Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 376 Hey, Hey, the Love Gu in Your Body, Okay?

Chapter 376 Hey, Hey, the Love Gu in Your Body, Okay?
Envoy Huiyue nodded happily, and hurried over to help the Great Sage Tree King and the others. After the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings were lifted up, they all looked at Envoy Huiyue with sighs on their faces. Envoy Huiyue understood their intentions. Meaning, they are all feeling sad and regretful that they have found an enemy as their husband, but no matter how much they regret it, it is useless. They have made it clear that she has love gu in her body. If there is no Chen Youliang, she will have to If she dies, there is no other way but to follow Chen Youliang. They all know how scary the ideological education of the Huiyueshi family is. Chen Youliang accepts her now, let alone Chen Youliang is the enemy of the Persian leader. Even if Huiyue envoy kills his father and enemy, Huiyue envoy will marry him willingly, and love him wholeheartedly. He will definitely not marry Chen Youliang in order to oppose Chen Youliang, and sacrifice his life to maintain Mingjiao's reputation. This is Huiyue It is the power of family ideological education.

In fact, the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings can't blame Huiyue Envoy, Huiyue Envoy has already made a great sacrifice, and they don't know about the love gu in Huiyue Envoy's body, otherwise they would not have forced Huiyue Envoy to activate the fifth stage The golden formation came to kill Chen Youliang, but Huiyue envoy did not say anything about it, and still activated the five-layer golden formation according to the order of the head leader, and there was almost no mercy. She had put her family's thoughts, her own His life is all ignored, and he has done his best to the Persian Archbishop.

But one of them couldn't take it anymore, he was lying on the ground all the time, Miaofengshi was blinded, when Huiyueshi pulled Miaofengshi up, Miaofengshi suddenly grabbed Huiyueshi's shoulders, and went crazy "Why! Why! Why didn't you tell me about love Gu! Why!"

"Miaofengshi! Calm down! Miaofengshi! Let me go!" Huiyueshi hurriedly struggled and shouted
"Forget it, Miaofengshi, don't worry about this matter anymore. This may be the family rule of Huiyueshi's family. She has no choice but to not tell us. Let it go." Liuyunshi grabbed Miaofengshi's arm , exhorted with a sigh
"Go away!" Miaofengshi threw off Liuyunshi's arm angrily, and shouted, "I don't accept it! I don't accept it! Why! Why do you want Chen Youliang to be Huiyueshi's husband! Why not me! If I I know... if I knew her..."

"If you knew that she had been infected by a love gu, would you want the overlord to force her bow and kiss her?" At this time, Chen Youliang suddenly appeared behind Miaofengshi, and said with a cold smile

Hearing Chen Youliang's voice, Miaofengshi turned his head angrily, but just as he turned around, he suddenly saw Chen Youliang grabbing his arm, and then a huge force came over, Miaofengshi was like a chicken , was lifted into the air by Chen Youliang, and with a flick of his wrist, Miaofengshi was thrown out.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Miao Fengshi hit the ground and spewed out a big mouthful of blood.

"Boy! Envoy Huiyue is my woman now, you dare to touch my woman, you don't want to live anymore, do you?" Chen Youliang asked coldly with a cold light in his eyes
"Don't! You forgive me! Don't kill him. He...he just couldn't accept it for a while. Don't blame him. If you want to blame, blame me for not making it clear. If I had made it clear to him earlier, there wouldn't be such a thing. It's over." Emissary Huiyue quickly grabbed Chen Youliang's hand and stopped him
Chen Youliang glanced at Envoy Huiyue, nodded, and said lightly to Envoy Miaofeng, "For the sake of Envoy Huiyue, I won't kill you today, and next time, don't blame me for being rude!" Hey... ... This idiot, who can tell about this kind of thing that has been bewitched by love?If she said it out, she would be used by someone with bad intentions if she couldn't help it, and if she kissed him forcefully, wouldn't it mean that a pig or a dog could be her husband?But this kid has a bright future, he actually thinks the same as I thought, someday I really want to visit Huiyue Envoy's house, and find a way to steal some love Gu out of it.

Envoy Miaofeng stared at Chen Youliang angrily, but he didn't say anything harsh anymore. He also knew that no matter what he said now, it would be useless. Envoy Huiyue had become Chen Youliang's woman wholeheartedly. What is the use?He could only hold his chest and stand up enduring the pain all over his body.

Chen Youliang didn't even look at him, turned to look at the Great Sage Tree King, and said with a faint smile, "Great Sage Tree King, I know you still regard me as your enemy, but now I hope you can temporarily abandon you For my hostility, we now have a common enemy, the man in black, and our grievances should be settled after the man in black has been taught a lesson."

The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King turned his head to look at the others. The Twelve Twelve Treasure Tree Kings pondered for a while, and then nodded. The leader will give it back to us."

Chen Youliang smiled wryly and said, "I said you're not out of your mind, right? I'll give you the chief leader? She hates you to the bone? Although she now knows that you didn't kill her father, you killed her mother, right? ? Let her be with you, what do you think you can accomplish?"

"Then what do you mean, you need us to do something for you? What do you want us to do?" Wisdom Tree King frowned slightly and asked

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and said, "As expected of the King of the Twelve Trees of Wisdom, I just have brains. I do have some things to ask for your help, but you, the leader, cannot participate in this plan." Then, Chen Youliang went to the Twelve Twelve Tree Kings , Said his plan.

After finishing speaking, the Twelve Jewel Tree Kings frowned worriedly, and the Great Sage Tree King asked, "Can this work?"

"What's wrong? It's up to you what to say and how to do it at that time. I can't help you, but I think you have worked hard in the arena for so many years. This should be very simple for you, right?" Chen Youliang laughed
The Great Sacred Treasure Tree King thought for a while and said, "Okay, we promise you, is that all we have to do? Nothing else?"

"No more, if I need any help from you, I will contact you again." Chen Youliang said with a smile
The Twelve Twelve Tree Kings nodded, and everyone clasped their hands. The Great Sage King Treasure Tree said, "Okay, see you later by fate. After this matter is over, it's time for us to settle accounts."

"Don't worry, I won't forget it, goodbye." Chen Youliang smiled and said with cupped hands
The Twelve Treasure Tree King left with the envoy of Fengyun. Envoy Miaofeng didn't look at Envoy Huiyue when he left, but the fierce light and resentment in his eyes fell into Chen Youliang's eyes. Chen Youliang smiled slightly and murmured He murmured, "It seems that this plan will not be carried out so smoothly."

"En? Why?" Huiyue asked puzzled

"It's nothing, let's talk about it later, let's go, let's go back to the cave first. Oh, by the way, don't say that you are my wife after you go back, and don't talk about love Gu, you... understand?" Chen Youliang hehe laughed
Huiyue rolled her eyes, seemed to think of something, nodded, and said with a smile, "Understood, it's because of that Miss Zhao who almost killed me back then?"

Chen Youliang smiled wryly, and said, "Isn't it because of her? It's easy for others to say, she... ah, just thinking about it gives me a headache. Alright, let's go."

"Hey! Wait a minute, Holy Fire Order." Then, Huiyue Envoy ran to the front and picked up the holy fire orders that Liuyun Envoy and Miaofeng Envoy had lost on the ground, and said with a smile, "Didn't you say you wanted to get back the other holy fire orders?" Is it? No more?"

"Oh! I really forgot! It was a mess just now. I didn't think about it for a while. The Liuyun envoys and the Miaofeng envoys did the same. They valued the holy fire order so much. They didn't take it when they left. They were about to pick it up. I might not remember it, but I almost dropped this treasure on the Spirit Snake Island." Chen Youliang patted his forehead and said, after speaking, Chen Youliang smiled and asked, "I really didn't expect you to think about it." , then reward you, can I feed the love Gu in your body?"

(End of this chapter)

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