Chapter 621 Killing!

Xiaoyaozi laughed, nodded and said, "You are really smart, since you have seen it, then I will tell you, this time is indeed a little different from the last time, and these two martial arts are indeed yours. It is one of the necessary conditions to cultivate to the third level, but this time the difficulty may be slightly higher."

"Could it be? Is it difficult to learn martial arts?" Chen Youliang asked. If this is the problem, then it is not a problem for him at all, unless the absolute character of those two martial arts is useless, but this situation should be very easy. few.

Xiaoyaozi shook his head and said, "It's not that martial arts are difficult to learn. You should have seen all the three martial arts I taught you last time. Is there any difference from the martial arts you know?"

Chen Youliang nodded and said, "Well, it's indeed a bit different. I originally thought that the martial arts you taught me, senior, were ordinary martial arts, but they all have "what" as a prefix, and they are extremely powerful. Basically, if you use them, they will ruin the world." Destroy the land."

"That's right, these three kinds of martial arts were originally ordinary martial arts, but after a long period of practice, I have strengthened the martial arts moves, and these have become extreme. It can be said that I have raised these three kinds of martial arts to the pinnacle of their power. Fully play out, and this is what you will do in the future." Xiaoyaozi said

"What do you mean? Senior, are you planning to teach me ordinary martial arts, and then let me use them to the extreme, creating the ultimate? What?" Chen Youliang asked in surprise

"Well, you are right. If you want to enter the third floor, you must understand the two martial arts to the extreme after fusing two purple crystals, so that the two martial arts are flawless and powerful. When you After improving these two martial arts, as long as you increase your internal strength to a thousand years, you will be qualified to comprehend the third level." Xiaoyaozi said

I rely on!millennium? !This old man thinks that internal energy is easy to absorb, doesn't he?My buddy is only five hundred years old now, so I want to suck it for another 500 years?Where do you suck it?You can't just flatten the bone door, can you?But now Zhu Xing is a big eater by his side, and he has to share all the internal energy with him. Maybe if he doesn't want to reward me, he will suck it all away. Then I will suck it until the year of the monkey?
And what about comprehending martial arts? How did I comprehend it?Although Lao Tzu has absolute character, but understanding this kind of thing seems to have nothing to do with absolute character, right?Isn't that asking me to come by myself?Oh my god!Kill me!
Ever since Chen Youliang came to Yitian, whether it is learning martial arts, learning medical skills, or learning the art of war, or learning strategies, it is closely related to absolute character. It can be said that without absolute character, Chen Youliang is already dead.However, if he were to give up the convenience of absolute character and use his own comprehension ability to comprehend martial arts, then he would really have no confidence at all.

"Could it be that I'm destined not to be able to enter the third floor? Damn! No way! You must try it! I don't believe it!" Chen Youliang gritted his teeth and secretly made up his mind.
"Okay, friendship, let's choose martial arts." Xiaoyaozi said

Chen Youliang thought for a while, then asked, "Senior Xiaoyaozi, have you comprehended all the martial arts of the Xiaoyao School?"

"Not bad, why? You kid want me to help you choose the two that are easiest to comprehend?" Xiaoyaozi said with a smile

"Yes, yes, yes! Senior, you are so smart!" Chen Youliang quickly flattered
Xiaoyaozi laughed loudly and said, "Okay, okay, don't compliment me, you kid, okay, then I will choose two for you." Xiaoyaozi thought for a while, and said, "I think so, I will How about Hanxiu Fuxue and Pingxu Linfeng? These two martial arts are the easiest to comprehend, and it only took me three years to comprehend the mystery of them."

Three years!Chen Youliang took a deep breath. This old guy has no absolute character. With his own talent, it took him three years to cultivate to this level. His grandma's way is simple? !Chen Youliang really wanted to ask how long it would take, but he really didn't have the courage to ask.

Chen Youliang can't force it now. Although this old man is an old monster, he is still pretty good to himself. There should be no need to lie to him. Presumably these two should be the easiest. The Hanxiu Fu acupoint is indeed what Chen Youliang wanted. One of the martial arts to learn, but he really has no interest in relying on Xu Linfeng, he already has Nether Kongwu, which can be regarded as the world's number one lightness skill.But now he can only give up the Nether Kongwu for the time being. Regardless of whether this wind is stronger than the Nether Kongwu, he will only be able to use it in the future. It will be simpler.

"Okay, then these two." Chen Youliang nodded in response
"Then you should leave first, the sky is almost dawn, remember, if you want to come in next time, you can come in as long as you input your internal energy into the Plum Blossom Sacred Realm, but you must ensure that your body is in an absolutely safe place "Xiaoyaozi enjoined
"Understood, goodbye, senior." After speaking, Chen Youliang's figure gradually disappeared in the Plum Blossom Holy Land.

At this time, outside the camp, the sun had slowly risen. Although the sun was not shining, a few ray of sunlight could be seen vaguely.Lying on the bed, Chen Youliang slowly opened his eyes. He had just entered the holy land of plum blossoms, and he was no longer sleepy at all.

Chen Youliang turned over and sat up, and quickly took out the booklet from his arms, only to see that the three previous martial arts disappeared, and only two remained, the first was Hanshou Fu acupoint, and the second was to rely on emptiness to face the wind. , and the name in martial arts, there is no such thing as a prefix.

Chen Youliang shook his head helplessly, sighed and said, "Hey, it seems that the future will be difficult. Forget it, if you come, you will be at ease. Let's see how these two martial arts are. I hope they are very bad. It won't be too difficult for me to change."

Chen Youliang changed his previous attitude this time, instead of turning a page at a glance, he carefully looked at the training methods and moves of these two martial arts.Even though he had already learned what was written on the page the moment he saw it, and even the entire martial arts, he did not miss any details.

However, the more he read it, the more frightened he became, and the more he read it, the more chilled he became. He was full of hope, but when he finished reading the last page, he became disheartened, threw the book to the bed in a bad mood, and cried bitterly "Oh my god! This is not letting my buddy live! It's life-threatening! Isn't his grandma's extreme? This martial arts is simply abnormal and against the sky! Xiaoyaozi, you old guy! Do you have any points?" Human nature! What a waste of time to create such a powerful martial art!"

(End of this chapter)

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