Chapter 405

Chen Youliang shook his head and said with a smile, "He Yingting's purpose for getting us married is very simple. He asked me to get married, but there are two answers. One is that I don't agree to get married, then he will say that I don't like you at all." , What I said before that I wanted to marry you was to save you and meddle in the private affairs of the Kunlun faction, then I would be unreasonable, and I would be suspected of playing tricks on the entire Kunlun faction, which would be a serious crime. Although I said that I had the great kindness of saving the Kunlun faction before, but it just offsets this. If I still insist on taking you away, then I will owe the Kunlun faction a big favor. As for these two, It's just that I promise to get married. In this case, everyone in the world will know that the Kunlun faction is my big matchmaker, Chen Youliang. This is better than giving me a favor. They also naturally became my in-laws, so if they have anything to do in the future, can I not help? So no matter which idea I choose, it will only benefit them and not harm them. In this way, from the original passive to I showed my favor and became active, but I changed from active to passive, this He Yingting really has a bit of a brain."

"Then...then what should we do? Could it be that they really got what they wanted?" Lin Yumei said a little unhappy when she heard that they had gained a bargain.

Chen Youliang sneered coldly, and said, "How is that possible? If I, Chen Youliang, can be led by the nose by these two idiots, then why should I be the deputy leader of Mingjiao? I might as well be their disciple."

"Mr. Chen, do you already have a way to deal with it?" Lin Yumei asked with a smile on her face
Chen Youliang nodded with a smile, and said, "To be honest, the purpose of my coming to the Kunlun School this time is also to save a woman who was forced to come to the Kunlun School by He Yingting like you. This time, a friend who came to rescue her with me pretended to be a woman who voluntarily followed He Yingting, and has now been sent to the East Wing. She should be looking for me from room to room. So now I have to try my best to delay He Yingting's return to the East Chamber, so that he won't find out that my friend is gone, and their bad idea just helps me delay time."

Lin Yumei nodded suddenly, and said, "I see, but if this is the case, why don't you let them decorate our new house, Mr. Chen? In this case, wouldn't there be more time?"

Chen Youliang shook his head and said, "No, it's because it took too long to decorate the new house, and there must be some spare time for He Yingting to go back to the East Chamber. Before, I must let him stay by my side all the time."

Lin Yumei frowned, and said worriedly, "But... Mr. Chen, if you keep everything simple, they will be back in a while, and worshiping heaven and earth, drinking a cup of wine, etc. will not take too long at all, and then we will... the bridal chamber Now...they will go out at that time, what if the young master's friend has not found anyone by then, what should I do?" When it came to entering the bridal chamber, Lin Yumei's face turned red, but she still held back Ashamed, he said all the words behind.

Chen Youliang smiled secretly, and said, "Don't worry, He Yingting hopes to catch me not liking you more than letting them be my matchmakers, because in this way, he can use the excuse of playing Kunlun faction, Only by scolding me well can he relieve his anger. In fact, everyone can see that I said I want to marry you, it is just a stopgap measure, to help your father and you, they know very well in their hearts that I did not marry you You mean, so they believe that we won't have a bridal chamber at all. I thought that they would definitely peek out the window, and if they found out that we hadn't moved after they left, they would rush in and blame me."

"Then...then what should I do?" Lin Yumei seemed to know what to do, her little face was almost swollen.

Chen Youliang narrowed his eyes for a moment, but immediately returned to normal, pretending to be a gentleman, and said, "This... I will wrong Miss Lin, if the news from my friend hasn't come when we are about to enter the bridal chamber , then I can only show them a bridal scene, but if Miss Lin minds, that’s fine, at most, it’s just being caught by them, it doesn’t matter to me, as long as it can delay time.” Cut!Anyway, after Lian'er rescued Shaohua, the Kunlun faction would cease to exist, so there would be no human feelings.hey-hey.But even though Chen Youliang thought so, Chen Youliang was even more certain that Lin Yumei would definitely agree to pretend to be in the bridal chamber with him,
Sure enough, Lin Yumei lowered her head shyly, and said in a low voice after a while, "I...I am willing...Mr. Chen saved my father...and is right to do this for you ..."

Chen Youliang smiled triumphantly, and was about to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail, but when he heard footsteps coming from a distance, Chen Youliang warned in a low voice, "Miss Lin, they are back."

Lin Yumei was taken aback, nodded quickly, shut her mouth quickly, and stopped talking.

"Haha... Vice Hierarch Chen, Madam, I have invited you. Today, we will be the two of you. How about being the officiant for you two?" He Taichong laughed and said as soon as he came back, and followed behind him Ban Shuxian, He Yingting and the others were holding wedding wax and wedding wine.

"Vice Hierarch Chen, congratulations. I really didn't expect Vice Hierarch Chen to take a fancy to our girl from the Kunlun Sect. It's an honor for the Kunlun Sect." Ban Shuxian said with a smile
Lin Yumei was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head and looked at Ban Shuxian blankly. Seeing Lin Yumei like this, He Taichong and He Yingting's hearts tensed, for fear that Lin Yumei would say more, this class of Shuxian was He Taichong's master Master Yingting's daughter, plus He Taichong is extremely fearful of internal affairs, this Kunlun sect seems to be headed by He Taichong, but in fact Ban Shuxian is the one who really keeps his word, there is no one in the Kunlun sect who is not afraid of her, And she is still a woman who protects women very much. In her life, she hates those men who are ungrateful and ungrateful, who always give up and beat and scold women. That's why He Yingting hid the matter of women from her. If she finds out , then He Yingting definitely has no good fruit to eat, let alone the young master, even if it is his father, Ban Shuxian will not give face.

Of course, Chen Youliang saw their worries, and gently nudged Lin Yumei with his elbow. Lin Yumei immediately understood, said nothing, and lowered her head again, which made He Taichong and He Yingting heave a sigh of relief.

"Come here, Yingting, hurry up and light the wedding wax and bring the wedding wine in. It's getting late at this time, and a moment of Spring Festival is worth a thousand gold, so don't delay the good deeds of Chen Fujiao. Isn't it? Chen Deputy Hierarch?" He Taichong said with a wretched smile
Chen Youliang nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, Master He understands me." After speaking, he laughed out loud, but secretly said with some worry in his heart, "Lian'er! You mustn't be too efficient. , let’s look for a while longer, at least wait until the buddy has taken all the advantages that should be taken!”

(End of this chapter)

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