Chapter 431 Son-in-law?

"Ah?!" Chen Youliang looked at old man Lin in surprise, and asked, "Included in our Mingjiao? Uncle Lin, are you kidding me?"

Old man Lin shook his head with a smile, and said, "Mr. Chen, you saved the daughters of most of the villagers in our four towns, so that we parents with daughters no longer have to worry about it. You are the benefactors of our four towns. We are willing to be included Mingjiao respects Mingjiao and accepts Mingjiao’s jurisdiction for life, I think this is the only way to repay Mr. Chen’s great kindness.”

"No, I've made it very clear just now, I really don't have the heart to help you, it's just to tease He Yingting, for my own benefit, really, so you don't have to repay me, you four townspeople Under the governance of the Kunlun faction, the development is good, and the money earned every month is quite a lot, and I heard that the annual output of food, cloth, and other things is also a lot. If you manage your own town, you will Your life will be very good, and you don't need to pay money and other items to other sects, isn't it good?" Chen Youliang asked curiously, is there really such a good life in the world where you can live without worry? , What kind of idiot do you have to find a boss to suppress yourself?
Old man Lin shook his head, before he could speak, he saw Han Die who was next to him coming up, approached Chen Youliang, and said, "Youliang, it seems that you don't understand the fact that the sect governs towns. In fact, every sect governs Towns, besides managing towns, the most important task is to protect towns. Now bandits and bandits are rampant. Generally, in towns without sect jurisdiction, villages are often robbed by bandits and bandits. It may be safe and sound. These towns are under the jurisdiction of the Kunlun faction. Now that the Kunlun faction is destroyed, the safety of these towns will be threatened. Once we leave, maybe someday bandits and bandits will come here, and they will always be here. Since then... Yuan soldiers have always wanted to acquire these four towns. In fact, not only here, but also the towns under the jurisdiction of other sects. It makes the imperial court jealous, so it is very likely that this place will also be controlled by the Yuan Dynasty."

Chen Youliang nodded, and said, "So that's the case. I really don't know that there are such things about sects managing towns, but if you say it like this, wouldn't the world of the Yuan Dynasty become a separatist regime?"

Han Die smiled slightly and said, "How come, these places originally belonged to each sect's land, and most of the small towns were later established by various sects and sects, and then some poor people came here to beg for life, All sects and factions will help them develop, and when the people become rich, they will collect land rent and some food and other items from each sect. Of course, there are some sects that are not like this, just like the Kunlun sect. The four towns in the east, west, north, and south have existed for a long time, but it is said that hundreds of years ago, because these towns were really ravaged by bandits and bandits, and the officers and soldiers stationed here did not dare to control them. The founder of the mountain traveled here and saw that the people here were in dire straits, so he helped them eliminate the bandits, and later bought the land here with the officers and soldiers here, and then formed the Kunlun faction and became the guardians of these four towns."

"Damn! Just say that the Kunlun faction came here to receive protection fees, and that's it. We should really let modern people come and learn from them, and see how high-level and quality they charge for protection fees." Chen Youliang secretly said
"This is almost the same as the current situation of annoying ghosts. After getting rid of the evil here, everyone is grateful to him and is willing to include Mingjiao, so that Mingjiao can become the guardian of this place." Shuang Zilian laughed.
Chen Youliang smiled wryly, and said, "Sister Lian'er, don't think about anything, okay? Although the Kunlun faction has such a bastard as He Yingting, He Taichong still manages the place well, except for He Yingting. The Kunlun faction isn't really a disaster, is it?"

Old man Lin shook his head, and said, "Mr. Chen's words are wrong. In fact, this little girl is right. The Kunlun faction is not just He Yingting, a bastard, that we hate. In fact, we have long been unable to bear the oppression of the Kunlun faction." Well, the Kunlun faction has always considered itself the local emperor here for a long time, even the disciples of the Kunlun faction are the same. They run rampant in these four towns. It’s not bad if it’s a harm.”

"No way? If that's the case, why don't you just leave here? Go live in another town?" Chen Youliang asked in surprise

Old man Lin smiled bitterly, and said, "What's the difference between here and other places? Except for the places under the jurisdiction of Shaolin, Wudang, and Emei sects, other places are probably not much better than here, but those in Shaolin The places governed by the sect are already overcrowded, so we can’t go there even if we want to. If we don’t rely on other sects, we can only rely on the government, but now the government of the Yuan Dynasty is doing worse than the Kunlun sect, so we can only rely on it. I can bear it here, besides, our roots are all here, our ancestors have lived for hundreds of years, and we are reluctant to leave."

Chen Youliang gave a wry smile, he never thought that the Kunlun faction was really unpopular, he might have done a good deed, and he was doing harm to the people. It's not impossible, and there is a 42-layer diamond array protection here, maybe you can build a base that is as easy to defend and difficult to attack as Guangmingding, plus the benefits of these four towns, if Mingjiao wants to develop, then It's just around the corner.

"Okay, I promise you, our Ming Church will meet a sub-helm here, who will be in charge of managing your four towns. I will send a letter to the leader and the envoys." Chen Youliang smiled.
"Great!" Old man Lin and the folks behind were relieved when they heard this, and cheered happily. They were really afraid that Chen Youliang would not agree. If they really refused, they might not be accepted by anyone As for the control of Mingjiao, they feel honored to be under the jurisdiction of Mingjiao, a hero like Chen Youliang, and they also believe that under the jurisdiction of Mingjiao, their lives will be countless times better than before.

Chen Youliang looked back at the beauties, smiled wryly and said, "It seems that we won't be able to leave for a while, let's stay here for a few days, and talk about it after Wuji and the others come."

If the beauties had any opinions, they smiled and nodded, and agreed.Chen Youliang turned around and said to old man Lin, "Uncle Lin, how can there be an inn here? We will stay here for a few days."

"What kind of inn do you want to live in? Mr. Chen can live in our house. Our house is big enough for Mr. Chen and a few girls to live in. Mr. Chen, you can stay as long as you want." Old man Lin said quickly
Chen Youliang scratched his head and said with a smile, "How is that so embarrassing? We'd better stay in a hotel."

Seeing that Chen Youliang refused to agree, old man Lin rolled his eyes, and a sly smile flashed in his eyes and said, "How can that be done, Mr. Chen is my son-in-law, and the son-in-law is here, how can I let the son-in-law live in the inn?"

(End of this chapter)

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