Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 425 It's You Who Are Playing!

Chapter 425 It's You Who Are Playing!

"Deputy Master Chen, spare me! Vice Master Chen, please forgive me!" Seeing Chen Youliang approaching, the servants standing in front of He Taichong thought that Chen Youliang wanted to kill them, so they knelt down and begged for mercy. They were already terrified of Xing's cruel killing methods, fearing that Chen Youliang would be more ruthless than his pet, all of them turned pale and trembled all over.

Chen Youliang waved his hand and said, "Who is going to kill you? I have no grievances or enmity with you. I am only here today for the Kunlun Sect. Although you are members of the Kunlun Sect, you are not considered Kunlun Sect disciples. I don't I will embarrass you, but I think you have been in the Kunlun School for so long, I am afraid that you are some guys who are arrogant, and I advise you to take care of yourself after you go down the mountain, otherwise you will know what will happen."

"Yes, yes, yes! We know, we know, we absolutely dare not, we absolutely dare not, and we must be good people in the future!" A middle-aged man in the lead hurriedly kowtowed and thanked
Chen Youliang nodded, and gave a soft acknowledgment. After seeing Zhu Xing's bloody killing today, it is estimated that these ordinary people will leave a shadow in their lives after watching it. Maybe they will have nightmares every day for the rest of their lives, which is also a kindness to them. Punishment, besides, Chen Youliang is a dignified deputy leader of Mingjiao, killing them, I feel that I have lost the price.

"Okay, it's none of your business, get out." Chen Youliang said lightly

"Yes! Thank you, Vice Hierarch Chen! Thank you, Vice Hierarch Chen!" The maidservant quickly kowtowed her head in thanks, stood up scramblingly after speaking, and hurried down the mountain.

Now there are only four people left in the huge Kunlun School, including He Taichong, and an empty palace of the Kunlun School that has become ruins. Now He Taichong and the others have lost their minds. No one can turn their heads around.A famous decent sect, a great sect that has existed for hundreds of years, was turned upside down by a man and a beast, the disciples died, and the sect was destroyed. If one did not see it with one's own eyes, no one would believe it.

Seeing that Chen Youliang walked in front of the four of them, the four of them still didn't react at all, their eyes had become dull, but Chen Youliang didn't want them all to be like this, now that their brains have become numb, how can he relieve his anger?Now he is full of anger and hasn't let it out.

Chen Youliang rolled his eyes, moved his right hand quickly, and snatched Ban Qingyun's body from Ban Shuxian's arms, which brought Ban Shuxian and the others back to their senses. Ban Shuxian quickly stood up, trying to snatch it Ban Qingyun's body shouted, "Give me back my father!"

But just as Ban Shuxian's hand touched Chen Youliang's arm, a purple light appeared on Chen Youliang's arm, and Ban Shuxian suddenly felt a strong force rushing towards her arm, only to hear Ban Shuxian's cry of pain , the body was shaken back several steps, He Taichong hurriedly stepped forward to support Ban Shuxian, which stabilized her figure.

Chen Youliang looked at Ban Qingyun's body in his hand, smiled coldly, and asked, "Four, what's the matter? Have you realized it now? It seems that your master is really important to you."

"Chen Youliang! Return Master's body to us! You have already wiped out our Kunlun faction! What else do you want! Are you still not satisfied with this!" He Mengqian shouted angrily
Chen Youliang shrugged his shoulders and sneered, "How can I be satisfied that you are not dead yet? Those who died now are all disciples of the Kunlun Sect, and this old man is just some innocuous people. The main culprits are you four, oh, No, it's three. After all, Mrs. He didn't participate in this matter, and she is a slightly conscientious person in the Kunlun School, but to me, you all deserve to die. Although you are all seriously injured, you are all alive Yes, if you don’t die, wouldn’t you be sorry for those disciples who have been implicated by you and died?”

"You! Chen Youliang, you still say that we are involved! It is you! You are the devil of Mingjiao! You are so devilish! Slaughter my Kunlun sect! Chen Youliang! All sects and sects in the world will definitely know about this! When the time comes, you The Demon Cult’s false mask of benevolence and righteousness will be punctured! Even if you kill us today! The Demon Cult will not escape bad luck! Our comrades in the world will definitely not let your Demon Cult survive forever!” He Taichong shouted angrily, pointing at Chen Youliang

Chen Youliang sneered and said, "Okay, okay, up to now you, Sect Leader He, still dare to say these useless cruel words to me, right? Well, since you said so, then I can't suffer, so let me be under the influence of the world." Before the sect hunts down! Play with you first!"

Speaking of this, Chen Youliang threw Ban Qingyun's body on the ground, purple light appeared in his hands, a strong suction was released from Chen Youliang's hands, He Taichong, Ban Shuxian, He Mengqian and He Yingting fell to the ground The body tilted involuntarily, and the body immediately flew into Chen Youliang's hands.

With two "slaps", Chen Youliang grabbed He Taichong and Ban Shuxian's shoulders with both hands, while He Mengqian stuck to He Taichong's back, and He Yingting also stuck to Ban Shuxian's back, the four of them stared wide in shock They closed their eyes, and before they could react, they saw their bodies shaking violently, and the inner strength in their bodies quickly flowed into Chen Youliang's palm.

Fortunately, this time, Zhu Xing fell asleep due to overwork, and the true energy did not flow out of Chen Youliang's body again, but stayed in Chen Youliang's dantian, which made Chen Youliang slightly relieved, although many people lost their internal energy, But the internal strength of these four people is quite a lot. The four of them together are almost comparable to a class of Qingyun. With 120 years of internal strength, Chen Youliang feels a lot of comfort.

For the first time, Chen Youliang didn't suck it clean this time, but each of them reserved their internal energy for a year. He didn't want these four people to die so easily.

After inhaling the exercises, Chen Youliang shook his hands, and the four of them fell to the ground with a "bang bang bang bang", their faces were all pale, and their clothes were wet with sweat, and He Mengqian Panting, looking at Chen Youliang in shock, he asked, "You... how could you... have the evil power to suck people's internal energy!"

Chen Youliang smiled slightly, looked at He Mengqian with his body, and asked, "Do I need to answer you?"

"Chen Youliang! Why don't you just kill us! Are you trying to tease us!" Ban Shuxian shouted angrily

Chen Youliang snapped his fingers and said with a smile, "That's right, I'm playing with you guys!"

"Junior brother, why don't you just kill them? Why are you keeping them?" Yang Xuedan walked to Chen Youliang's side at this time, and asked in confusion
"Senior Sister, we don't need to kill them. People like them have done too many evil things in their lives. If we just kill them like this, it will be a reward for them. I won't do such a loss-making business." .And I still have something to ask them, so I have to save their lives first." Chen Youliang laughed
"Ask them something? Is there anything else you're curious about?" Yang Xuedan asked curiously

(End of this chapter)

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