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and said, "Since you asked me to use Huiyue envoy to lure the other treasure tree kings and the chief leader, I guessed a little bit. At that time, I just happened to know something, knowing that the eight treasure tree kings and Fengyun On the third day of the month, the strange plan to go out together to capture a little Dai Qisi was the idea of ​​the masked man who found the head teacher, and then I began to suspect that you might be related to that masked man, because your The purpose is the same, it seems to be to gather the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings and the Three Envoys of Fengyunyue here, but at the time I didn’t think that you were the masked man, I just thought you were a bit similar. But you are smart enough to know After I saw that the masked man didn't know martial arts, I became suspicious, so you appeared in front of me immediately after I saw the masked man, and it did have some effect. At that time, I really thought that the two of you were not alone. At that time, I didn't think of the substitute. After all, the Great Sage Tree King who recommended the masked man was also there. If it was really a substitute, he would definitely be seen. negligence."

The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King gritted his teeth fiercely, and glared at Chen Youliang angrily, but he also secretly blamed himself for not even seeing such a simple stand-in method, all these years were really wasted!

"Then what? After I asked Deputy Hierarch Chen to help me win the title of Holy King, you have completely confirmed my identity, right?" The man in black smiled faintly.

(End of this chapter)

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