Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 423 Strange Stars, Lao Tzu Has Become a Filter!

Chapter 423 Strange Stars, Lao Tzu Has Become a Filter!
As soon as these words came out, Ban Qingyun immediately felt something was wrong, but it was already too late. Ban Qingyun found that his whole body seemed to be sucked by an inexplicable force. The suction was so strong that he couldn't even move. He couldn't even move his mouth, but Chen Youliang slowly stretched out his hands, slowly covered with a layer of deep purple halo, and stuck to Ban Qingyun step by step.

Ban Qingyun groaned inwardly. He just saw that Chen Youliang didn't have any murderous intent, and he didn't have any strength in his palms. He really thought that Chen Youliang planned to give him this face and let the Kunlun faction go. He relaxed his vigilance a little, but he just relaxed his vigilance At that moment, he didn't expect Chen Youliang to attack suddenly. In the end, he didn't even have time to defend himself, so he was immobilized by the strange suction.Ban Qingyun was secretly startled, could it be that Chen Youliang could already control his emotions freely?Did I fall into his trap again?

There was a muffled "bang", and the palms with a slight purple halo slapped on Ban Qingyun's body. At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly rose and rolled up from around Chen Youliang and Ban Qingyun, whistling hurricane The continuous spread made it almost impossible for everyone present to open their eyes. However, Ban Qingyun, who was in the hurricane, widened his eyes at this time, looking at Chen Youliang who looked like a god of death in front of him in horror. Sucking, all flowed into Chen Youliang's hands.

"This! What kind of kung fu is this! How could Chen Youliang have such strange martial arts?!" Ban Qingyun cried out in horror, and then he understood why Chen Youliang had such a cultivation base at a young age, and why At the beginning, when he proposed to hold hands with each other, Chen Youliang would laugh so happily, it turned out that he planned to suck up his internal energy!

But it's useless for Ban Qingyun to understand. Now he can't even open his mouth, he can't say a word, how can he ask for help? He never imagined that his Ban Qingyun will be killed by a junior in the end. With such a calculation, I can't call for help even if I watch my internal energy being sucked dry!

At this time, Chen Youliang was extremely excited. He didn't expect to meet such a 150-year-old monster just after returning from Spirit Snake Island. This person must have more than 140 years of internal strength. The internal strength of other people, I can definitely break through 500 years, and then I can be promoted to the second level of the Extreme Beiming Divine Art. Chen Youliang thought that it would take a while to achieve the internal strength of these 200 years. Unexpectedly it will be so easy.

And there is another thing that makes him excited, that is, the speed of absorbing power is obviously much faster than before. When he was absorbing the power of Xuanming and Er Lao, his speed was very slow. Years of internal strength, but now, facing Ban Qingyun whose internal strength is much deeper and purer than the two elders Xuanming, the speed is almost the same as the speed of using Beiming magical power to absorb some small people. In just a moment, Chen Youliang already felt the internal force of nearly 50 years sucked in.Not only that, but the suction force of this Extreme Beiming Divine Art is also terrifyingly strong. It is many times stronger than the previous Beiming Divine Art. Even a monster like Ban Qingyun has no resistance at all.

However, just after Chen Youliang absorbed Ban Qingyun's internal energy for nearly a hundred years, Chen Youliang was surprised to find that the internal energy that should have been absorbed and assimilated in the dantian by the Ji·Beiming magic skill was quickly lost!This was something that had never happened before. Chen Youliang hurriedly checked why his internal energy was passing away so quickly, only then did he discover an even more astonishing thing, all the internal energy of Ban Qingyun that had been assimilated had been transmitted to the soles of his feet, and passed away from the soles of his feet It went out, and the direction of the flow was Zhuxing standing at his feet!

Chen Youliang quickly looked at Zhu Xing, and found that Zhu Xing was also surrounded by purple light from top to bottom, and a dazzling deep purple light burst out in Zhu Xing's eyes, and its eyes, like Chen Youliang's, turned into amethyst-like Zhu Xing's expression also became serious, and the light and shadow on his body flickered like a beating heart.

Chen Youliang looked at Zhu Xing in shock, and secretly said in surprise, "What... what's going on? How could Zhu Xing absorb my Beiming Divine Art? Could it be that Zhu Xing also has Beiming Divine Art? Can he absorb my energy? This is impossible. , even if it really knows the Beiming magical power, if it absorbs my internal energy, I can't feel it at all. Besides, it didn't even touch me, it just stood beside me, and it couldn't absorb my internal energy. , unless this little guy's Beiming magic is stronger than mine, it's impossible, there must be other reasons, what kind of animal is Zhu Xing?"

As he thought about it, his inner strength was also lost. Ban Qingyun was sucked so that his whole body became dry at this time, he was no longer as healthy as before, his face was so rosy, and his body became scrawny, like a living mummy generally.

Ban Qingyun has been able to live until now because of the support of his internal strength. Now that his internal strength has been sucked away by Chen Youliang, he has no strength to support his body for 150 years. Almost all of his internal strength in 140 was taken by Chen Youliang in just half a year. The stick incense was sucked clean within the time.

But Chen Youliang is more depressed than Ban Qingyun, this is the internal strength of 140!Chen Youliang actually didn't get any internal energy for a year, he was like a filter, after converting Ban Qingyun's 140 internal energy into the extreme Beiming magic skill, it was directly transmitted to the soles of his feet and flowed into Zhu Xing's body.

However, just after Chen Youliang absorbed all of Ban Qingyun's internal energy in the last year and forced all the internal energy to Zhu Xing's body, the purple light on Zhu Xing's body suddenly burst out, and the white hair on Zhu Xing's body turned into purple hair. And the two strands of black hair on its head turned into gold, and in the golden hair, there were still diamond-like light spots shining.

"Aw!" Zhu Xing raised his head to the sky and screamed, his voice was like thunder from nine heavens, much richer and louder than his mother's big guy's voice, but it didn't sound as low as the big guy's voice, a bit childish Feel.

But with just such a voice, the hurricane surrounding Chen Youliang and it was instantly blown away, and a powerful internal energy burst out from the shouts of Zhu Xing, and the internal energy shook the earth for a few times, while Chen Youliang The bone-thin Ban Qingyun in front of him was sent flying by this huge internal force, like a meteor, smashing towards the Kunlun sect disciple opposite.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, Ban Qingyun bumped into a disciple, and together with that disciple, they crashed into the wall of the mountain gate. Everyone quickly looked back and found that Ban Qingyun had become that skinny and terrifying Everyone couldn't help but gasped, and Ban Shuxian ran over in horror, shouting, "Father! How are you, Daddy!"

Ban Qingyun tried hard to open his eyes, looked at the terrified Ban Shuxian in front of him, squeezed out a few words, and said, "Quick... run..." After speaking, Ban Qingyun tilted his head and died.

"Father!" Ban Shuxian cried out in grief and indignation, she never expected that her father, the patron saint of the Kunlun School, would die!
However, at this moment, Zhu Xing suddenly heard a loud roar, and then saw Zhu Xing rushing out with a "whoosh", the speed even surprised Chen Youliang, and then heard "Ah!" A scream rang out, and a Kunlun disciple was bitten to death alive by Zhu Xing!

But Chen Youliang discovered another astonishing thing. The internal force of the Kunlun disciple who killed him actually drifted towards him, and he didn't even perform the extreme Beiming magic skill, so the internal force passed into his dantian by itself. After the internal force was transformed , and floated back into Zhu Xing's body.

Chen Youliang smiled wryly, and said, "Damn it! You little bastard Zhu Xing actually uses Lao Tzu as its filter!"

(End of this chapter)

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