Rebirth Yitian: Beiming Magical Art

Chapter 481 Should You Give Me Some Compensation?

Chapter 481 Should You Give Me Some Compensation?

Old man Lin was stunned when he heard it, and the smile in his eyes turned into shock in an instant, while Zhang Meifeng looked puzzled, wondering secretly, "Didn't you come to ask about Uncle Lin's identity? Why did you suddenly ask?" Has he been threatened? Has Uncle Lin ever been threatened? How would he know?"

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be frozen, and there was almost no sound in the room. Zhang Meifeng looked at Chen Youliang suspiciously, old man Lin looked at Chen Youliang in shock, but Chen Youliang looked at old man Lin with a smile, and the three of them just looked at each other.After about a few minutes, old man Lin forced a smile, waved his hands and said with a smile, "Youliang, what are you talking about? Does Yumei know that I am being blackmailed? I am an old man with no power or power. Who can blackmail me?" what?"

Chen Youliang nodded with a smile, leaned on the back of the chair and said with a smile, "Of course, an ordinary old man really has nothing to threaten, but if it is someone with strong martial arts, so strong that some people are afraid People, then maybe, isn’t it, Mr. Lin?”

A trace of panic flashed in the old man Lin's eyes, but he immediately said with a smile, "Youliang, what's wrong with you today? I can't understand a word the old man said."

Chen Youliang turned his head to look at Zhang Meifeng, and said with a smile, "Meifeng, your benefactor is in front of you, shouldn't you thank him?"

Zhang Meifeng nodded knowingly, stood up with a smile, knelt on the ground, and said gratefully to old man Lin, "Senior Wenren, you saved my mother's life back then, and everyone in the Spiritual Beast Sect respected you." Senior Wenren is grateful, but I haven't found any news about Senior Wenren, the little girl didn't expect to meet senior today, and the little girl doesn't know how to repay the kindness of Senior Wenren, please accept the little girl's worship first." Zhang Meifeng After finishing speaking, he had to kowtow to old man Lin.

When old man Lin saw it, he stood up quickly to support Zhang Meifeng, and said hastily, "Girl, what are you doing? When did the old man save your mother? Girl, you have admitted the wrong person. Get up quickly, get up quickly."

Zhang Meifeng smiled slightly and said, "Senior, others may admit their mistakes, but the little girl won't. The portrait of the senior has always been hung in my father's study. The little girl watches it every day. The appearance of the senior has already been imprinted on the little girl." In the head. Although the senior is wearing makeup now, but the little girl is proficient in the disguise technique, she has already seen the appearance of the senior, so she will definitely not be wrong, senior Wenren Xueming."

Old man Lin was taken aback, and there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes, as if he hadn't heard this name for a long time.At this time, Chen Youliang, who had been sitting by the side, smiled and said, "Uncle Lin, we already know your identity. In fact, I have seen that Uncle Lin is not an ordinary person before, and my senior sister has also seen that Uncle Lin once decided to He is a master of hidden weapons. After what Meifeng said today, we know the identity of Uncle Lin. I really didn’t expect that Uncle Lin turned out to be the ghost picker of stars 40 years ago, a master of hidden weapons. It was really disrespectful before. Uncle Lin doesn’t have to Have any precautions against us, we are not from the Gumen, and we don’t have any malice towards you, sir, and coming here is just to ask the truth, there is no other meaning.”

After listening to old man Lin, he slowly closed his eyes and sighed softly. When he opened his eyes, Chen Youliang found that the temperament of old man Lin seemed to have changed suddenly, and the light in his eyes seemed to be really A martial arts senior, but the expression on his face seems to have dimmed a lot, and he feels old.

Old man Lin took Zhang Meifeng's arm, helped her up, gave her a benevolent smile, and asked, "Are your father and mother okay?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Youliang and Zhang Meifeng both laughed and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. This already means that old man Lin has admitted his identity. If he still doesn't admit it now, then Chen Youliang really doesn't know what to say What's the matter, we've already talked about this, if old man Lin still doesn't admit it, it can only prove that his difficulties have continued until now, so Chen Youliang can't force him.

Zhang Meifeng nodded with a busy smile, and said, "En! Thank you for your concern, senior. Both parents are in good health. Parents always miss senior. If dad knows that senior is here, he will definitely come to visit."

Old man Lin waved his hand, and said with a sad smile, "I'm such a bad old man, what else can I visit, as long as your parents are safe." Speaking of this, old man Lin turned his head to look at Chen Youliang, smiled slightly, Said, "Youliang, I really didn't expect that you would bring back the young lady from the Spirit Beast Sect when you go out for a day. I really didn't see that this girl had put on makeup before, but that's right, as the young lady of the Spirit Beast Sect , There should be quite a few people in the secret sect who know her, so it's safer for you to take her with you."

"How does the senior know that the junior wears makeup?" Zhang Meifeng asked unexpectedly

Old man Lin smiled lovingly, patted Zhang Meifeng on the shoulder lightly, and said, "I'm afraid you don't remember, when you were four or five years old, I saw you at the Spirit Beast Gate, although you were very young at that time, But I can tell at a glance that you will definitely be a beauty in the future, how could you be the way you are now?"

As a woman, she likes others to praise her for her beauty, regardless of whether the other party is old or young, Zhang Meifeng became a little embarrassed when old man Lin said this, smiled sweetly, and lowered her head.

"Youliang, it seems that you have joined forces with the Spirit Beast Sect? You already know about the secret sect, right?" Old Man Lin asked
Chen Youliang nodded with a smile, and didn't hide from Old Man Lin, he told all about meeting Baili Piaoling on Kunlun Mountain, getting the invitation card from the Bone Gate, meeting the Spirit Beast Gate, and killing the Snake King and Snake King.

After listening to old man Lin, he nodded with a smile, and said, "So that's the case, in fact, I should have thought of it a long time ago. Your martial arts should have attracted Gumen's attention long ago, but it's just that I haven't touched the secret for so long. The sect has also withdrawn from the rivers and lakes, and can no longer remember these things. But now it seems that the spirit beast sect is about to become stronger. With the corpses of the thousand-year-old snake king and snake emperor, the power of the spirit beasts in the spirit beast sect must increase greatly .”

Chen Youliang smiled slightly and said, "I'm talking about Uncle Lin, don't change the subject, you have lied to me so hard, Uncle Lin, your acting skills are really superb, I didn't even realize that you were a martial arts senior before, In front of He Yingting back then, I just thought you were an ordinary old man who lied to me until now, should you give me some compensation?"

(End of this chapter)

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