Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 419 Letting You Hit Me First

Chapter 419 Letting You Hit Me First

"You Liang, You Liang." Chen Youliang was thinking about Ban Qingyun's words when he suddenly heard Ying Shaohua's voice behind him.

Chen Youliang turned his head to look at Ying Shaohua, and found that except for Yang Xuedan and Miao Yuyue, the faces of the others were full of worry. Chen Youliang smiled, walked back and asked, "What's wrong? I didn't scare you just now, did I?" ?”

Ying Shaohua shook his head, and said worriedly, "Youliang, do you really want to compete with Ban Qingyun like you? This sister Han Die also said that Ban Qingyun was already an invincible fighter in the world before, and now It has been so many years, martial arts must be very high, do you really have a chance of winning?"

Lin Yumei also nodded, and said worriedly, "Yeah, Mr. Chen, I also think it's better than nothing. It's too risky. If you lose, the consequences will be..." At this point, Lin Yumei couldn't continue. Well, she has lived in Kunlun East Town for so long, and she has already known the Kunlun faction's methods of dealing with the enemy. For her, those methods are too cruel.

Han Die also agreed and said, "Youliang, I think you should listen to everyone's opinions. This match is not better. Now, no one knows what level this group of Qingyun's martial arts have reached. Maybe they have already reached their peak." After reaching the transformation realm, no matter how high your martial arts are, you probably won't be able to match this old man who has lived for more than 150 years, right?"

Chen Youliang smiled moved in his heart, glanced at the three beauties Shuang Zilian, Yang Xuedan and Miao Yuyue, and asked, "Do you think so too?"

Shuang Zilian shrugged her shoulders, and first said, "I don't think it's a problem. I feel that the martial arts of the annoying ghost are similar to that of the old man. It's not certain who wins and who loses. Besides, this Kunlun faction is so hateful, so it should be taught a lesson, so that it can be used as a weapon. They have a longer memory."

Seeing the cuteness of Shuang Zilian, Chen Youliang almost laughed, and at this time, Miao Yuyue also nodded and smiled, "I have nothing to worry about. If I think right, Youliang, you should have already thought that you can win." Is there a way?"

Chen Youliang laughed, but didn't answer, turned to look at Yang Xuedan again, Yang Xuedan saw Chen Youliang looking at her, smiled lightly, and said, "Don't look at me, I haven't thought about this question."

Chen Youliang laughed. This answer is Chen Youliang's favorite. If you don't think about it, it means that you don't worry about him losing at all. Yang Xuedan completely believes that Chen Youliang will win this game. After all, Yang Xuedan has met Chen Youliang too much. On the one hand, she also believes that Chen Youliang will create more unbelievable things.

"Aww!" Zhu Xing yelled dissatisfied at this time, as if asking Chen Youliang, "Why do you ask them and not me?"

Chen Youliang smiled, he naturally understood what Zhu Xing meant, he looked down at Zhu Xing, and said with a smile, "Do I still need to ask you?"

Zhu Xing's big head was tilted, his big eyes narrowed, and he seemed to be laughing, wagging his tail and shouting, "Aoooooooo!" Then he shook his head.

Chen Youliang looked at Ying Shaohua and the others with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, since I dare to agree, it proves that I have confidence. After a while, you all step back a little, so as not to hurt you."

"But..." Ying Shaohua was still a little worried, and said worriedly

Before Hua finished speaking, Yang Xuedan interrupted Ying Shaohua, and said with a slight smile, "Miss Shaohua, we'd better listen to Junior Brother. Trust Junior Brother, he will be fine. Let's go, let's go to the back." He pulled Ying Shaohua up, performed lightness kung fu, and flew into the distance.

And Miao Yuyue also flew over with Lin Yumei, and Shuang Zilian also brought Han Die, and flew over together.

"Zhu Xing, you go too." Chen Youliang said
"Aw!" Zhu Xing shook his head, leaned against Chen Youliang's legs, bit Chen Youliang's gown, and looked at him with watery eyes.

Chen Youliang smiled wryly, and said, "What are you doing? You can't help me if you stay by my side now, obediently follow Senior Sister and the others, or you will be hurt later."

"Oh!" Zhu Xing shook his head stubbornly, kicked his legs, and jumped into Chen Youliang's arms. Chen Youliang subconsciously stretched out his arms to hug Zhu Xing, and looked at it wonderingly.During this time, Chen Youliang has never hugged Zhu Xing, and Zhu Xing understands human nature and understands that Chen Youliang is unwilling to hug him, so Zhu Xing is very sensible and never forces Chen Youliang, and tries not to have any intimacy with Chen Youliang. I really want to.

But this time, Chen Youliang didn't quite understand why Zhu Xing suddenly wanted to follow him abnormally, and even jumped into his arms. For a moment, he even forgot that he hated pets, and asked curiously, "Zhu Xing, what are you doing?" Well?"

"Aw... Aw..." Zhu Xing looked at Chen Youliang eagerly, then turned his head to look at Ban Qingyun, raised his little claw and pointed at Ban Qingyun, then hit Chen Youliang on the chest with his little claw, and then he Leaning on Chen Youliang's chest, he hit his own chest with his small claws.

Seeing this, Chen Youliang understood it, smiled moved in his heart, and asked, "Do you want to say that if Ban Qingyun wants to hit me, you will help me block it and prevent me from getting hurt?"

"Aww!" Zhu Xing nodded excitedly and called out
Chen Youliang touched Zhu Xing's big head, which made Zhu Xing feel a little flattered. His little tail turned left and right, lying in Chen Youliang's arms, enjoying it comfortably, and then Chen Youliang laughed and said, "Little guy, this is a competition. Do you know? You can’t find other helpers, besides, I’m your master, if I ask you to block it for me, then what face do I have?”

Zhu Xing rolled his eyes, as if he was thinking about what Chen Youliang said. After thinking about it for a while, he finally figured it out. He lowered his head in frustration, and called out softly.

Chen Youliang thought about it, and smiled, "Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful with me, you can follow me if you want to, but you can't run around, just follow me, you know?"

"Aw!" Zhu Xing shouted excitedly when Chen Youliang agreed, and before Chen Youliang could speak, he quickly jumped down and got close to Chen Youliang's legs.

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, and looked up at Ban Qingyun who was opposite him. He was already ready at this time, and all the disciples had retreated three feet away. Ban Qingyun saw that Chen Youliang had finished speaking, smiled lightly, and said, "Vice Hierarch Chen , I agreed to your condition, let's start now, this game is not fair to the person who resists first, this old man is also an elder, so let's let..."

At this point, Chen Youliang interrupted Ban Qingyun with a smile, and said with a smile, "Okay, needless to say, I know that the senior is an old man, and I am still a person who respects the old and loves the young. Let you hit me first .”

(End of this chapter)

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