Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 409 You have no chance to tell the world!

Chapter 409 You have no chance to tell the world!

Seeing such a murderous Chen Youliang, Ying Shaohua and Lin Yumei couldn't help being shocked. Lin Yumei was fine, at least she knew Chen Youliang's identity and martial arts, but Ying Shaohua didn't know it at all. She hadn't seen Chen Youliang for a long time, and The places she went to were all small villages, and she had never heard of Chen Youliang's prestige at all. She didn't know when Chen Youliang became so domineering.It feels like it is completely different from the Chen Youliang I know.

"Senior Sister, you take Shaohua, Miss Lin, leave here first, just leave this place to me alone." Chen Youliang said with a sneer
"What?! You want to stay here alone to deal with the entire Kunlun faction? How can this be done! You Liang! This is courting death! No way! You Liang, if you must stay, I will accompany you here!" Ying Shaohua hurriedly said
Chen Youliang smiled slightly, turned his head and said to Shaohua, "Shaohua, don't worry, I am completely different from before, I will not have any accidents, I haven't noticed them yet, but if you are here, I can't protect you." You guys, hurry up and go down the mountain with my senior sister and the others, and then go to the Wanli Pavilion outside the East Town, just wait for me there."

"No! You forgive me, don't lie to me! I know that your martial arts may be much better than before, but no matter how good your martial arts are, you can't beat the entire Kunlun faction." Ying Shaohua said worriedly

Chen Youliang smiled and said, "That depends on how much better martial arts are than them, Shaohua, don't say any more, hurry up and go with my senior sister and the others."

Before Ying Shaohua could speak, Yang Xuedan took a step forward and said, "Junior Brother, this time I agreed to help you, do you think I will leave now?"

"That's right! Youliang, I won't leave either, we can't let you face the Kunlun faction alone!" Miao Yuyue said
"Damn ghost, although you are quite annoying, but if you die like this, I will have no one to hate in the future, and it will be very boring, so I'd better stay and help you." Shuang Zilian also said with a smile

"Youliang... I also want to stay. Although I can't help you much, I can't let you stay here alone." Han Die said softly

"Master Chen, I'll stay too." Lin Yumei said with a blushing face

Chen Youliang smiled helplessly and said, "I said, what's the matter with you? I made a good promise before, and left after saving the person. It's fine for the senior sister. I agreed to her at the beginning, didn't you agree? Why didn't everyone leave?"

Han Die, Shuang Zilian and Miao Yuyue smiled at each other and said in unison, "We lied to you."

When Chen Youliang heard it, he couldn't help rolling his eyes, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly heard a rush of footsteps coming from the mountain gate, Chen Youliang smiled wryly and said, "It seems that it's too late for you to leave now. "

As soon as the words finished, He Yingting and He Taichong led dozens of Kunlun disciples and ran out of the mountain gate. When they saw Chen Youliang and the beauties behind him, He Taichong and He Yingting were stunned.

Chen Youliang sneered, and said, "Master He, Mr. He, why are you running out so late without rest? Why are you bringing so many people with you to the market?"

He Yingting came back to his senses, looked at Shuang Zilian and Ying Shaohua behind Chen Youliang, raised his sword, pointed at Chen Youliang, and shouted, "Chen Youliang! What do you mean! It's fine to take a woman away from me! You actually robbed me of three A woman! What do you want!"

He Taichong lowered his head to look at the two dead Kunlun disciples lying beside the mountain gate, frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Vice Hierarch Chen, you have gone too far! Why did you kill my Kunlun sect disciple! Today you You must give me an explanation! Otherwise, my Kunlun faction will announce it to the world and settle this account with you Mingjiao."

"Announce the world? Haha..." Chen Youliang suddenly laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at!" He Yingting shouted angrily
Chen Youliang stopped laughing slowly, looked behind He Taichong with his head, and said with a smile, "It seems that Ban Shuxian, Mrs. He didn't come, did she? The people from your Kunlun sect were lost, and there was such a big commotion. The lady in charge didn't come out, are you worried about the exposure of Mr. He's scandal?"

The expressions of He Yingting and He Taichong changed, and they stared at Chen Youliang with livid faces. He Yingting shouted, "Chen Youliang! What are you trying to say!"

Chen Youliang snorted coldly, and said, "What do you want to say? What do you think I want to say? Tell the world? Do you dare? I really want to hear how you informed all schools and schools in the world that the Kunlun School His eldest disciple, the young master He Yingting and Mr. He, was lustful and robbed the girl. If the girl refused to obey, she killed all the villagers in the village and seriously injured her friend. Finally, this girl's childhood friend was attracted. My friend, Chen Youliang, the deputy leader of Mingjiao, took revenge? Is it okay to say so?"

He Yingting and He Taichong were startled, He Taichong quickly looked at He Yingting, and hurriedly asked, "Yingting! What's going on?"

He Yingting stared at Chen Youliang closely, then looked at Ying Shaohua standing next to Chen Youliang, who was also surprised, and asked, "Is this woman your friend?"

Chen Youliang sneered and said, "That's right, Shaohua is my childhood friend! The man you seriously injured was also my brother who grew up with me. The villagers you killed were all relatives who raised me and cared about me! You slaughtered me The village! I hurt my friend! He Yingting, I came to settle accounts with you today!"

"Yingting! What Chen Youliang said is true? You really killed the villagers in his village?!" He Taichong cried out in surprise, and asked
"What? Doesn't Master He know what your good nephew is doing?" Chen Youliang sneered
"This..." He Taichong is really at a loss now, he only knows that He Yingting always grabs some women back by force, but he never knew that He Yingting would massacre a village just to grab women!And it was Chen Youliang's village that was massacred!He Taichong wants to slap He Yingting to death now, it's not good to offend anyone, but Chen Youliang, the terrible King of Hades!

"Chen Youliang! So you have arranged all of this!" He Yingting no longer cares about answering He Taichong's question, and now is not the time.

Chen Youliang sneered and said, "What do you think? Do you think there will be such a good thing in the world? Would such a beautiful woman be so innocent that you could marry her so easily?"

He Yingting looked at Shuang Zilian standing on the other side of Chen Youliang, gritted his teeth fiercely, and shouted, "Chen Youliang!"

"He Yingting, do you still want to be cruel to me?" Speaking of this, Chen Youliang's expression suddenly changed, his whole body was covered with a thick layer of purple light, his eyes suddenly became like purple gemstones, and he said coldly, "He Yingting , the only thing you did wrong in your life was killing my villagers, hurting my brothers, and robbing my friends! Today, it is not the deputy leader of Mingjiao who is going against you, but me, Chen Youliang, who wants to fight with you alone. You Kunlun faction settled the score! I regret to inform you that you have no chance to tell the world! The Kunlun faction will be removed from the martial arts forever today!"

(End of this chapter)

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